6 tablespoons 9 vinegar. Such a mysterious vinegar

Not everyone knows how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this particular difficult topic.

general information

Before I tell you about how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%, you should tell what this ingredient is in general.

Vinegar is a very popular culinary condiment. Without it, it is impossible to prepare vegetables for the winter, marinate delicious pork kebabs, and also make baked goods using baking soda.

It should be noted that in the preparation of all of the above dishes, the correct observance of the proportions during the dilution of the acid plays an important role. That is why each of you should definitely know how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%. After all, too high a concentration of this seasoning can not only significantly spoil the taste of the lunch you are preparing, but also cause very severe food poisoning.

So, let's figure out together how to properly dilute vinegar at home.

Product types

In order to correctly answer the question of how to dilute 70 vinegar to 9%, you should know that the presented product is divided into two types. In other words, it is synthetic and natural. The last seasoning is obtained as a result of long fermentation of various liquids that contain alcohols. So, there are apple cider, wine, berry vinegar, as well as infused with herbs and leaves of fruit bushes.

When it comes to synthetic vinegar, acid is the main ingredient. Typically, it is obtained through chemical processes. They are very often based on natural gas, wood distillation products, as well as some by-products obtained in industry.

Of course, ideally only natural vinegar should be eaten. But synthetic can be safely used for domestic needs (for example, removing various stains, disinfection, etc.).

Which acid to use for dilution?

The most economical option in cooking is the use of 70%. But before using such a substance for the preparation of certain dishes, it must be diluted to the desired concentration. This is quite easy and simple to do.

Breeding process

So how do you dilute 70 percent vinegar? To do this, you should adhere to strict proportions. If you need to use a small amount of this seasoning, then you can use a regular tablespoon as a measuring container. The volume of this kitchen appliance should be counted as one part.

So, to dilute 70 vinegar to 6%, exactly eleven parts of ordinary water should be added to one large spoonful of the essence. In other words, pouring 10 ml of acid into the bowl, it is required to dilute it with 110 ml of drinking liquid.

The same principle must be followed if a more or less concentrated product is to be obtained. Let's consider how to properly dilute vinegar 70% in more detail.

Observance of proportions to obtain a concentrated product

So, if you need to get a highly concentrated essence, then the essence should be diluted as follows:

  • to obtain 30% table vinegar - 1.5 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 10% table vinegar - 6 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 9% table vinegar - 7 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 8% table vinegar - 8 parts of ordinary drinking water;
  • to obtain 7% table vinegar - 9 parts of ordinary drinking water.

Observance of proportions for obtaining a low-concentration product

If you need to make a low-concentration table vinegar, then the 70% essence must be diluted in the following proportions:

Most Used Vinegar Concentrations in Cooking

Now you know how to dilute vinegar. It can be made 9 percent by adding 7 parts of ordinary drinking water to one part of 70% essence. It should be noted that it is this concentration of the product that is most often used in cooking. With the help of this product, various homemade marinades are made in the form of pickles, tomatoes, as well as lecho and other winter salads. Thanks to this concentration of seasoning, you can store your workpieces for a long time without changing their taste. Also, 9% table vinegar can give your dishes a special piquancy and unique taste.

Among other things, 6% table vinegar is very often used in cooking. As we found out above, it can be obtained by diluting one part of 70% essence with 11 parts of drinking water. Typically, such a seasoning is used to marinate a meat product before it is directly baked or roasted over a fire. It should also be noted that low-concentration vinegar (6 percent) is very often used when baking any homemade flour products. In this case, it is used in small quantities to quench baking soda. This is necessary so that the finished baked goods rise well and, at the same time, do not have a pronounced aroma and taste of the aforementioned ingredient.

I would also like to say that less concentrated table vinegar is also used in cooking. As a rule, they are seasoned with various salads, as well as pickled onions in it.

In addition to preparing various dishes, low-concentration table vinegar (4 and 3%) is sometimes used for treatment. So, some patients rub their body with it during a fever.

By the way, some of the fair sex often use such a product for cosmetic purposes.

What is highly concentrated vinegar used for?

We talked about what seasoning is most often used during the preparation of various dishes. However, it should be noted that often the vinegar essence should be slightly diluted. As a rule, this is done for domestic purposes. For example, you can use this substance to remove rust from objects, remove stains from laundry, clean appliances, and more.

Precautionary measures

When diluting 70% vinegar essence, certain rules must be followed. First, you need to wear rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands from possible burns. Secondly, to carry out this process, it is necessary to use only ceramic or glassware. Moreover, it is undesirable to use these containers in the future for storing food products.

After diluting the vinegar essence, it is recommended to place it only in a glass container, which is tightly sealed with a cork. Pour this aggressive liquid into another container very carefully, without splashing. In this case, one important rule must be observed: vinegar essence must be poured into the water, and not vice versa.

It should also be noted that during the pouring of this liquid, in no case should you strongly lean towards the container with highly concentrated vinegar. This is to avoid inhaling harmful vapors.

How to dilute 70% (70 percent) vinegar in table vinegar, you need to understand before starting to prepare a dish, the recipe of which indicates 9%, 7%, 6% or 5%, 3% concentration of acidity of table vinegar. How to properly dilute vinegar 70%, 80% in order to obtain an aqueous solution of vinegar of the required concentration, how much essence should you take?

Table vinegar 9% can be bought ready-made in the store. But what if the supermarket does not have a bottle of liquid of the required concentration? The answer, it turns out, is simple - you can dilute 70% vinegar or 80% with your own hands. In culinary recipes, it is often recommended to take 6-7% or 9% vinegar. To get table vinegar, how to dilute acetic acid to the required concentration at home?

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Be careful with the vinegar concentrate, be sure to work with gloves to avoid acid burns on the skin. When diluting, pour the essence into cold boiled water using glassware.

How to dilute acetic acid 70 to 1 vinegar: table

From 70 percent vinegar, you can easily and quickly make one percent, three percent, six percent, and any solution of the desired concentration. To make a 1% solution, we need 70% vinegar and water.

  • To obtain one percent table vinegar, add one tablespoon of 70% acetic acid to 69 tablespoons of water and get one percent vinegar.

How to get solutions of various concentrations at home

Concentrated vinegar 70% is easy to dilute with plain water. It is easy and quick to make table vinegar of various strengths yourself at home, but you need to know the proportions of water and the ratio of acetic acid and essence to it.

There is a simple way how to make 9 percent from 70 vinegar. To get 9% vinegar, add two 70% to a faceted glass of water. Agree, with a glass at hand it is easier to dilute and understand how to dilute 70% essence.

It is important to use vinegar diluted in a glass of water for its intended purpose. Following the clear instructions of the recipe, you will be able to protect yourself from the dangerous effects on the human body of undiluted acetic acid. There is a vinegar dilution formula, but with its help the calculations must be done by yourself. For convenience, we suggest using the hint on how much water and essences you need to take:

  • Combining 1 part of acid and 6 parts of water, we get a 10% solution of vinegar.
  • How to dilute 70 vinegar to 9 percent? To obtain the required concentration, use a ratio of 1: 7.
  • For 8% vinegar, mix 1 part vinegar with 8 parts water.
  • For a 7% solution, a 1: 9 ratio is suitable.
  • How to dilute vinegar 70 to 6? To obtain a 6% concentration of vinegar, mix water and acid in a ratio of 11: 1.
  • Vinegar essence and water in a ratio of 1:13 at the outlet produces a 5% vinegar solution.
  • Vinegar with a concentration of 4% is made from 17 parts of water and 1 part of acid.
  • A 3% vinegar solution consists of 22.5 parts of water and 1 part of 70% vinegar essence.

How to dilute 9% vinegar to 6% and 3%

Diluted 9% vinegar is often required to be diluted up to 6% or up to 3%, in other words, the existing 9% solution must be further diluted. When diluted with 9 percent vinegar, you can either make calculations in grams.

  • If you dilute two cups of 9% vinegar with a glass of water, you get 6% table vinegar.

Following such a formula, it is easy to answer the question of how to dilute 9 percent vinegar to 3 percent, how to make vinegar 6 percent out of 9 percent.

To dilute 70% acetic acid in solutions of other percentages, water will be required in certain proportions. How to dilute 70 percent vinegar can be found in a handy table.

Vinegar essence 70% convert to 9% vinegar: table

Before looking for information - convert 70% acetic acid into 9% vinegar - pay attention to the vinegar dilution table with ready-made calculations on how to make 9 percent from 70 vinegar. A table of 70% vinegar concentration and the ratio of one part to parts of water will help you to independently obtain a properly diluted solution:

  • Example: 3% vinegar is made from 1 part vinegar and 22 parts water;
  • 4% – 1:17;
  • 5% – 1:13;
  • 6% – 1:11;
  • 7% – 1:9;
  • 8% – 1:8;
  • 9% – 1:7;
  • 10% – 1:6;
  • 30% – 1:1,5;
  • 40% - we combine with 0.8 part of water.

How to dilute acetic acid 70% to 9% vinegar: table in spoons

An easy table of dilution of acetic acid in spoons will give an equally accurate result. The table shows the proportions for diluting 1 tablespoon of 70 percent vinegar to the number of tablespoons of water

  • An example of obtaining a 3% solution: 1 tbsp. vinegar and 22.5 tablespoons of table water;
  • 4%: 17 tablespoons
  • 5%: 13 spoons of water;
  • 6%: 11;
  • 7%: 9;
  • 8%: 8;
  • 9%: 7;
  • 10%: 6;
  • 20%: 2.5 tablespoons of water;
  • 30%: 1.5 spoons.

How to properly dilute vinegar essence 80 to 9 vinegar

The essence is diluted with cold water, determining how much liquid is required in the recipe. For this, it is taken:

  • 1 part 80% essence and 8 parts water

How to make 25 percent vinegar

Few housewives know how to get 25% vinegar. On the farm, in everyday life, it is often the 25 percent concentration that is used. In order to make vinegar 25% from vinegar essence, you need to dilute the essence with water in the proportion:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 1.7 parts water;
  • 1 part 70% essence and 1.3 parts water.

How to dilute acetic acid 70 to 9: 100 gram table

To get a 9% vinegar solution, you should determine the amount of water in grams (or ml) according to the following formula: 100 grams of vinegar must be multiplied by 70% and divided by 9. It turns out the number 778, you need to subtract 100 from it, based on the initial volume of vinegar - 100g.

As a result of mathematical calculations, 668 grams of water is obtained. In order to get 9% table vinegar, you need to mix 100 grams of vinegar and the amount of water obtained according to the formula.


When is it necessary to dilute vinegar

Acetic acid at home is often used in cooking, as a traditional medicine. In a diluted form, it is used externally for the treatment of joints, heel spurs, and elevated body temperature is brought down with vinegar compresses. For cosmetic purposes, a solution of low concentration is used to rinse the hair. They rub the skin of the face and body with vinegar solution, drink apple cider vinegar to lose weight.

Diluted vinegar is included in mixtures against pests and houseplants. The vinegar solution has an effective effect on, gardeners use it to prevent phytophthora, from aphids, to treat ovaries from pests.

If you dilute the vinegar correctly, its solution is suitable for any purpose. Vinegar inherently has a wide range of uses, it is used for various purposes. The sour-tasting solution serves as an irreplaceable seasoning for.

Diluted and undiluted 70% vinegar is added as a preservative for harvesting homemade, pickling, forest and vegetables. As the main ingredient, vinegar can be found in almost all recipes for cabbage, meat with onions, and preparation for sushi.

Use of diluted solutions 3%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 9%, 10% and 25%

Concentrated vinegar essence can be easily and quickly diluted into ordinary table vinegar with plain water. Acetic acid solutions of various concentrations are used for domestic purposes, their area of ​​application:

  • A 3% concentration of the solution is prepared for rubdowns from increased body temperature in children. Used in cosmetic procedures, in cooking for vegetable dressing.
  • 5% as a seasoning, classic. In addition to second courses, it is used in salad dressings with fresh vegetables: in vinaigrette dressing.
  • 6% is added to the dough for splendor and soft baked goods. Prepared for chicken, marinated, softened hard beef fibers. For medicinal purposes, for compresses to quickly bring down the temperature in an adult.
  • 7% pickle onions, turnips, slices and heads.
  • A 9% aqueous solution of acetic acid in the form of a food additive E 260 is poured into canned food before rolling with winter preparations: canned, winter, homemade pepper,. Winter seasoning for borscht, seasoning for long-term storage is usually made with 9% vinegar for the preservation of canned food in winter.
  • 10% - quick descaling in the kettle, elimination of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Disinfection and cleaning of plumbing and kitchen appliances.
  • 25 and 30 percent acetic acid removes rust and breaks down grease. It is used by gardeners and gardeners from weeds.

How to replace vinegar essence with 70% vinegar

70% vinegar is usually used for canning. Vinegar essence 70% can be replaced with low concentration vinegar

  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence = 2.3 parts 30% acetic acid solution;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence = 2.8 parts 25% acetic acid solution;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence = 7 parts 10% acetic acid solution;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence = 8 parts 9% table vinegar;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence = 12 parts 6% table vinegar;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence is equivalent to 14 parts 5% table vinegar;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 23 parts 3% vinegar.

Replacement is made taking into account the amount of water in the recipe. For example, if water is indicated in the ingredients of a canning recipe, its volume should be reduced by the amount of diluted vinegar added.

Knowing how to easily and quickly dilute 70% vinegar essence in order to get a percentage of 3%, 5%, 6% or 9% vinegar at the output will save the family budget and, in the absence of a solution of the required concentration at home, will help you independently calculate how much water you need. for diluting acetic acid.

9 vinegar from 70 essences to dilute as is a frequently asked question of our readers. We hope that we have made it easier for the housewives, and now you know how to dilute vinegar, how to dilute acetic acid to table vinegar, and diluting a water-based solution at home will be easy and quick.

Precautionary measures

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the precautions when working with vinegar. Be careful when diluting the liquid, if the concentrate comes into contact with the skin, the damaged areas must be quickly rinsed with plenty of cool water. Remember! The liquid itself and the vapors of vinegar are toxic, inhaling them can easily burn the upper respiratory tract.

In acceptable concentrations, acetic acid is considered safe for human health, it can be eaten as a seasoning, used as a preservative for. Store diluted vinegar in a glass bottle out of the reach of children.

Bon Appetit!

Vinegar essence is widely used in cooking as a condiment. Product concentration is 70%, but many recipes require 9% vinegar.

Not necessary buy vinegar of different saturation for home use, when you can make 9 percent vinegar from 70% of the essence yourself.

It is not difficult to obtain the composition of the required concentration if you know the calculation procedure.

Calculation formula

The essence is a strong solution of volatile substances. To obtain the concentration necessary for any purpose, you need to dilute the starting substance with water.

There are proportions for each case. One of the calculation options is based on the required amount of funds.

In this case, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Translate required volume of product in grams. It should be borne in mind that 70% acid contains 70% pure vinegar in 100 grams.

    Accordingly, in 100 grams of 9% of the composition, there should be 9 g of pure substance.

  2. To calculate it is necessary to multiply the required concentration of the solution (Kp.) with the final mass (Mit.) and divide the result by the concentration of the original product (Ki.p.).

If take the required amount of essence for x, then the following formula is obtained x = (Kr.xMit.) / (Ki.p.)

If we consider the calculations on a specific example, then to obtain 100 grams of 9% of the product from 70% of the composition, the formula will look like this: x = 9x100 / 70 = 12.86 grams.

This option is convenient if you have a kitchen scale. The result shows that to obtain 100 grams of 9% of the product, you need to take 12.86 grams of 70% concentrate and bring this volume to 100 grams.

There is another option for calculating how to prepare the composition of the desired saturation (x):

To do this, it is enough to know the required concentration of the solution (Cr-ra) and the concentration of the acid (Kk-you). The calculation formula is as follows: x = (Kk-you) / (Cr-ra).

In numbers, the calculation looks like this: x = 70/9 = 8. This figure means the number of parts, one of which is concentrate. To obtain 9% of the composition, 1 part of 70% essence and 7 parts of water are needed (1 + 7 = 8).

Sometimes a different algorithm may be needed:

If you need to know the amount of water (Kw) required to dilute a specific volume of acid (Kk-you) to the agent of the desired concentration (Cr-ra), then use the following formula: Kw = x = (Kk-tykh70%) / (Cr-ra ).

To dilute 5 ml of 70% concentrate (teaspoon) for 9% of the product, you need 5x70 / 9 = 39 ml.

You can check the correctness of the calculations using the previous formula with the definition of parts. For a teaspoon of concentrate in 5 ml, 7 tablespoons of water (7x5 = 40) are needed.

If necessary, you can replace the 9% acid with a product of lower saturation. The calculations for such a replacement are extremely simple.

It is necessary to divide the required percentage of saturation by the available one and use the result obtained for the calculation.

If the recipe requires a teaspoon of 9% of the product, and there is only 6% concentrate in the kitchen, then you need to take it one and a half times more (9: 6 = 1.5).

Accordingly, with 3% product available, the dosage should be increased threefold (9: 3 = 3). Reduce the amount of water in the recipe.

If, instead of a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, you had to take 3 tablespoons of 3% of the composition, then you need to take 2 tablespoons less water (2-1 = 1).

Note! Regardless of the chosen calculation formula, you must remember the safety rules.

You need to use glassware, preventing acid from getting on the mucous membrane.

Measuring table with description

Vinegar of various strengths is widely used in cooking. With its help, they prepare all kinds of marinades, preserve preparations for the winter, use them to quench soda, make dressings for salads and snacks.

To enjoy the formula is not always convenient. It is necessary to make calculations, and in the case of fractions, it is problematic to calculate everything in your head.

In this case, the following measuring table will help:

Such a table it is convenient if you have kitchen scales or measuring containers with small divisions at home. Calculations are made exactly according to the formula, but the numbers can be slightly rounded.

If there are no kitchen scales or measuring containers, you can use other data.

These figures are rounded, but it does not really matter:

  1. For getting 100 grams of 9% vinegar product requires 2.5 teaspoons of 70% composition. The rest of the volume must be filled with water.
  2. Incomplete a faceted glass (200 g) of the solution is obtained from 5 teaspoons or 2.5 dessert spoons of the concentrate.
  3. Full a faceted glass (250 g) is prepared from 6.5 teaspoons, 3 dessert or 2 tablespoons of acid.
  4. Half liter a jar of solution can be obtained by taking 13 teaspoons, 6.5 dessert or 4.5 tablespoons of the essence.
  5. Liter 9% of the composition is prepared from 25.5 teaspoons, 13 dessert or 8.5 tablespoons of the concentrate. You can also take it in the amount of 2.5 glasses or half a faceted glass.

All kinds of recipes require the use of a solution of acetic acid of different saturation, and for domestic needs 70% essence can be used in its pure form.

Like all ingenious things, vinegar was obtained quite by accident: many centuries ago, a careless hostess forgot about a jug of wine ... When she remembered about it, wine had already received a second birth, having turned into vinegar.

Acetic acid is the result of the activity of bacteria that process sugar from fruit and berry juices, activating the fermentation process. By pure chance, mankind became the owner of a wonderful seasoning, aromatic and piquant, like the sunny countries in which the vine grows - the progenitor of vinegar.

Numerous supermarkets offer customers several types of acetic acid.

Origin Raw material composition of the product Fortress Application area
Natural Apple, wine, malt, rice 6%-9% Cooking of the peoples of the world; home cosmetology
Natural infused with spice combinations Garlic, balsamic, tarragon 6%- 9% Add to sauces and salads for a spicy, distinctive flavor
Synthetic Wood processing products, natural gas 6% — 10% Seasoning component: mustard, ketchup; adding to baked goods
Vinegar essence Chemical industry products 70-90% It is not used in this concentration, it is intended for dilution in the required proportions.

Home Saving - Which Vinegar to Choose?

When choosing a salad dressing, the issue is solved automatically - of course, only natural! But when using the product for domestic purposes, there is no point in using expensive aromatic acid to cleanse the oven or hood from fat. For this, there is an economical vinegar essence, which is diluted with water in the desired concentration. For rinsing hair in home cosmetology, it is quite possible to use 70% vinegar, diluted to 6%. Any housewife in the house always has expensive natural vinegar for cooking, and budget vinegar essence for other needs. In household chores, it is very often required 6% vinegar you can always make from an inexpensive concentrate available in the house.

Where is 6% vinegar used?

This concentration is most often used for homemade preparations for the winter. This is the optimal acidity for the preservation of hermetically sealed pickles, salads, mushrooms and soup dressings. To pay off baking soda when making homemade baked goods, both in the oven and in a bread maker, it is also better to use 6 percent vinegar, which can be made from 9 percent vinegar, Can i dilute 70% to 6%- depending on what is in the house.

How to get a 6% solution?

The ideal proportion can be obtained in two ways, based on the availability of food in the house. The process is simple, but it requires attention and care.

To vinegar 9% convert to 6%, vinegar is taken as a basis, which is diluted with water. To obtain 6% vinegar from 70% essence, water is taken as a basis, to which 1 part of the essence is added. These parameters should not be confused so as not to get unwanted results.

Acetic acid can only be diluted with boiled water at room temperature, since too cold or hot water can provoke a chemical reaction.

Precautionary measures

For getting 6% vinegar from 70% you need to take care of your own safety and the safety of your loved ones. The vinegar essence should be stored:

  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • only in original packaging with appropriate warnings;

When diluting essences to make from 70% 6% vinegar:

  • use of gloves is mandatory;
  • inhalation of concentrated acetic vapors is inadmissible;
  • the order of infusion is only the essence into the water, but not vice versa!

Using different solutions

A cure for many diseases, a unique seasoning, a miracle helper in the kitchen - it's all he, vinegar! It is used in many different concentrations, each of which in a new way opens up the endless possibilities of an irreplaceable remedy that has come to us from time immemorial, thanks to a careless mistress. For our readers, the table of dilution of vinegar essence, depending on its use, will not be superfluous.

The magical rebirth of wine in various concentrations will bring purity to your home, a delicious lunch to your loved ones, and beauty and health to the mistress of the house!

Acetic acid is widely used in industry. Aqueous solution of acetic acid in the form of food additive E260 is used as a preservative. Moreover, unlike many other preservatives used, acetic acid in reasonable concentrations is considered safe for health. That is why it is common in home cooking and canning. Housewives often have to dilute acetic acid solutions to the desired concentration. How do you do it right?

Concentrated acetic acid (concentration about 100%) is called glacial and is not used in everyday life. Moreover, acetic acid with a concentration of more than 80% is included in the list of precursors, the circulation of which in the Russian Federation is limited. Attempts to acquire and use such acid can lead to serious legal problems.

Less concentrated solutions are sold freely. In stores you can buy vinegar essence (aqueous solution with a concentration of 70-80%), acetic acid solution (25-30%), table vinegar with a concentration of 3-9%. Such a variety often leads to the fact that a certain amount of acetic acid of one type is indicated in recipes, and a completely different one is available. But it doesn't matter, everything can be easily calculated and replaced.

Less concentrated vinegar from more concentrated vinegar (for example, 9% vinegar from 70% essence) can be obtained by diluting it with water. Water should be used cool and clean, preferably filtered or distilled. More concentrated vinegar cannot be obtained from less concentrated vinegar. However, in some cases (for example, the recipe indicates 70 percent essence, but there is only 9 percent table vinegar), you can simply take more of a weak solution. All calculations can be carried out using an interactive calculator of dilution schemes for aqueous solutions. It's very easy to use.

In most cases, breeding is carried out according to the standard schemes, which are given below. The article uses "culinary" breeding schemes, expressed in parts. You can measure the parts with teaspoons or tablespoons. It is also convenient to use a large 10 or 20 gram medical syringe.

How to get table vinegar 3%

3% vinegar is most commonly used in salad dressings. To obtain it, you must dilute:

  • 1 part 80% vinegar essence 25.7 parts water
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence in 22.3 parts water
  • 1 part 30% acetic acid solution to 9 parts water
  • 1 part 9% table vinegar for 2 parts of water

How to get table vinegar 5%

5% vinegar is used for dressing salads, making sauces. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 15 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence in 13 parts water
  • 1 part 30% acetic acid solution for 5 parts water
  • 1 part 9% table vinegar to 0.8 parts water

How to get table vinegar 6%

6% vinegar is most commonly used for marinating meat. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 12.3 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence in 10.7 parts water
  • 1 part 30% acetic acid solution 4 parts water
  • 1 part 9% table vinegar to 0.5 parts water

How to get table vinegar 9%

9% vinegar is used in canning. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 7.9 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence and 6.8 parts water
  • 1 part 30% acetic acid solution for 2.3 parts water

Vinegar 9% can be replaced with less concentrated:

  • 1 part 9% vinegar can be replaced with 1.5 parts 6% vinegar
  • 1 part 9% vinegar can be replaced with 3 parts 3% vinegar

How to get vinegar 10%

10% vinegar is used in canning. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 7 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence and 6 parts water
  • 1 part 30% acetic acid solution for 2 parts water

Vinegar 10% can be replaced with less concentrated:

  • 1 part 10% vinegar can be replaced with 1.1 parts 9% vinegar
  • 1 part 10% vinegar can be replaced with 1.7 parts 6% vinegar
  • 1 part 10% vinegar can be replaced with 3.3 parts 3% vinegar.

How to get 25% from xus

25% vinegar is used for household purposes. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 2.2 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence in 1.8 parts water

How to get vinegar 30%

30% vinegar is used for household purposes. To obtain it, you need to dilute:

  • 1 part 80% essence in 1.7 parts water
  • 1 part 70% essence and 1.3 parts water

How to replace 70% vinegar essence

70% vinegar is used for canning. Vinegar essence 70% can be replaced with less concentrated vinegar:

  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 2.3 parts 30% acetic acid solution
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced by 2.8 parts 25% acetic acid solution
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 7 parts of 10% acetic acid solution
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 7.8 parts 9% table vinegar
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 11.7 parts of 6% table vinegar
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 14 parts of 5% table vinegar
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence can be replaced with 23.3 parts of 3% table vinegar

If water is used in the recipe, the amount must be reduced by the amount of diluted vinegar added.

Be careful when working with concentrated acetic acid solutions (over 15%). Even acid fumes can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Wear personal protective equipment and work in a ventilated area. If acid gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with water. If acid gets in your eyes, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

A bottle of vinegar is present in the kitchen of any housewife. But here's the problem: vinegar of different concentrations is used for different purposes. What vinegar is better to buy and how to dilute vinegar essence to the percentage you need, we will consider below.

What is vinegar essence

First, let's clarify what vinegar essence is. It is a 70% aqueous solution of acetic acid. This solution contains 7 parts of acid and 3 parts of water. Sometimes you can find on sale 80% and 30% essence. Accordingly, in the first, the ratio of acid to water will be 8: 2, and in the second - 3: 7. Such concentrated solutions are dangerous, when ingested they cause burns to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. In industrial production, it is called the food additive E260, and housewives use it in the kitchen and for household purposes in the form of diluted table vinegar. Table vinegar is also sold in stores and ranges from 3% to 9%. In addition, on the shelves you can find vinegar obtained from natural raw materials: apple, wine, malt, balsamic, sherry and even coconut. Such a product is used for the preparation of culinary dishes.

And yet, for everyday needs, the essence is most in demand. After all, one teaspoon can make a whole glass of table vinegar. Before we learn how to dilute 70% vinegar essence, let's focus on the quality of the original product.

How to buy good quality vinegar

Quality essence is sold only in glass bottles. There should be three convex rings on the neck of the bottle - to warn visually impaired people that the product is dangerous to ingest. There are also four horizontal stripes on the bottle, between the lower two there is a manufacturer's stamp on the inner surface of the glass. The vinegar concentration is indicated on the label - 70%. When shaken, the content foams, then within two to three seconds it becomes the same. If there is a counterfeit in the bottle, the foam will last longer than ten seconds. Do not buy fakes, they are harmful to your health and, at best, spoil your prepared meals and preservation.

Usually the label contains very brief instructions on how to dilute the vinegar essence. Manufacturers write that you need to dilute the original product with water one in twenty. To obtain a solution of different concentration, the amount of starting ingredients will be different. You can use a mathematical formula.

Mathematical calculation

For those who are friends with mathematics, the easiest way to dilute the essence to the required concentration is by the formula:

  • The amount of essence required to obtain table vinegar = the desired concentration of the solution * the volume of the finished solution we need / concentration of the essence.

for instance: how to dilute vinegar essence to obtain 200 ml of 9% table vinegar.

9% * 200 ml / 70% = 25.7 ml of essence, bring to 200 ml with water.

In another version, you can go from the opposite.

  • Amount of water required for dilution = amount of essence * essence concentration / desired solution concentration.

for instance: it is necessary to dilute 15 ml of 70% vinegar essence to 6% table vinegar.

This requires the following amount of water: 15 ml * 70% / 6% = 175 ml of water.

To measure volume, you can use a measuring cup or be guided by the following numbers:

1 teaspoon = 5 ml, 1 dessert spoon = 10 ml, 1 tablespoon = 15-20 ml (depending on its depth). Classic faceted glass: full = 250 ml, rim = 200 ml, vodka shot = 50 ml.

For those who are reluctant to bother with calculations, we suggest using the standard coefficients.

How to get nine percent vinegar

Table vinegar of this concentration is used in food preservation. How to dilute vinegar essence to obtain a solution with a concentration of 9%? It is necessary to dilute the essence with 70% water in the ratio: 1 part of the concentrate and 7 parts of water. That is, 75 ml of essence (one and a half shots) must be added to 0.5 liters of water.

A solution of vinegar is recommended to be used in the form of rubdown for diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. How to dilute vinegar essence at a temperature? One liter of water is poured into an enameled dish and 2 tbsp is added to it. l. 9% table vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

How to get 6% vinegar

6% table vinegar is added to meat marinades. How to dilute vinegar essence: for 1 part of the concentrate 10.5 parts of water. To obtain 0.5 liters of solution, take 45 ml of essence (three tablespoons).

How to get 3% vinegar

Table vinegar with a concentration of 3% is used for dressing ready-made dishes: salads, dumplings, pickled mushrooms, onions, sauces, etc.

How to properly dilute vinegar essence and get a three percent solution: 22 parts of water are taken for one part of the essence. To prepare 0.5 liters of table vinegar, you need 20 ml of vinegar essence 70%.

Dilute the essence in a glass or enamel bowl. First, the required amount of clean drinking water is measured into it. The water should be cool. Then add the calculated amount of vinegar essence. Avoid contact of the concentrate on the skin and especially on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. But if, nevertheless, such a nuisance occurs, rinse the place of contact under a stream of cool running water. Store vinegar essence out of the reach of children. Remember, this is acid and can be harmful to your health if handled incorrectly.

Good day, dear readers! Today I am writing a short note on the topic: how to properly dilute 70 percent vinegar to make 9 percent. I have had vinegar essence of 70% for a long time, so today I decided to turn it into ordinary table vinegar 9%.

Now is the time for homemade preparations, many housewives actively use vinegar for conservation, and at this moment they may also have a question: how to make vinegar of the desired strength from the essence. In addition to cooking, vinegar is also used as a disinfectant; it is even treated with it (folk medicine).

Vinegar can be natural or synthetic. Naturally, natural vinegar is more expensive. But you can make it yourself from fruits (like apples or grapes). Natural vinegar will contain alcohol. Some housewives sometimes get vinegar instead of wine when the fermentation technology is violated.

Synthetic vinegar is chemically made from acetic acid. This is a cheap option for home cooking. It is used for pickling food, preserving it, adding it to salads, sauces and many other dishes.

Making 9 percent vinegar from 70 percent vinegar is very simple: you need to take 1 part 70% vinegar and 7 parts water. Stir vinegar with water - 9% vinegar is ready. For example, for 3 tablespoons of vinegar, you need to take 21 tablespoons of water.

Just be careful not to get the acetic acid on your skin. And you can even wear a gauze bandage, because the essence of the essence is pungent.

How to make vinegar from vinegar essence 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 9%, etc.

Calculation for 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar 70%
what% of vinegar do we get how much water to add to the essence
3% vinegar 22.5 st. l. water
4% vinegar 17 Art. l. water
5% vinegar 13 Art. l. water
6% vinegar 11 Art. l. water
7% vinegar 9 tbsp. l. water
8% vinegar 8 tbsp. l. water
9% vinegar 7 tbsp. l. water
10% vinegar 6 tbsp. l. water
30% vinegar 1.5 tbsp. l. water

People have been using vinegar for a long time, using it, in the overwhelming majority, when preparing food. This spice is colorless, but, in some cases, it is slightly colored. The recipes of the cuisine of different countries are quite peculiar, but not a single cook, not a single housewife can do without vinegar. The food industry produces vinegar of various concentrations, but if one dish requires a concentrated 70%, then for others only 9%, or even a lower concentration. Vinegar is made from ethyl alcohol, and not a single conservation, not a single marinade can do without it.

How to dilute vinegar 70% to 9%

Since 70% vinegar, or rather essence, and this is the most convenient form of its release and home storage, consists of acetic acid and water, then you need to bring the solution to 9% with ordinary boiled water. Since the essence is produced in a glass container, then it must also be diluted in a glass container, since a strong essence can corrode plastic. First, water is poured into the container, and then the essence is added. In order for such an operation to take as little time as possible, in order to dilute 70% vinegar to 9%, it is necessary to dissolve one spoonful of vinegar in 7 parts of water.

How to dilute 70% vinegar to the required concentration

There are verified proportions in order to obtain vinegar of the required concentration from the essence, because it is used not only in food, but for many other purposes. There is a table in which the proportions are tied to the capacity of an ordinary tablespoon. So, to obtain the desired concentration, you need to add to one tablespoon of 70% vinegar:

  • 22.5 st. spoons - you get 3% vinegar;
  • 17 Art. spoons - 4% vinegar;
  • 13 Art. spoons - 5%;
  • 11 Art. spoons - 6%;
  • 9 tbsp. spoons - 7%;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons - 8%;
  • 7 tbsp. spoons - 9%;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons - 10%;
  • 1.5 hundred. spoons - 30%.

There is another option, how to dilute 70% vinegar to 9%. It has been experimentally established that an ordinary faceted glass contains 17 tablespoons of water. Therefore, to obtain a 9% solution, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of 70% vinegar into one faceted glass.

How to dilute 9% vinegar to 6%

There are situations when the house has table vinegar of 9% concentration, and the recipe requires only 6%. Mathematical calculation formulas are not required here. You just need to add one part of water to two parts of 9% vinegar. The result is 6% vinegar.

Using vinegar of different concentrations

Quite often, diluted vinegar is also used in home medicine. Vinegar compresses bring down the temperature well. To use this folk remedy, vinegar of 6% concentration is needed.

The end of summer and early autumn for all hostesses is a troublesome time. This is the time to prepare for the winter - salting, canning, boiling. In general, my mouth is full of worries. And it often happens when, in the middle of the canning process, it suddenly turns out that there is not a drop of vinegar in the house. It doesn't matter, in this case there is a more thrifty neighbor who will always come to the rescue. Only bad luck - a neighbor had 70 percent vinegar essence, but it will not be suitable for conservation. There is only one way out - to dilute. Today we will tell you how to dilute acetic acid 70 to 9 percent and not disrupt stockpiling.

Product types

The simplest answer to the question: "Where does the vinegar come from?" - "From the store". But let's expand our horizons a little today. Each of us can recall a case when an open bottle of wine or beer, left unfinished, turned sour after a while. In the process of souring or fermentation, acetic acid is formed.

Only natural food vinegar is obtained by fermentation. To do this, fermented alcohol-containing liquids are distilled and a concentrated vinegar essence is obtained, which subsequently ends up on store shelves.

We will tell you later how to dilute vinegar essence to 9% vinegar, and now a little about the types of this product. Today, several types of food vinegar are used for culinary purposes:

  • Alcohol is a natural product with no aftertaste. It is obtained from an aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol.
  • Rice is a product based on fermented rice or rice wine. It is irreplaceable as a fragrant condiment.
  • Balsamic is a natural product with a sweetish odor, dark color with a thick consistency.
  • Fruit is an excellent seasoning for vegetable salads and dumplings. Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity as a medicinal product.
  • Flavored - a product obtained on the basis of alcoholic vinegar by adding spicy and aromatic herbs.
  • Malt - made on the basis of barley malt. Accentuates the taste of ready-made dishes and gives them astringency.
  • Sherry - made on the basis of wine must from Muscatel or Palomino grape varieties.
  • Synthetic - it is extracted from sawdust or in the production of mineral fertilizers from natural gas. Has a pronounced chemical taste and smell. Differs in low-cost production. On store shelves it comes with the inscription "Canteen". The main difference from natural vinegar is the high content of toxic and carcinogenic substances, but it captivates with its cheapness.

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