Deed teaches Deed torments Deed nourishes meaning. Chapter XIII It is shown that Scripture teaches only the simplest things and, besides obedience, does not pursue any other goal and, with respect to the divine nature, it teaches only what people can imitate known patterns.


torment (also aggravate) someone with what: torture, torment, harass, cause bodily or spiritual suffering; disturb, disturb for a long time;

to beg, persuade relentlessly. He tortures me to the wrong side, vyat. perm. pulls, beckons. Why are you torturing a horse! His conscience is tormented. Troubles torment, teach the mind. Business teaches and torments and feeds. What torments, teaches (teaches for the front). The rich teach money, and the poor torment the books. -sia, torture yourself, or

to be tormented;

beat, pound with whom, over what; to suffer. He is tormented by chains, himself. Do not be tormented by a riddle. I am tormented by insomnia, I am languishing. To live with the mind is to suffer, to live without the mind is to amuse. To live, to suffer like that, but I don’t want to die. Better torment than torment. I rescued him, and he tortured me, about bail. Torture me soon. Tortured to death. I was completely exhausted. I'm worn out dear. They tortured me a little. He tortured everyone. I suffered all night. Sucked in sweat. Torment Wed lasts. action by verb.

Torment Wed flour sometimes the same action, torment, but in general any strong and prolonged bodily or spiritual suffering or pain, languor, torture. This is not a teaching, but a torment. To some grief - torment, to another (stupid) - learning. They beat not for the sake of torment, but for the sake of learning (salvation). A woman in torment, in agony, in childbirth. Science is not torture. The whip is not flour, forward science. A thief deserves torment (torture). Thief and flour. Flour serves a thief right, a whip to a robber. Not for flour, for science. The whip does not torment, teaches good. There is no science without flour. Go to science, endure torment. The fool is tormented, but the clever one is honored, dialect. about money. Not to heaven, not to flour, not to the middle hand! For this deed I will take flour, deed is right. Do not accept torment, do not be in the saints. I'll go to the flour, under God's hand! There will be torment in the next world, the answer to the complaint about the torment of life. Martyr m. -Nitsa who is in torment, who is tortured, a sufferer.

The Church refers to those who suffered to death for Christ. -nikov, -nitsyn, belonging to them, related to them. Martyr m. Church. a verse in honor of the holy martyrs. Martyr, martyr, martyr, peculiar, belonging to them. Martyrdom. Martyrdom. He died as a martyr. Martyr's body. Martyrdom cf. the state of a martyr. A tormentor, a woman who torments whom, is the culprit of torment. Painful, tormenting, weary, unbearable. Painfulness w. property and condition of the painful. Tormenting, peculiar to the tormentor, torment, torment. He is tortured to death. Torment cf. torment, like the action of a tormentor.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


I torment, torment, and (colloquial) tea, tea, nesov., someone that.

    Torment someone, hurt someone physical pain. Don't hit, don't torture the dog. ? Inflict on someone. suffering, mental, moral torment. Torment your wife with jealousy. Torment with suspicion. Torment children with severity. Why are you torturing me like that? Dostoevsky. Why does (the poet) excite and torment hearts like a wayward sorcerer? Pushkin.

    Constant harassment, bother, disturb (colloquial). Don't torture me, I pray. Pushkin.

    Be the source, cause of someone else's. torment, suffering. Thirst torments. Tormented by uncertainty, question, thought, consciousness, conscience. The cough hurts at night. (Occasionally there is a spelling to torment, torment. But people ... did not stop deceiving and torturing each other. L. Tolstoy. If you need to force and torture, then I don’t want to. F. Sologub. This tormented him with jealousy. L. Tolstoy.)

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Chu, -chish and -chau, -you; tormenting and tormenting; tormented; not sov., whom (what). Inflict on someone. torment, suffering. M. suspicions.

owls. torture, -chu, -chish and -chu, -you; -chenny and torment, -chu, -chish and -thaya, -you; -chenny.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


nonsov. crossover

    1. Cause smb. physical pain, torture smb.

      Cause smb. suffering, moral torment.

  1. Be the cause of torment, suffering.

    transfer Worry, disturb.

Examples of the use of the word torture in literature.

Pomerantz: What tormented Dostoevsky, later received the scientific name: the ambivalence of the psyche, biological aggressiveness.

Ryazanov tormented students, proving to them with facts that the Jacobin terror was justified by a real struggle to fully achieve the goals of the antifeudal revolution.

Salima at the copier tormented One question: why did the chief call the father-in-law of Captain Kudratov, a high-ranking party apparatchik, a jack, and even a jack of spades, is he still secretly playing cards?

Maybe Eltdon would even turn back or simply collapse into the grass - from here he could still be seen, Ascanius would have rushed and carried him away from the danger zone, and then completely - to the camp, and it would not have been necessary torment myself, wading through the thorny branches of my own pain, but.

The Duchess tried only to get out of the predicament, and as a result, she forever won the sympathy of Princess Clara-Paolina, who gradually freed herself from shyness and embarrassment, tormented her at the beginning of the reception, felt so good and free that, against all the rules of etiquette, this first audience lasted more than an hour.

If you want to argue with me on this topic, then I will invite you to admit that you torments many pathological reflexes, for example, the Babinsky reflex, because your body can produce it in the event of a disorder of the nervous system.

Sage, thyme, marjoram, wild star anise and myrtle grew around Fido's mossy bed, and when the sun rose over a cliff overgrown with dense bushes, they completely drowned out tormented his nightmares.

Around they started talking, arguing, recollecting the lies and the thieves' deeds of the governors, clerks, initial people, the cellarer's father, Osip Bazhenin, foreigners, James, Snivin, everyone who tormented and dishonored the innocent White Sea, Dvina laborers, fishermen, wild beasts, black-haired workers.

But the Adams were implacable - the whole journey had to be done in two months, and not one day more, - Yes, yes, sir, - said Mr. Adams, beaming, - we must not torment our baby is more than sixty days old.

Apparently Bedokur was telling the truth, for he was enjoying himself, tormenting me, and knew that truth is the most powerful weapon.

From time to time he tried to reflect on the problems he still had. tortured: the approaching fleet, the date of the shutdown of Jane, the descolada who tirelessly tried to kill all the people on the Lusitania.

Who is timeless torturing And he teaches hissing instead of the autumn whistle That childish cases It is unlikely that he put a sparkling one on a string That did not climb for an apple as if For a word in his pocket Under a cypress foil on a mountain He did not swallow the waves that came running And was he himself - It is not given to see in the edge-eyed bent time.

One of them, a pancake maker who was selling his goods from a stall, complaining about some abbot, yelled at the top of his lungs: - And the abbot beat me and tormented two days without stopping.

Vasily Vasilich sits heavily on a bench, his torments chest pain, but such a thing cannot be solved without a thousand.

And, for example, the fratricidal struggle in the temple during the siege of Jerusalem, although it took place more than thirty years after the crucifixion of Jesus, retrospectively sheds light on his time, for it represented the logical finale of the same drama, the culminating manifestation of the disease, for a long time tormented Jewish people.

There is a Russian proverb: "Business teaches, and torments, and feeds." The fact that in any work there is always, to one degree or another, a side or shade of difficulty, heaviness, and sometimes even anguish, says the fact that the words "work", "difficulty" and "difficult" are the same roots in the Russian language. An even greater closeness between the concepts of labor and suffering, torment took place in the ancient Greek language. The ancient Greek word ὁ πόνος (ponos) can mean labor, work, care, suffering, anguish, torment, pain, sorrow, and even illness. Another word of the same root is the verb πένομαι (penomai), which means to work, to bother, to be poor, to be in need. The same root of the adjective πένης (pens) is poor, needy. It can be argued that the very spirit of the language (ancient Greek, Russian, some other languages) meets here the conditions under which life on Earth is given to man. There is such a philosophical concept - condition humaine, which came from French philosophy. It means the human condition, how a person exists “here and now” on Earth, the conditions on which he was given earthly life. And among these conditions is the fact that labor for a person, with which he provides himself with the means of subsistence, is always associated to one degree or another with difficulties, hardships and suffering. Generally speaking, you can't deny logic here: the one who works is who needs something, who lacks something, who is poor. By the way, if, since the New Age, the idea of ​​the connection between labor and wealth has become more widespread (labor is the source of property and wealth, and the one who works a lot is rich), then, for example, in antiquity, labor was seen quite differently. It was perceived as the lot of the lower strata, those who are forced to themselves and others (slaves - to their masters) to provide a livelihood. For example, a full-fledged citizen of a Greek polis is a warrior and head of a family who does not work himself, who has slaves for this. What is the difference between the classical antique and the biblical understanding of labor? In our opinion, it lies in the fact that in the Bible it is not work itself as such that is difficult, but the Fall and expulsion from Paradise made it so. After all, originally God placed man in the Garden of Eden, “to cultivate it and keep it” (Gen. 2.15). Labor is necessary for man - both as a manifestation of his creative nature, created in the Image and likeness of the Creator, God, and as the fulfillment of the role that God has assigned to man (to dominate the Earth and all animals - Gen. 1. 28–29), and as a way to provide for oneself and not burden others with it. However, as a result of the Fall, labor for man lost its originally creative and joyful character, became associated with sorrow, and is carried out by the sweat of his brow on the accursed earth, which grows thorns and thistles (Genesis 3.17–18). By the way, it is interesting to compare the punishment of Eve with this punishment of Adam: “By multiplying I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will give birth to children ”(Genesis 3:16). Childbirth, especially blessed by God ("Be fruitful and multiply" - Gen. 1.28), also becomes a source of sorrow and suffering. It turns out that the pangs of labor and the hardships of childbirth are two different shapes the same phenomenon. Childbirth and labor are placed side by side in the same way as in the original words of God addressed to people "be fruitful and multiply" it was placed next to the commandment to possess the Earth and rule over the "birds of the air (and over every cattle, and over all the earth,) and over every animal creeping on the ground ”(Genesis 1.28). The continuation of life, both in the form of earning a livelihood, and in the form of generating one's own kind, is now associated with torment and sorrow. These are the conditions on which man was given life on Earth after his fall. Yuri Pushchaev

Business teaches and torments and feeds.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M .: Fiction... V.I.Dal. 1989.

See what is "The case teaches, and torments, and feeds." in other dictionaries:

    He reaps without sowing, threshes on other people's currents. Sown from a basket, and grew a little. You cannot knead the dough with amine; do your prayer, but put in flour! God help me, but don't lie on your side! Pray to God, but work yourself! Do not sit idly by, so there will be no boredom! WITH …

    Torment, torment (see also torment) someone with what: torment, torment, harass, cause bodily or spiritual suffering; disturb, disturb for a long time; | to beg, persuade relentlessly. He tortures me on the wrong side, vyat., Permyats. pulls, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Anyone who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. Go to science to endure torment. There is no science without flour. Learn to chisel, chisel, cram, memorize from board to board. I learned to read and write, but I learned to sing and dance. Some of them are according to the information, and who are in the warehouses. ... ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    Main article: Daddy's Daughters The comedy television series Daddy's Daughters has been broadcast on STS since September 3, 2007. At the moment, 19 seasons of 390 episodes have been released (each season has 20 episodes, with the exception of seasons 7 and 11 in them ... Wikipedia

Torment-, torment (see also aggravate) someone with what: torture, torment, exhaust, cause bodily or spiritual suffering; disturb, disturb for a long time; | to beg, persuade relentlessly. he tortures me to the wrong side, vyat. perm. pulls, beckons. that you torment the horse! his conscience torments. troubles torment, teach the mind. business teaches and torments and feeds. what torments, teaches (teaches for the front). the rich teach money, and the poor torture books. -sya, torture yourself, or | to be tormented; | beat, pound with whom, over what; to suffer. he is tormented by chains, himself. do not be tormented by a riddle. I am tormented by insomnia, I am languishing. to live with a mind - to suffer, to live without a mind - to amuse yourself. to live, to suffer so much, but I do not want to die. it is better to suffer than to torment. I rescued him, and he tortured me, about bail. torment me quickly. tortured to death. completely exhausted. I'm worn out dear. tormented a little. tortured everyone. suffered all night. tormented to the point of sweating. torment cf. lasts. action by verb. | torment cf. flour sometimes the same action, torment, but in general any strong and prolonged bodily or spiritual suffering or pain, languor, torture. this is not a teaching, but a torment. to another grief - torment, to another (stupid) - learning. they beat not for the sake of torment, but for the sake of learning (salvation). a woman in torment, in agony, in childbirth. science is not flour. the whip is not flour, forward science. the thief deserves torment (torture). thief and flour. flour serves a thief right, a whip to a robber. not for flour, for science. the whip does not torment, teaches good. there is no science without flour. go to science, endure torment. torment for the fool, but for the intelligent HONOR, dialect. about money. neither to heaven, nor to flour, nor to the middle hand! for this deed I will take flour, deed is right. do not accept torment, do not be in the saints. I'll go to the flour, under God's hand! there will be torment in the next world, the answer to the complaint about the torment of life. martyr m. who is in torment, who is tortured, a sufferer. | the church calls so victims to death for Christ. -nikov, -nitsyn, belonging to them, related to them. martyred m. church. a verse in honor of the holy martyrs. martyr, martyr, martyr, peculiar, belonging to them. deeds of martyrdom. a martyr's image. he died martyrdom. martyr body. martyrdom cf. the state of a martyr. tormentor, a woman who torments whom, the culprit of torment. painful, tormenting, weary, unbearable. painfulness property and condition of the painful. tormenting, characteristic of the tormentor, torment, torment. he is tortured to death. torment cf. torment, like the action of a tormentor.

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The meaning of the word TORTURE in Dahl's Dictionary


torment (see also aggravate) someone with what: torture, torment, harass, cause bodily or spiritual suffering; disturb, disturb for a long time;

| to beg, persuade relentlessly. He tortures me to the wrong side, vyat. , Perm. pulls, beckons. Why are you torturing a horse! His conscience is tormented. Troubles torment, teach the mind. Business teaches and torments and feeds. What torments, then teaches (that teaches for the front). The rich teach money, and the poor torment the books. -sia, torture yourself, or

| to be tormented;

| beat, pound with whom, over what; to suffer. He is tormented by chains, himself. Do not be tormented by a riddle. I am tormented by insomnia, I am languishing. To live with the mind is to suffer, to live without the mind is to amuse. To live, to suffer like that, but I don’t want to die. Better torment than torment. I rescued him, and he tortured me, about bail. Torture me soon. Tortured to death. I was completely exhausted. I'm worn out dear. They tortured me a little. He tortured everyone. I suffered all night. Sucked in sweat. Torment Wed , lasts. action on verb.

| Torment Wed flour for women. sometimes the same action, torment, but in general any strong and prolonged bodily or spiritual suffering or pain, languor, torture. This is not a teaching, but a torment. To some grief - torment, to another (stupid) - learning. They beat not for the sake of torment, but for the sake of learning (salvation). A woman in torment, in agony, in childbirth. Science is not torture. The whip is not flour, forward science. A thief deserves torment (torture). Thief and flour. Flour serves a thief right, a whip to a robber. Not for flour, for science. The whip does not torment, teaches good. There is no science without flour. Go to science, endure torment. A fool is tormented, but a smart one is honored, they talk about money. Not to heaven, not to flour, not to the middle hand! For this deed I will take flour, deed is right. Do not accept torment, do not be in the saints. I'll go to the flour, under God's hand! There will be torment in the next world, the answer to the complaint about the torment of life. Martyr husband. -nice wives. who is in torment, who is tortured, a sufferer.

| The Church refers to those who suffered to death for Christ. -nikov, -nitsyn, belonging to them, attributing to them. The husband is martyred. , church. a verse in honor of the holy martyrs. Martyr, martyr, martyr, peculiar, belonging to them. Martyrdom. Martyrdom. He died as a martyr. Martyr's body. Martyrdom cf. the state of a martyr. A tormentor, a woman who torments whom, is the culprit of torment. Agonizing, tormenting, weary, unbearable. Torment of wives. property and condition of the painful. Tormenting, peculiar to the tormentor, torment, torment. He is tortured to death. Torment cf. torment, like the action of a tormentor.

Dahl. Dahl's Dictionary. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is TORTURE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Torment in Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -chu, -chish and -chau, -you; tormenting and tormenting; tormented; not sov., whom (what). Inflict on someone. torment, suffering. M. suspicions. II ...
  • Torment
    mu "chit, mu" chu, mu "than, mu" cheh, mu "couple, mu" even, mu "chut, mu" cha, mu "chil, mu" chila, mu "chilo, mu" chili, mu " who, mu "chite, mu" feeling, mu "feeling, mu" feeling, mu "feeling, mu" feeling, mu "feeling, ...
  • Torment in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    mu "chit, mu" tea, mu "tea, mu" tea, mu "tea, mu" tea, mu "tea, mu" tea, mu "chil, mu" chila, mu "chilo, mu" chili, mu " tea, mu "chaite, mu" expecting, tormenting, tormenting, tormenting, tormenting, tormenting, tormenting, ...
  • Torment in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    chase, gnaw, choke, harass, torture, torment, starve, offend, persecute, torment, tyrannize, torment, burden, depress. To fade, torture, torment, drive, torment, wear out, ...
  • Torment in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    nonsov. crossover 1) (a) Cause smb. physical pain, torture smb. b) Cause smb. suffering, moral torment. 2) Be the cause of torment, ...
  • Torment in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
  • Torment in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    torment, torment, torment and torment, torment; last tormented, ...
  • Torment in the Spelling Dictionary:
    torment, torment, torment and torment, torment; last tortured, ...
  • Torment in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    inflict m-ki on someone, M. suffering ...
  • Torment in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    I torment, torment, and (colloquial) tea, tea, nesov., someone that. 1. To torture someone. To hurt someone. physical pain. Don't hit, don't torture the dog. ...
  • Torment in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    torment the nes. crossover 1) (a) Cause smb. physical pain, torture smb. b) Cause smb. suffering, moral torment. 2) Be the cause ...
  • Torment in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    nonsov. crossover 1. Inflict physical torment on someone, torture someone. Ott. Inflict suffering on someone, moral torment. 2. Be the cause of torment, suffering. ...
  • Torment in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    nonsov. crossover 1. = m "to teach To cause someone physical torment; to torture someone. Ot. To cause someone suffering, moral torment. 2. = m" to teach ...
    Data: 2008-06-13 Time: 02:44:19 = Philosophical Tales = “What do I want when I work with people? All I want is to free ...
  • HERO OF OUR TIME in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-01-03 Time: 18:17:14 Quotes from the novel "A Hero of Our Time", 1838-1839 (by Mikhail Lermontov) * Our audience is still ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Charalampius of Magnesia (c. 89 - 202), bishop, hieromartyr. Commemoration of February 10. Saint …
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