How to eat fresh garlic arrows. Fried garlic arrows: recipe

As soon as June comes, the growing garlic throws arrows, it's time to break off the twisted rings. Do not rush to throw them away, I will tell you how to cook garlic arrows with maximum benefit, it will be very tasty. One has only to pick it correctly, holding the stem with one hand, carefully pulling the shoot out of the depths. And it is necessary to remove the arrows, only then the head of garlic will be large and will ripen to the desired condition.

Garlic shooters: benefits

Garlic shooters compensate for the deficiency of various biologically active substances, positively affect the state of cells, and slow down the aging process. Contribute to the prevention of viral diseases, primarily colds and SARS, well cleanse the intestines from harmful bacteria and microorganisms, such as dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus aureus.

How to cook pickled garlic arrows

This appetizer is very tasty.

Cut arrows 3-4 cm long, pour in water, boil for several minutes after boiling, put in a colander, rinse with cool water, arrange in jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters (they can not be sterilized), pour marinade. I prepare the marinade like this - I pour 50 grams of salt, sugar into a liter of water, bring it to a boil, pour 100 ml. 9% vinegar, sterilized for 5 minutes, rolled up.

This can be done not only with arrows, but also with young garlic cloves. Only they do not need to be cooked, peel them, pour boiling water over them, dip them in cold water, then pour in the marinade, sterilization for 10 minutes.

Paste of garlic arrows for the winter

I cook delicious garlic paste from garlic arrows, it is good for sandwiches with black bread, it can be added to soup or as a sauce, to potatoes, it gives absolutely any dish a spicy taste, and with pasta, it’s generally a nice thing!

  • I pass young garlic arrows through a meat grinder, salt to taste, season with odorless vegetable oil, mix, put in clean jars, close with lids, store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Fried garlic arrows: recipe with tomato paste

This dish is very reminiscent of fried mushrooms with a slight spiciness.

You will need:

  • garlic arrows - 500 grams;
  • tomato paste, salt, pepper, vegetable oil - to taste.

At the arrows, tear off the seed pods, cut the stems, place in a frying pan with heated oil, salt, lightly fry, make sure that the juice stands out. If it is not there, you need to add a little water, fry until the arrows are semi-transparent. At this stage, the dish is already ready, it can be used as a side dish, add tomato paste, pepper, fry a little more.

My advice!

Soup - puree with garlic arrows and pumpkin

And here is the soup, which contains a solid benefit. It has a huge amount of fiber, which is useful for people who are obese. Pumpkin is useful for hypertensive patients, it removes toxins and toxins, as well as excess cholesterol, all this is the merit of pectin fibers. Thyme has disinfectant properties, it is indispensable in the treatment of bronchi and lung diseases, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it improves digestion, relieves fermentation, spasms, and eliminates constipation. The dish is fragrant, with a mass of useful substances!

You will need:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • vegetable broth - 6 cups;
  • chopped garlic arrows - half a glass;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • dried thyme - 2 tsp;
  • leek;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
  1. Heat the vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion - leek, garlic arrows on it until soft. Add thyme, pumpkin, cut into pieces, pour the broth, pepper, bring to a boil, cook for half an hour. The pumpkin should become soft, pour in soy sauce, salt, cool the soup.
  2. Using an immersion blender, blend the mixture into a smooth puree. The finished dish is stored for 2 days

Garlic arrows with egg

Many people prefer an egg dish for breakfast, and garlic arrows will help diversify it. In the spring in the country, you can cook such a dish from fresh shoots, in winter you can use canned ones.

  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • A little butter
  • Garlic pipes - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the egg mixture: Shake the eggs with the addition of seasonings and spices to taste.
  2. Grate hard cheese of any kind, or cut into small cubes. Add half of the cheese to the egg mixture.
  3. In a heated frying pan, fry the garlic shoots and pour them with egg and cheese mass.
  4. Bring the eggs to a boil and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.
  5. The skillet can be placed in a hot oven under the grill for a crispy crust.

Meat with garlic arrows

Garlic sprouts go well with meat, giving the dish a fantastic savory flavor. For cooking, it is best to use savory canned garlic arrows, for example, cooked in a spicy marinade.

For cooking you will need:

  • Beef or pork - 700 gr.
  • Fresh garlic pipes - 250 gr.
  • Salt pepper
  • A little oil for frying
  • 2 small onions
  • 125 ml. tomato juice

Meal preparation:

  1. Peel the onion, cut in half and chop with a sharp knife into small cubes. Fry until light golden brown in hot sunflower oil.
  2. Cut the pieces of meat into thin slices, beat off with a kitchen hammer, cut again, but into thin slices, and add to the onion for frying. Stew a little, season with spices to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut garlic shoots into small pieces, no more than 2 cm in length. Add them to the meat, pour in the tomato juice and bring the dish to readiness, stirring occasionally.
  4. As a side dish, fried fresh zucchini is perfect, you can roll it in flour or make a tender batter.
  5. The meat cooked according to this recipe is delicious not only hot, but also cold, as a snack.

Appetizer of garlic arrows


  • Young garlic arrows - 300-400 grams;
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Salt, ground pepper, paprika;
  • Dill, parsley for decoration or fine sprinkling on top. Who loves.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut off the tops with seed pods from the cuttings, leaving only the bright green and young light green parts. Cut them into short strips or cubes. Spaghetti will look original.
  2. Pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin a deep frying pan, pour over vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Fry over low heat under a lid with a steam hole to maintain the effect of stewing. Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula and monitor the amount of moisture.
  4. If the product is still far from ready, and the juice has evaporated earlier (this almost never happens), then it is better to add a little water to avoid dryness.

It's important to know! Only young shoots are suitable for carcasses, then the finished dish will please with softness, delicate mushroom flavor. If hard pieces get into the pan, then during the frying process they will quickly lose their attractiveness, taste, and become like wood chips.

Served at the table in different variations: as a separate appetizer (hot or cold) or with any side dish (rice, potatoes, vermicelli) in the form of a salad. It can be dinner, breakfast in a hurry.

Garlic arrows for the future

A how to cook garlic chives for long-term storage, Shoots can be prepared for future use by freezing.

The garlic shoots are cut with scissors into pieces of 2-3 cm, rinsed, discarded in a colander, dried on a towel. Place tightly in plastic bags, tie and freeze. After that, without defrosting, you can fry in vegetable oil with salt for 5 minutes. Very tasty!

My advice!

Sometimes I make a spread for sandwiches, twist through a meat grinder. When I have arrows of garlic, I twist lard with them, mix, store in the refrigerator. You won't find a better addition to bread for borscht!

Garlic arrows are as useful as the bulb itself. The collection of the plant is not long, only 2-3 weeks, the stems must be cut off before they bloom. Young shoots are soft and juicy, they go well with meat, fish and vegetables. They can be fried, boiled, stewed or pickled. And if you do not know how to cook garlic arrows, then read our article.

How to fry garlic arrows with meat

If you have never tried to fry meat with garlic arrows, then you have lost a lot. For the recipe, you can take any type of meat. Garlic arrows should grow up to 10 cm in length, but not higher, otherwise they will be tough.


  • 220 g garlic arrows;
  • 320 g of meat;
  • one carrot;
  • two tablespoons of soy seasoning;
  • seasonings to taste, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the meat into thin strips, and cut the garlic shoots into 5 cm in length.
  2. Grind the carrots on a grater, it is better to use a kitchen tool for Korean dishes.
  3. In hot oil, we begin to fry the meat for three minutes, then add the carrots and chopped arrows of the spicy plant.
  4. Sprinkle the ingredients with spices, here you can take paprika, curry, red pepper and, of course, do not forget about salt.
  5. Now pour in soy seasoning, reduce the fire and cook the dish for 10 minutes. If the roasting time is extended, then the arrows will turn out golden and fried.
  6. Serve the dish hot, you can make a light salad or boil rice as a side dish.

Fried with sour cream

Many housewives bypass such a plant product as garlic arrows and in vain. After all, they are very tasty, especially young shoots, with which you can cook a wide variety of dishes.


  • a bunch of (large) garlic stalks;
  • 15 ml soy dressing;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • three tablespoons of oil (sunflower).

Cooking method:

  1. Garlic shoots cannot be found in stores, they can be collected on your site or found in the market. Wash the garlic cloves and chop them into 5 cm pieces.
  2. Then we put the pan on the fire, heat the oil in it and spread the spicy plant, fry for literally five minutes, stirring constantly. If you are a fan of spicy dishes, then add chili pepper.
  3. Now add the fermented milk product, mix, heat for another minute and remove from heat.
  4. Pour in soybeans, stir and can be served with potatoes, buckwheat, rice or fried mushrooms.

Pickled garlic arrows

Among all the recipes, pickled garlic arrows are the most popular. For a snack, you can use a regular marinade, but sophisticated gourmets will definitely like the conservation of the plant in currant juice.


  • ½ kg arrows of garlic;
  • litere of water;
  • 85 g of sweet sand;
  • 85 g salt;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • two stars of carnation;
  • three peas of black pepper;
  • bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Scald garlic stalks with boiling water and put in sterile jars.
  2. For the brine, boil water, add sweet and salty granules, put cloves, spicy peppers and bay leaves, cook the brine.
  3. After we remove it from the fire, stir it with a bite and immediately fill it with arrows.

To preserve the plant in currant juice, you need to take 300 g of berries and boil them in 700 ml of water for three minutes. Then the berries are passed through a sieve, mixed with a decoction, half a glass of granulated sugar and 55 g of salt are poured, the marinade is brought to a boil and the arrows of the spicy vegetable are poured over them. You can also pickle the plant without adding vinegar, cook it in Korean, with garlic, make a spicy snack.

Soup puree with garlic arrows

From garlic arrows you can cook a light and tasty soup. This recipe uses vegetable broth, but for a rich taste, you can replace it with meat.


A bunch of vegetable arrows;
six potato tubers;
two stalks of celery;
onion and carrot;
1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel all vegetables, chop carrots, onions and celery into small cubes, and larger potatoes.
2. We take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in a spoonful of oil, add carrots, onions and celery, put a bay leaf and fry the ingredients until the onion is transparent.
3. Then spread the garlic stalks and fry the vegetables for another three minutes.
4. After laying the potatoes, pour in the broth, salt, pepper and cook the soup until the potatoes are soft.
5. Let the soup cool down a bit, immerse the blender and grind the soup to a puree consistency.
6. Serve the finished garlic stalks soup with chopped parsley leaves.

Garlic arrow paste (pesto sauce)

Italian pesto sauce is basil, cheese and olive oil. And we will make our own unusual sauce with the addition of garlic arrows. This sauce is suitable as a dressing for salads and spaghetti, as a marinade for meat or fish, or it can simply be served with bread.


Garlic stalks (weighing up to 500 g);
45 ml olive oil;
a spoonful of salt;
two tablespoons of lemon juice;
zest of half a lemon;
some pepper.

Also for the sauce, you can take a small bunch of basil or dill, a glass of walnuts and 175 g of parmesan.

Cooking method:

1. Put the stalks of a spicy vegetable, as well as basil (dill) and walnuts into the blender container, grind the ingredients.
2. Then pour in olive oil and add lemon zest, stir.
3. Grind the parmesan on a fine grater and, together with citrus juice, salt and pepper, send it to the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly.
4. Transfer the finished sauce to a glass jar, make a thin layer of oil on top. Store in the refrigerator, and for long-term storage, the sauce can be frozen.

egg recipe

A variety of dishes can be prepared from eggs and garlic arrows. We offer a gourmet snack recipe with the addition of Teriyaki sauce, which makes the taste of any dish more expressive.


10 (15) arrows of garlic;
three eggs;
two spoons of Teriyaki sauce;
35 ml olive oil;
a spoonful of soy dressing;
a spoonful of lemon juice;

Cooking method:

1. We chop the arrows into small pieces and fall asleep in a pan with already heated oil.
2. Fry for five minutes, then pour in soy sauce and Teriyaki, and add citrus juice and pepper.
3. After two minutes, drive in the eggs, fry until the eggs are fully cooked. Serve with vegetables or fish.

How and what to cook from garlic arrows - recipes for delicious dishes

At the beginning of summer, winter garlic throws out high peduncles - garlic arrows, which must be broken off. But what to do with them next - everyone decides for himself. Someone considers them a useless product, and someone is happy to cook seasonal delicacies from garlic arrows. Very often shooters are thrown away for the simple reason that they do not know how to find a use for them. They heard something, read somewhere, and maybe even tried it at a party, but the recipe was forgotten over time. Do not rush to throw away the arrows, you can cook a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from them. We offer you a selection of interesting recipes in which garlic arrows will be the main or additional ingredient.

Recipes dishes of garlic arrows

Omelet with garlic arrows

There are no proportions in the recipe. An omelette mixture is prepared in the same way as for a regular omelette - eggs are beaten with milk (or water) and salt. Garlic arrows are cut into small pieces (cut off the spouts), fried in vegetable oil until the color changes and softness (the color will turn dark green). You can sprinkle them with pepper if you like. Ready-made garlic arrows are poured with an omelet mixture, a small fire is made and, under the lid, the omelet is brought to readiness. You can make it in different versions, for example, fry arrows with carrots or in tomato.

Braised garlic arrows

In addition to the actual garlic arrows, you will need vegetable oil, tomato juice and salt. Fry the arrows in the same way as in the previous recipe, when they become soft, salt to taste and pour in tomato juice. We make a small fire, simmer under the lid until cooked. To taste, ready-made arrows are very reminiscent of spicy mushrooms.

Fried garlic arrows

Again, the recipe without proportions - everything is very simple in it. My arrows, cut off the seed part, cut into small pieces. Put in hot vegetable oil and immediately add salt. The arrows will highlight the juice in which they will be stewed. When the juice evaporates and the arrows become soft, you can increase the fire and fry the arrows until tender. It takes ten minutes, no more. Can be served as a side dish for meat and fish.

Chicken liver with garlic arrows

Ingredients: 700 grams of chicken liver, 2 onions, 3 sweet bell peppers, a bunch of garlic arrows, salt and pepper to taste, vegetable oil, fresh herbs.

We cut the onion and bell pepper in half rings, garlic arrows - in small pieces. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent, add the garlic arrows, fry for 3 minutes. Salt, put the bell pepper in the pan. After a couple of minutes, we send the chicken liver to the vegetables (it can be cut into pieces), salt and pepper to taste, fry over medium heat until tender. The readiness of the liver can be determined by the flowing juice - it should be transparent. If desired, at the end of cooking, you can season the dish with sour cream - it will be even tastier. Do not forget that chicken liver is cooked very quickly, and try not to miss the moment when it becomes soft - immediately remove the pan from the heat. If the liver is overexposed, it will turn out dry and tough.

Garlic arrows with pork ribs

Ingredients: 600 grams of ribs, 2 onions, a quarter of a lemon, a bunch of garlic arrows, a pinch of basil, oregano and marjoram, salt to taste, vegetable oil.

Cut the ribs into portions, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown over low heat. Add spices, onion rings, fry for five minutes. Pour a glass of water, cover, simmer for about an hour (until the meat is soft). Cut the garlic arrows into small pieces, add to the meat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. It tastes like meat with mushrooms.

Korean salad of garlic arrows

Ingredients: 3 bunches of garlic arrows, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. vinegar (6 or 9%), 0.5 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. seasonings for Korean carrots, salt or soy sauce, vegetable oil, a few bay leaves.

Break the parsley finely. Cut the garlic arrows into pieces, 4-6 cm long. Heat the oil, fry the arrows until soft. Add sugar, parsley, seasoning for Korean carrots, pour in vinegar. Salt or add soy sauce. Be sure to try not to oversalt! Warm up the salad, make a small fire and wait until the sauce thickens. Cool, add the garlic, passed through the garlic. The salad needs to be infused, so make it ahead of time. It is perfect for young potatoes and meat, and as a snack it will also be good.

Don't wait for the garlic cloves to get rough - In this form, they are no longer suitable for food. They will give off aroma, but they will taste fibrous, tough. The best time to harvest is when they are medium in thickness, dark green in color with a thin skin. After cutting, they can lie no more than a week - then the arrows turn yellow and coarsen.

Anyone who has tried fried at least once knows how delicious it is. Another advantage of this dish, in addition to taste, is that the fried is obtained directly with a delicious vegetable addition of fried garlic arrows. To prepare garlic arrows fried with meat, you can use both chicken and pork or beef.

Today I want to show you how to cook beef with garlic arrows inspired by Korean cuisine. This is a very simple recipe for fried garlic arrows with meat, which does not require special, gourmet and gourmet products. It took me 20 minutes to prepare the dish. Before proceeding with the recipe, I want to remind you once again that if you plan to cook dishes with garlic arrows, then cut them off as soon as they grow 10 cm in length. Do not wait until they are overripe and become tough.


  • Garlic arrows - 200 gr.,
  • Meat - 300 gr.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices to taste
  • Sunflower oil.

Garlic arrows with meat - a step by step recipe

So let's start cooking. garlic arrows fried with meat. For their preparation, I took beef. Before preparing any meat dishes, the tenderloin should be washed under running water and dried with napkins. As for cooking, cut the meat across the grain into thin strips.

Washed garlic shoots cut into 5-6 cm.

Grate peeled carrots for Korean carrots.

Put the meat on a hot frying pan with sunflower oil poured into it.

Fry it for 2-3 minutes, stirring with a spatula.

After that, add carrots and chopped garlic arrows to the meat.

Sprinkle the meat and vegetables with the red pepper, curry and paprika mixture. Add a pinch of salt.

Pour in soy sauce.

Turn off the fire immediately. While stirring, simmer the garlic arrows with meat for 5-7 minutes. You can fry the meat, of course, longer, then the arrows will become more fried and golden.

Fried meat with garlic arrows served mostly hot. As I wrote above, no special garnish is required for it, except that you can serve a light vegetable salad or rice. Good appetite.

Garlic arrows with meat. Photo

And here is another recipe for Korean-style garlic arrows with meat, cooked in a spicy sweet and sour sauce.


  • Garlic arrows - 300 gr.,
  • Pork - 200 gr.,
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.,
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon (without a slide),
  • Starch - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sesame grains - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sesame oil

Korean-style garlic arrows with meat - recipe

Prepare the sauce. To do this, mix soy sauce with honey and starch. Wash the garlic sprouts. Cut off the inflorescence with seeds. Cut them into strips of about 5 cm. Peel and cut the onions into half rings. Pour 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame oil. After heating the oil, lay out the pork pieces. Fry it for 3-4 minutes. Add garlic cloves and onions.

Usually, many housewives quickly get rid of these parts of a fragrant plant. Gardeners generally believe that these are arrows in garlic - this is the reason for their poor development and insufficient head growth. And only true gourmets, experienced connoisseurs of exquisite taste and supporters of healthy eating know how tasty they can be. For readers of the site "Popular about Health" there are interesting suggestions on how to cook fried garlic arrows with an egg in such a way as to surprise loved ones.

Recipes for garlic arrows

In fact, they are not only fried, but also marinated, boiled, stewed. As a result of simple work in the kitchen and a minimum of time spent, fragrant and tasty dishes are obtained. Most often, garlic arrows are cooked with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, poultry, offal and eggs.

To make the taste more delicate, and the smell of fried oil does not interrupt the aroma of garlic, it is better to use not vegetable, but creamy. Ground black pepper, nutmeg, coriander, and tomato sauces are perfect as spices. Naturally, garlic arrows are amazingly combined with fresh herbs in the form of parsley, dill, basil, cilantro. There are many options, choose which one you like best!

Arrows of garlic with egg and sesame

For this recipe we need:

2 large heads of onions;
- 1 medium carrot;
- 1 bunch of arrows of garlic;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds;
- salt and pepper;

We preheat the pan and put a piece of butter there or pour it with vegetable oil. Cut the onion into strips, fry until transparent. At this time, cut the carrots into strips and also fry with onions in a pan.

We prepare the arrows of garlic: cut them into 4-5 cm cubes, transfer them to a pan with vegetables. Simmer under the lid until they become soft. Do you feel what an incredible aroma is already spreading throughout the house?

At the end, open the lid, let the vegetables fry slightly after stewing, salt, pepper and beat three eggs into the pan, after beating them with milk or mayonnaise. Sprinkle all this beauty on top with sesame seeds. Bon Appetit!

Fresh arrows with eggs and tomatoes

Prepare the following ingredients:

10-12 pieces of arrows;
- 1 large onion;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 2 tomatoes;
- spices and salt;
- greens and salad.

Rinse the garlic arrows collected in the garden with cold water, cut off the upper parts with seeds and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm. Send the garlic to a heated frying pan with butter or vegetable oil. Cut the onion into cubes and add to it. Salt, pepper and add any other spices. Fry the vegetables for 5-6 minutes, depending on how young the arrows are used. They should not be completely soft, but slightly crispy, so be sure to try during the cooking process so as not to turn the whole mass into porridge.

Add chopped tomatoes to the pan, fry for 2-3 minutes. Lastly, beat in the eggs. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, salt the eggs. When serving, garnish with lettuce leaves and fresh herbs. You can improve the taste if you add sour cream to the table. Fragrant dinner for you!

How to cook fried mushrooms with garlic arrows and eggs?

This dish is a real nutritious breakfast or a hearty lunch. The recipe calls for the use of champignons, although mushrooms, in fact, can be taken to taste. So, we prepare the following components:

0.5 kg of mushrooms;
- 10-15 arrows of garlic;
- 2 onions;
- 1 piece of sweet bell pepper;
- 4 eggs;
- spices and salt.

We wash the mushrooms, clean and cut into strips. Fry as usual in a hot frying pan with the addition of onions. As soon as the liquid has completely evaporated, we reduce the fire and send the arrows of garlic chopped into cubes to the pan.

It is advisable to cut the pods so that they are the same as the mushrooms. Fry for 5 minutes.

It's time to add the bell pepper, which is also cut into strips. All salt and season with ground pepper, cover with a lid and leave to stew until tender. At the end, add beaten eggs to the vegetable mixture (you can beat with milk or mayonnaise). Turn off the stove after 3-4 minutes and serve the dish hot with herbs and sour cream to taste.

Garlic arrows with eggs in a sauce mixture

This recipe is spicy and very refined taste. The teriyaki sauce used here is a popular ingredient in Japanese cooking that enhances and enhances the flavor of vegetable or fish dishes. It is used for marinating meat, as well as for frying. The basis of teriyaki sauce is soy sauce with ground ginger and liquid honey. It is easy to prepare at home or buy in the store.

We'll need:

10-15 pieces of garlic arrows;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
- 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce;
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
- ground pepper;
- lemon juice.

Wash and chop the arrows, transfer to a pan with heated olive oil. Fry, stirring, 4-5 minutes. Add sauces, a tablespoon of lemon juice to the main component, salt and pepper to taste. After a few minutes, add the eggs and fry until cooked. Serve with salmon steaks and vegetables. Bon Appetit!

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