Caloric nature natural, ground. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Coffee has long become one of the most favorite drinks all over the world. Today there is a huge number of diverse coffee floats with original taste and aroma, many original recipes for making coffee, there are even caffeine coffee or with special healing additives. But we will talk about the useful and harmful properties of the most common coffee - natural or soluble, and whether it is worth using it, and in what quantities.

A lot of legends are twisted around coffee. It, then consider Panacea from all the troubles, then declare a harmful product and recommend limiting the use. And the practical experience of using this drink, as well as medical research, prove that everything here depends on the amount of coffee, the method of its preparation and patient health.

Coffee makeup

The effect of coffee on human health is explained by its chemical composition. In the coffee beans you can find a variety of substances, it is all known caffeine, and protein, as well as trigonellin, chlorogenic acid, various mineral salts. Approximately 25% of the mass of raw coffee beans are approximately listed on the listed substances, and the rest is fiber, oil and water. It should be borne in mind that the amount of these substances and their combination depends on the variety of coffee.

What is the benefit and harm to the use of kiwi during pregnancy:

Caffeine is the most famous substance in coffee. It is caffeine that regulates and enhances the excitation processes in the brain. If you choose an adequate caffeine dose, then it will help to increase mental activity, performance, and will also save from fatigue and drowsiness. But systematic use of large doses of caffeine can lead to dependence and depletion of the nervous system. Very large caffeine doses can even cause the patient's death.

Another important component of coffee is trigoneline. This is a substance that participates in the creation of a unique aroma of coffee, in addition, during frying it turns into nicotine acid, the lack of cortex provokes the disease of Pellagra.

Important coffee component - chlorogenic acid It is found only in raw coffee beans. When frying it disintegrates, and other organic substances are obtained, which give the coffee characteristic binding taste. The remaining acids in the composition of coffee, such as apple, lemon, acetic and coffee makes it help to normalize the activities of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion.

Bind in coffee - this is a consequence of Tanyinov in it. Tanines are complex organic substances with a wide range of action, but under the action of dairy products they disintegrate, so coffee with milk loses its bitch. In addition, coffee contains up to 20% of the vitamin P daily norm, which has a property to strengthen vessels, and useful minerals, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Negative effect of coffee on the body

The fact that coffee is not the most useful drink, it is known to everyone. Doctors strongly recommend not to exceed the recommended doses of its use. More than one or two coffee mugs per day can lead to depressions, drowsiness, irritability and lethargy. This drink is addictive, so it is often possible to cancel the occurrence of such symptoms. A closed circle is formed, to get out of which is not easy.

There are several of the most dangerous directions of the effects of coffee and you need to remember if you want to keep health. Most often a nervous system. Caffeine constantly "spurs" it and thereby leads to exhaustion.

When eating coffee, it is necessary to remember that this drink has a pronounced diuretic effect. This negatively affects not only the work of the kidneys and the ureter, but also the whole organism, which begins to experience lack of moisture. Therefore, in parallel with the use of coffee, it is important to drink other liquids.

A lot of conversations turns around the negative effect of coffee at the work of the heart. But in fact, this influence is too insignificant to perceive him seriously. Coffee increases pressure, but very briefly and can only harm only a person who has serious heart problems.

Much more seriously negative effect of coffee on the stomach. After using this drink, the acidity in the stomach increases, which can cause the appearance of heartburn, as well as the development of gastritis and ulcers. Especially dangerously drinking coffee on an empty stomach and with a cigarette, as they do often. To minimize the harm from drinking coffee, just to eat before drinking it.

Useful properties of coffee

Subject to the proper use of coffee in moderate quantities, it will not only harm, but it will be very useful. If you drink no more than two cups of this drink per day, it will help to cheer up without harm to the body. Coffee helps to soften the manifestations of allergies and asthma, and also activates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Often coffee is recommended for poisoning by some poisons and narcotic substances. It will also be useful with the insufficient function of the cardiovascular system.

Very interesting studies spent in India. In the course of them it was found that coffee to some extent helps protect against the harmful effects of radioactive radiation. Also in this beverage contains a significant amount of serotonin, which is a hormone of happiness and can raise the mood.

It is believed that moderate use of coffee helps reduce the likelihood of liver cancer and pancreas, as well as other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, men have coffee can improve reproductive function, increasing the activity of spermatozoa. Helps coffee and those who want to lose weight.

Slimming with coffee

Many of us are familiar with the fact that the coffee helps to part with extra kilograms. Of course, this rule does not apply to the cases when coffee is powered by half of the cake. But even fans of culinary masterpieces coffee will help, as it helps to accelerate the metabolism and part with some extra calories very quickly. In addition, coffee is an antioxidant and helps to update and rejuvenate the cells of the body.

Those who want to lose weight with coffee, you need to abandon the sweet drink, as well as coffee with cream and desserts. If black coffee seems tasteless, then you can add some sugar substitute and dry low-fat milk. The taste of this will not suffer much, but the caloric content of the drink will decline much.

Coffee is a good diuretic,
Therefore, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body than contributes to the reduction of weight. He also perfectly suppresses a feeling of hunger, so a cup of black coffee can easily replace the punch or an extra snack. The same who is engaged in sports or physical education, a cup of coffee an hour before the workout will help relieve pain in the muscles and give energy.

Contraindications to drinking coffee

There are few contraindications to drinking coffee, and basically they relate to those who simply abuse this tasty invigorating drink. If you drink one or two cups of coffee in the first half of the day, there will be no significant harm to the body from this. But it must be remembered that coffee abuse leads too many negative side effects.

Fully abandoning coffee use is necessary for those who have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. You should not drink coffee to people who have nervous disorders, as caffeine can aggravate them. The refusal of coffee does not hurt and elderly people, and children drink coffee at all are prohibited.

Traditionally do not advise drinking.
To date, a single authoritative opinion about the consumption of coffee during this period is not, but this is exactly the situation when it is better to be restrained. Especially since the increase in pressure, even insignificant, when it can become a dangerous sign.

Which coffee choose - ground or soluble (video: "Is there any coffee in soluble?")

Each coffee lover can call not one argument in favor of what his favorite variety is the best coffee in the world. But this, of course, the case of taste. But the dispute about which coffee is better to choose, the ground is soluble, while the end is not visible.

Of course, the content of nutrients in natural coffee is much higher. For example, in a natural hammer of coffee, the content of fatty acids that prevent the formation of cancer cells are very high. In soluble coffee, their number is much lower. Also in the hammer of coffee there are much more vitamins, and potassium and magnesium, which makes it even useful for the cardiovascular system. Of course, we are talking about a healthy person and moderate use of this drink.

And what can be said about the content of harmful substances in natural and soluble coffee? It leads soluble coffee here, as complex chemical processes are required for its production, as a result of which some harmful substances fall into the prepared product. And for the preparation of natural coffee, it is enough to grind the grain, their composition does not change.

The content of caffeine is about equally in natural coffee and in soluble, Therefore, this criterion does not allow to identify the leader. But if you want to get coffee without caffeine, you will have to use unequivocally soluble. Also soluble coffee contains less calories. If you want to lose weight, using coffee, it is better to give preference to soluble.

How much is natural ground coffee (average price for 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Natural ground for the first time, which was packed in tin banks, released in 1878 in America. And about 3 decades, the company "Hill Braders" patented this type of vacuum packaging.

Currently, coffee is entering more than several thousand varieties. Fans of natural coffee can be divided into 2 categories: those who acquire coffee in the hammer form, and those who prefer fried grains. The ground product is much cheaper compared to grains and can be a mixture of coffee from different countries.

Depending on some coffee factors, natural ground can be classified for: caffeine or without caffeine product, aromatized or without adding flavors. Interestingly, some varieties flavored can be said in themselves. Take, for example, a variety of coffee called "Blue Mountain" - he can "boast" a unique taste due to the fact that it is transported in barges from under Roma.

Preparation of natural ground coffee requires certain costs, in contrast to soluble, for which you only need to have boiling water, a cup and a spoon at hand. Coffee makers know that this fragrant drink in Jesve is boiled (Turk) or in a coffee maker. It remains only to find out exactly what kind of coffee is perfect for your coffee maker, as based on the degree of grinding, the method of brewing is selected. There is even a certain rule: the smaller the cooking cycle, the thinner the grinding of coffee. Undoubtedly, you can use and coffee beans, only before cooking you need to grind.

So, there are 3 main types of coffee grinding and 3 extra. A large or coarse grinding is ideal for a french press (piston coffee makers), when the optimal cooking time is 7 minutes. For dripping coffee makers and for many other brewing methods, you advise you to choose a natural middle grinding coffee. Here the cooking time is reduced for a couple of minutes. Small or thin or grinding coffee is necessary for use in coffee makers with cone-shaped filters. Only 1-4 minutes and the fragrant drink is ready.

This information concerned, so to speak, the main or basic types of grinding. In addition, one more options can be distinguished, which are familiar with true connoisseurs of coffee: thin espresso grinding, medium thin (rough) grinding and powdered, ultra-thin grinding. The natural ground-made coffee is very much like flour and is used exclusively for the cooking of a real Turkish drink in Jesva.

Some professionals who are really dealt with all the intricacies of coffee grinding believe that even the level of humidity in the air is played here. However, definitely, for home cooking it is too difficult. It is enough to determine which non-natural ground coffee is suitable for your coffee maker, in order for the cooked drink to be comfortable.

Calorie of natural ground coffee 200.6 kcal

Energy value of natural ground coffee (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - BZH):

: 13.9 g. (~ 56 kcal)
: 14.4 g. (~ 130 kcal)
: 4.1 g. (~ 16 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 28% | 65% | 8%

Natural coffee, groundit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin B2 - 11.1%, vitamin PP - 96.5%, potassium - 64%, calcium - 14.7%, magnesium - 50%, phosphorus - 24.8%, iron - 29.4%

What is useful natural, ground

  • Vitamin B2. Participates in oxidation reactions, contributes to an increase in the susceptibility of color with a visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient consumption of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, a violation of light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin RR Participates in oxidative reactionary reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient consumption of vitamin is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.
  • Potassium It is the main intracellular ion that participates in the regulation of aquatic, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve pulses, pressure regulation.
  • Calcium It is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to the demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Magnesium Participates in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect for membranes, it is necessary to maintain calcium homeostasis, potassium and sodium. The lack of magnesium leads to hypomagniasia, raising the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus Takes part in many physiological processes, including energy exchange, regulates acid-alkaline balance, is included in phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. The deficit leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron It is part of various proteins, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the flow of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobine-deficient atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
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Coffee is the second most popular drink in the world - after pure drinking water. And if yesterday, the most popular was soluble - the fast, comfortable and cheapest, today the demand for coffee natural, grains and ground, is rapidly growing. With an unearthly aroma, indescribable mustard, thick thick on the bottom of the cup and thereby taste ...

Amazing fact - the first tin can with ground coffee appeared in the US shops in 1878, and already in 1908, Hill Brothers released a ground product in vacuum packages that we use and now. In different parts of the planet, several thousand varieties of the fragrant drink are sold, on the most refined and picky taste and color. But the natural product can only be in two types - grains and ground powder.

Ground in stores are bought far more often than grain, although the most fragrant drink is obtained from freshly hammer grains. What is the reason?

Someone simply does not want to mess around and take a coffee grinder every time when you need to cook the fragrant cup. After all, the ground drink is absolutely natural, and few people can distinguish the nuances of taste and smell. Not all of us are such big coffee gourmet.

Someone is used to taking a coffee powder to work and brew in Franch press. Do not rattle the same coffee grinder for the whole office? And someone looks at the price - the grain product is more expensive ...

What is better - ground or grain?

Let's plunge into the process of making coffee. Each grains is a peculiar capsule filled with natural chemicals and essential oils and protected by a solid crust. When roasting precisely, oil gives the branches of their unique chocolate tint and smell.

But as soon as the shell is destroyed (after grinding), essential oils instantly enter into a chemical reaction with air and oxidized. In minutes, the product loses its charming aroma and taste.

Coffee experts assure: ground coffee lives 15 minutes after leaving the coffee grinder. Then it is just a dead mixture. It loses the unique smell, becomes boring (different varieties after 15 minutes by smell no longer distinguish!), Round. Delicious - undoubtedly. But no longer the magic drink ...

Do not believe? Spend an experiment. Take two sheets of paper, on one embank a spoonful of freshly ground coffee, leave a watch for 3-4, without closing. Then we sweat another portion, put next to and skip both coffee slides. The difference is incredible! And if you repeat this experience with shopping and homemade ground coffee, you will forever walk around the shelves with a "fragrant" powder. Only grain!

Video: What is the difference between soluble and ground coffee

And one moment. When roasting in the grains, carbon dioxide accumulates, so the ground coffee is kept in the open air before packing. This process is called degassing. Without degassing, the powder in vacuum packages cannot be transported - packaging or swell, or simply explode. Thus, in a pack of coffee falls, already lost the good half of his fragrance.

What else are the advantages of freshly hammer coffee in front of the shop?

In addition to bright taste, grind coffee at home, immediately before cooking, it is necessary for the following reasons.

  1. The manufacturer always seeks to reduce costs. Some in this case show the real wonders of ingenuity, adding chicory into ground coffee or even ... acorning. This is not a joke at all, on the harsh coffee market of such examples - mass. In a dark powder, you can and do not attend the impurities (fried acorn is imperceptible), just feel a strange taste. And certainly do not prove anything.
  2. The poor-quality product is another reason for a suspicious taste. In the hammer form, the cheapest coffee is not distinguished from the elite, so manufacturers are constantly being improved in the art of fake. Usually, fraudsters or sly firms dilute the sprocket Arabica with cheaper varieties. More often robust, but sometimes liberik, which is rarely exported, its place is in the confectionery sphere. She is very bitter taste.
  3. For each method of cooking a charming drink - its grinding. For a french press - large, for coffee machine - medium, for home Turks or geyser coffee maker - Coffee dust. In the native coffee grinder, it is easy to keep track of this, but the manufacturer does not always give the manufacturer.

Conclusion from this is the easiest: buy coffee exclusively in the grains and Melit him at home. Even the simplest coffee grinder will provide you with a cup of fragrant delightful drink, which you can not say about the packaging of shop hammer. Buy it better only to work, office or on the production, where you are waiting for a french press.

How to choose ground coffee?

If you still buy the product in the grains constantly there is no possibility, you need to learn to choose ground coffee correctly. What to pay attention to?

1. Pomol.

To begin with, decide where you will cook coffee, the degree of grinding depends on it. The powder "not that" grinding can thoroughly spoil the result - so if you take the coffee dust for the espresso machine, then there is a neuroming and tasteless vapor. All information about the degree of grinding is written on the label.

Video: Coffee grinding: 5 main species

And most importantly - regardless of grinding (small, large, medium), high-quality coffee must be homogeneous.

2. Sort.

Thousands of varieties of coffee significantly vary - taste shades (and berry, and chocolate), tartness, mustard, aroma ... But wherever all these coffee trees grow, most of them relate to two types - Arabica and Ruses. There is still liberica and extsels, but they are small, they are growing - to enhance the taste of elite coffee shoes, and Liberica is still for confectionery production.

If you are lucky, the manufacturer will put only one variety in the packaging and will surely sign: "100% Arabica." But most often in a coffee pack you have a blend. If it is written on the packaging "Espresso", it is definitely a mixture with robust: in the proportion of 50/50, 60/40, 70/30.

Try to find coffee, where this proportion is indicated - such information is very useful. In Arabica less caffeine - it gives your morning energy a rich taste and branded smell. Robust is stronger, bitter and perfectly burtrite - caffeine in it most.

If you appreciate coffee for the fortress, choose the one where more robusts. If the heart shakes or jumps pressure, look for pure arabica. Another option is coffee without caffeine. He is the same tasty, but caffeine "pulled" before the roasting, so the invigorating effect is at a minimum.

But the highest quality and tasty coffee is still one hundred percent Arabic treated with a wet way. And ideally - also collected manually.

3. Aromatized or non-aromatic.

Coffee with additives is now at the peak of popularity - brandy, almonds, amaretto, coconut ... But real connoisseurs of this drink are preferred by natural option: strong flavors will muffle the taste even better arabica. Not to mention the fact that most additives are "identical to natural", that is, absolute chemistry.

Definitely artificial additives are brandy and amaretto, almonds and forest walnut, orange and chocolate. This also includes the most exotic "bipes": dessert Tiramisu, Pina-Kolada, royal cherry, orange with chocolate, banana shake, etc. Natural - only spices: cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg. The most elite and expensive coffee varieties can be flavored and in a natural way, transported in barrels from under Roma.

The first to aromatize the coffee was invented by Arabs. According to one of the versions, they wanted to diversify the favorite drink, on the other, the useful spices reduced the harm of strong espresso. In any case, if you want experiments, buy spices yourself and add them to your favorite drink. Best coffee friends are cinnamon, badyan, muscat, fragrant pepper, cardamom and ginger.

4. Roasting.

From roasting taste, fortress and smell drinks depend directly, so you need to read the label carefully. Weak, medium, strong or maximum? Although there is really no single classification, and from different manufacturers a product of the same roasting can noticeably differ in taste features.

Output one - try, although there are general trends. Coffee strong roasting is making more, and if you are a softer taste, choose a weak roast. And pay attention: Italian coffee is usually strong roasting!

5. Packaging.

The first option is coffee in bundles.

Ground grains are usually sold in vacuum packaging - solid or soft, the main volume is 250 gr. A soft bundle must be selected with a special degassing valve. First, it is possible to press and feel the aroma of coffee, so distinguish the fresh product from the already unfit. Secondly, the presence of the valve is proof that the coffee powder was packed immediately after roasting and grinding. Coffee in soft packs - more often a large grinding made by the fastest (and cheap) way.

The solid packaging wins noticeably in comparison with the soft - the drink in it is much better retains the coffee fragrance, and a special taste. Learn such a product is very easy - the packs of coffee look like solid bricks. The main thing is to check if the packaging is not damaged in what place (in this case it becomes soft).

The big plus such packaging is usually always indicated the degree of roasting, the size of the grinding, which way this drink is better to cook.

The second option is coffee in Caldah.

CHALDES (or monodosis) is one-time portions of ground coffee, purchased into a paper filter and a foil packaging. They are intended for clad coffee machines that are convenient to use both at home and in the office, and in the catering establishments. Make such a drink on the Easy Serving Espresso Open Standard (CHALD ESE), translated - easily prepared espresso.

Third option - coffee in capsules.

Coffee capsules are the trend of recent decades. Today there are already three capsular cooking systems for more than three, but there is one feature - for each coffee machine there are only your special capsurs. Therefore, purchasing a capsule coffee maker, you are "doomed" for coffee only one type. With monotony of varieties and tastes, it is necessary to hope only for quality, so when buying a new box, be sure to open and sniff. Bright coffee fragrance - a sign of fresh and high-quality drink.

Video: Coffee machines - Are there any coffee from the capsules?

6. Production date.

Freshness for coffee - first of all. Buying a new packaging of your favorite drink, just look at the production date. Even the little last year's pack has already lost its fragrance - as if you discovered a large package and left in this form for a month. The best option is to buy grain coffee in a specialized tea-coffee shop and ask for it to resolol with you.

7. Brand and manufacturer.

The well-known manufacturer and the promoted brand is a guarantee that ground coffee will be manufactured by all standards and without suspicious impurities. Today the main giants of ground coffee, representing their fragrant products in Russia, isJardin (Russia-Switzerland), Paulig (Finland), Zhocy (Russia), Illy (Italy), Malongo (France), Lavazza (Italy), "Living Coffee "(Russia).

Coffee is one of the most sophisticated drinks that is present in almost every home. Special status has ground coffee. It is he who choose all the gourmets in order to feel the true taste of this drink, as well as to feel the necessary effect. Choosing ground coffee is a whole art that requires special knowledge. Many people in this matter can rely on the seller, however, this is a big mistake. Most often, the seller himself is not aware of the varieties and features, and just trying to sell you what is beneficial to him. That is why we have prepared 9 tips for you from an expert to help you make the right choice among the wide variety of ground coffee in our.

It is an opinion that it is necessary to buy ground coffee exclusively from Brazil, Colombia or India, since it is there that there are huge plantations of our element. But it is not necessary to make a choice in favor of these countries. Such countries like Italy, Germany and others buy coffee from the countries listed listed countries, and even after they apply certain methods of roasting and grinding. And technology data is progressive, so we can say that the final product is better. That is why it is better to prefer progressive countries in which the necessary fruits do not grow, but coffee is made under a well-known brand than "coffee" countries that do not have proper technologies and brand.

Before choosing, decide what kind of cooking is suitable for you. For each method of cooking, ground coffee is needed to a certain degree of grinding. Thin and hyperfine grinding must be taken to prepare a drink in the Turk. If you are going to cook in a filtration coffee maker, then you will suit you coffee medium or large grinding. Small grinding here is inappropriate, because it will not give proper taste to the finished drink. The choice between medium and large grinding should be done on the basis of the specifics of your technology. Also for the preparation of espresso in a specialized coffee maker you will need espresso grinding.

An important role to determine the taste plays the degree of its roasting. It is important here to understand that there is no properly roasting. Roasting happens next:

This is just a general classification, since different countries are different terminology. You need to know one thing - the higher the degree of roasters, the richer taste will be at the finished drink. Always look at this parameter on the package, so as not to find yourself in a situation where your coffee is too bitter. Remember that most often the strongest root of the Italian product. The rest of the manufacturers produce absolutely different ground coffee.

Of course, there are vague varieties. All of them have their own special taste, which, mostly, can recognize only true gourmet or a person with good taste receptors. However, all these varieties are reduced to two, which are considered classic - Arabica and Robust. On the packages, you can often meet the inscription "100% Arabica". Its value is understandable, but, how does this affect the taste of the drink?

Arabica has a small sourness, rich taste and strong aroma. She has less caffeine than in Robust. The Robust variety has a stronger taste, instead of sourness there are bitter notes there, as well as it contains more caffeine. Rarely on the shelves you can meet Coffee "100% Robusta," because it is used to dilute the arabica. Thus, we get a mixture for drinking "Espresso". Pay attention to the percentage ratio of these two varieties on the package to understand what drink you will get to cook.

Now every consumer has the opportunity to choose ground coffee with a variety of flavors. It can be a drink with chocolate, nut, brandy and other flavors. Here a question appears, how to distinguish natural from the analogue with flavors. The answer is as follows: Natural coffee with an additional aroma can only be with some bulk spices. For example, with cinnamon, cardamon, nutmeg, etc. You can be sure that the drink with some kind of fruit, chocolate or alcohol is chemistry.

Attention! Always look at the composition of such drinks. If it is natural, then in the composition there should be only an additional ingredient. Drinks with chemical additives will not only help you feel the real taste, but they can also negatively affect your health.

Inside the roasted green is a special gas bubble, which stores the entire fragrance of this drink. After grinding coffee begins to "exhale", which leads to full loss of fragrance. To avoid similar consequences, buy coffee in a vacuum briquette. It will best keep the fragrance of your drink, and will also not scatter it. In no case do not buy coffee in paper bags that stand for a long time in the store. If you have looked at the coffee for weight, which is sold exclusively in paper packages, then ask to grind it with you to be confident in its freshness and aroma. Having come home, do not forget to push it into a jar or a vacuum briquette, which will highlight specifically for your favorite drink and do not use for other purposes.

Very often, manufacturers add some impurity to save. Most often is chicory. Of course, it is impossible to say anything bad about it, except that you pay for coffee, and get it. To check if you have additional impurities in your coffee, just pour a handful into cold water. Good coffee will swim on top, and all impurities will fall on the bottom or paint your water. This advice will allow you to understand next time whether it is worth making a choice in favor of one or another option.

The cost of coffee is not the factor that is of great importance when choosing coffee after all, observing all previous tips, you can choose good coffee for a small cost. But still there are several nuances that you need to take into account. Do not think that the most expensive coffee will be the most delicious and fragrant.

The high price of coffee may depend on the features of its production. There are varieties, in the production of which the digestion of animals is involved. For example, palm civetta is used to produce one of the varieties, the price of which reaches several tens of thousand rubles per kilogram. This animal eats fruit, after which they come out of his digestion and are going to people. These fruits are roasted, and we get a unique kind of coffee, which has the difference in price, but not a very big difference in taste. This bright example shows that you should not make a choice exclusively in favor of expensive coffee.

Focus on the average price, then you can be sure that this product does not have an overestimated cost due to the peculiarities of production, but at the same time coffee is quite good, because it is more expensive than budget options.

If you want to act on the principle of "buy, enough for a long time", then with ground coffee is not very competent. As we mentioned, coffee has the "way out" property. Even the most correct packaging does not protect it from it. When buying coffee, count somewhere for 5-10 days. It was during this period that freshly ground coffee can keep a full-fledged aroma and taste.

To feel the maximum degree of enjoying a favorite drink, follow these tips. They will make the coffee drink in a real masterpiece that will warm you with winter evenings and awake every morning.

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