Canning cucumbers for winter are very tasty salads. Cucumber Salads for Winter - Garlic Fresh Crispy Cucumbers

What only pickles, no snacks from cucumbers! The network you can find many photos of appetizing dishes from this vegetable. To prepare a salad, it is desirable to pick up fresh, young fruits of bright green color, but you can cook a snack and from larger copies. Good cucumbers are dense to the touch, do not contain many moisture and seeds, do not make sure. But if bitter vegetables have gotten up, it is easy to fix it, seeing them for several hours in cold water.

To extend the summer and enjoy seasonal vegetables, they should be conserved. Essenna salads with cucumbers and tomatoes are especially delicious. Such a dish submitted to the table in the frost time will help you remember the summer. There are several excellent recipes for its cooking.

Real jam

It is easy to cook a snack: you should take the fruits of the medium size, cut into four parts, pour the marinade from vinegar, salt, sugar and give a wake of hours 3-4. Salad from cucumbers for the winter fingers lick need to be placed in clean banks, add finely chopped greens, pour marinade and sterilize 20-25 minutes in boiling water. Cool banks under the blanket. Sweetish, moderately acute snack is ready!

Without sterilization

Modern hostesses prefer to save time in the kitchen as much as possible in the kitchen, therefore, the methods of conservation for the winter are chosen without a long sterilization process. Vegetables need to cut into rings, deliver salt, sugar, finely chopped by the greenery of parsley, garlic and leave for 12 hours to marinate. After this time, mix a snack, place in pure banks, fill with 100 milliliters of vegetable oil. Close banks, keep them in the refrigerator.

Snack from cutting cucumbers for the winter

Diverse your diet and prepare a salad of cutting cucumbers for the winter without sterilization. It differs from the rest of the fact that it contains onions, which gives the unique taste and aroma of the workpiece. Vegetables need to cut down her slices, put in a deep bowl along with a thinly chopped onion and give some time to let me be enough. Then add spices, garlic, vinegar, sugar, salt, put the container on the fire and let it boil. Hot snack shock in clean banks, store in the refrigerator.

An alternative to the main method of preserving vegetables has become recipes with pouring boiled water into several techniques. The technology assumes that fresh fruits with seasonings need to be folded into the bank, and marinade for the workpiece from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization to fill and merge a couple of times before sunsetting the lid. The interval between repeated fillings lasts no more than five to seven minutes, then the banks turn over and leave cool under the plaid.

How to choose the right cucumbers for the workpiece for the winter

To prepare delicious cucumbers for the winter, they should be given to their choice with full responsibility. Fruits should be fresh, medium sized with black spines. Cucumbers with white spines for winter blanks will not suit, as they refer to perishable dessert varieties. It is necessary to remove the pitched pieces of cucumbers and wash them thoroughly, then the winter salads without sterilization will have many advantages over other types of blanks:

  • preserve more vitamins and useful elements for the body;
  • do not take a lot of time for cooking;
  • contain few calories;
  • have a more rich taste; Save budget.

Delicious salad recipes from cucumbers "Winter King" without sterilization

The appetizing salad from the cucumbers "Winter King" at housewives is tremendous. It does not require sterilization, pleases the minimum amount of ingredients and excellent taste. It is important when preparing strictly adhere to proportions, otherwise due to a small amount of products there may be taste deviations in one direction or another. The "Winter King" is stored without sterilization, has a pleasant green and summer fragrance.

Cooking from cucumbers and onions with vinegar in banks

Marinated cucumbers, harvested for the winter, are obtained by gentle and crispy, if they are not subject to sterilization. For this recipe, use any, even curves and uneven fruits that did not come to another salting. You can add any components to cucumbers to try a delicious salad in winter, but we will look at their preparation entirely with the addition of Luke and Garlic. A small amount of spices or spicy seasonings will be saturated with our cucumbers with fragrant notes.

Ingredients per bank (3 l):

  • cucumbers (how many in the bank fit);
  • 1300 ml of drinking water;
  • 70 g of table salt;
  • 70 g of sugar sand;
  • 60 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • one middle bulb;
  • one tooth. garlic;
  • 3 pcs. Lavr. Sheet;
  • 5 pieces. fragrant pepper;
  • 3 pcs. Black pepper peppers.
  1. Rinse vegetables in running water.
  2. Clean onions and garlic slice, cut apart arbitrarily, but not very fine.
  3. Cucumbers, onions, garlic, pepper Put in the jar, and the larger the fetus, the lower it should be.
  4. Boil the water, pour it into the jar to the edge, cover the lid. Leave up to cooling.
  5. Prepare the marinade: add sugar, salt, bay leaf, vinegar and spices in the pan, then pour the cooled water from cans.
  6. Boiling marinade for 5 minutes, then pour into banks that have passed sterilization, and immediately block them with tin lids using a special key for canning.
  7. Turn up the bottom of all banks, leave in heat 1-2 days.
  8. Enjoy winter crispy marinated cucumbers, which are prepared by the way of fillings, that is, without sterilization.

How to prepare the "Nezhinsky" salad with the addition of vegetable oil

The "Nezhinsky" salad is a wonderful idea for the workpiece without sterilization for the winter, because it is perfectly combined with vegetable dishes, meat, fried potatoes. A salad of cucumbers is preparing quickly, and it is very much recipes. We will look at the classic version of the "Nezhinsky", which can be preserved for the winter. For its preparation, it is not necessary to choose young cucumbers - they will fit and overripe, and the fruit curves.


  • two kg cucumbers;
  • two kg of the onion bows;
  • one glass of rap. oils;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • three art. l. salty salt;
  • two st. l. sugar sand;
  • 8 pcs. Black pepper peppers.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Wash in running water and dry cucumbers.
  2. Cut them with thin circles, not more than 0.5 cm thick.
  3. From Luke Cut the peel, bold thin rings.
  4. In the aluminum dishes, connect the ingredients, add sugar, salt, mix.
  5. Give breeds in the dark room 20-30 minutes to give juice.
  6. Put the container with vegetables on fire. Stirring, bring to a boil.
  7. After boiling, pour vinegar and oil.
  8. Intensely stirring, cook the contents for another 7 minutes.
  9. In the banks who have passed sterilization, lay out hot stew vegetables, slightly sink, add to each few black pepper peas, roll the tin lids.
  10. Gently turn them up upside down, wrap the blanket. Salad "Nezhinsky" is ready for wintering after a complete cooling.

Fresh cucumber salad, cooked for winter without sterilization and without cooking, can stand in a fridge for 4 months. On the one hand, it seems to be a small shelf life, and on the other - just enough for the whole cold period. For its preparation you will need:

  • three kg of cucumbers;
  • three tooth. garlic;
  • one cup of sugar;
  • 150 g of vinegar;
  • 30 g of parsley;
  • three art. l. Salt.


Cut cucumbers with circles or cubes. Add finely chopped garlic, sugar, salt, vinegar, chopped greens. Mix thoroughly, leave for 12 hours so that the cucumbers let the juice. Spread on banks that have passed sterilization, close by kapron covers, store in the refrigerator.

Salad "Fingers lick" is the easiest way to billet cucumbers without sterilization for the winter, and according to the reviews of the horses and the most delicious. Crispy cucumbers in mustard pouring is a royal snack and for summer, and for winter.


  • 4 kg of cucumbers;
  • one glass of vegetable oil;
  • one glass of 9% vinegar;
  • one cup of sugar;
  • two art. l. large salt;
  • 4 tooth. garlic;
  • two art. l. mustard powder;
  • dill, chili or black pepper.


Cucumbers wash, cut the circles, fold into the aluminum container. Dill rinse, grind. Clean the garlic on the grater. Mustard powder Inscribe water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add all the ingredients to the cucumbers, gently mix, leave it in a cold place for 3 hours. Sterilize cans in any way: in the oven, multicooker, steamer or microwave. Spread the cucumber salad in the mustard fill in them, close plastic covers, store in a cold place.

Very delicious salad "assorted" for winter with tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. But so that vegetables are preserved without sterilization, it is required to remove all tied parts from them and wash carefully.


  • two kg cucumbers;
  • two kg of tomatoes;
  • 700 g onion of the branch;
  • 6-7 pcs. fragrant pepper;
  • 2-3 pcs. Lavr. Sheet;
  • glasses of vinegar (apple);
  • glakana rant. oils;
  • one art. l. salts;
  • 120 grams of sugar sand.

Recipe: Mix vinegar with butter, sugar, pepper, salt and laurel sheet. Bring to a boil, and then finished marinade remove from fire. Cucumbers and onions Cut the cubes, and the small tomatoes should be cut by quarters. Fill the vegetables with a cooled marinade, mix, boil on a quiet heat for 30 minutes, after stirring from time to time. Spread the hot salad in the container, sterilization, sunk.

How to make a "winter king" without vinegar with lemon acid

Marinades are traditionally prepared on the basis of vinegar, but doctors argue that this is not the most useful product for our body. This is especially true of the store vinegar, so it is not necessary to get involved in dishes with the addition of this product. Those who cannot refuse pickled cucumbers, we offer the recipe for their winter harvesting without vinegar, but with the addition of citric acid.

Ingredients on the bank (3 l):

  • long cucumbers, how much will fit;
  • half sweet pepper;
  • half of the carrot;
  • one pod of bitter pepper;
  • 5 pieces. pepper peppers;
  • 5 Tooth. garlic;
  • 3 umbrella dill;
  • 2 pcs. leaves of cherries and currants;
  • 1 tsp. lemon k-you;
  • 8 ppm Sahara;
  • 4 ppm Large salt salt.


Cut the cucumbers do the ends, rinse and poke 3 hours in cold water. On the bottom of the banks lasting sterilization, lay the layers: dill, currant leaves and cherries, carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles, pieces of peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bsweet pepper, chopped bitter pepper, fragrant pepper, crushed garlic. Fill in a jar with cucumbers, fill with boiling water from above, leave for 15 minutes. Then drain water into the pan, add sugar, salt and boil it for 5 minutes. In a jar with cucumbers, pour citric acid, pour the brine, roll the lid. Turn over the jar upside down, look warm, leave for a day, then send it with storage.

Thanks to the sour-sweet taste, Latgalesky salad is popular on the festive tables, because it is perfectly combined with vodka, brandy, whiskey and other strong drinks.

Ingredients that are needed for cooking excellent snacks for the winter:

  • 2.5 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of a solid bunch;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 100 ml rustled. oils;
  • 1 PC. red chili;
  • 100 ml of 6% vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. large salt;
  • ground coriander, pepper, greens.


Cucumbers rinse, cut into thin circles. Onions Cut half rings and add to cucumbers. To vegetables, put the remaining components: vinegar, rap. Oil, sugar, salt, coriander, chili. Mix content, put on a small fire. Boil 15 minutes. When the color and consistency of the salad change - it is ready. Explodulate salad on the banks that have passed sterilization, thoroughly, so that the cucumbers lie tightly to each other and were completely covered with marinade. Slide the covers, turn the jars, wrap the towel, leave for the night.

Cucumbers in Korean without sterilization for the winter is an acute snack that is perfectly combined with stew, steak, fried potatoes. Such a salad will be a real find in the days of the post, making a more diverse meager menu. Bulgarian pepper and carrots harmoniously complement the taste of cucumbers, without interrupting their freshness and tenderness.


  • 1.5 kg of medium sized cucumbers;
  • 200 g of carrots;
  • 3 pcs. Bulgarian pepper;
  • half art. 9% vinegar;
  • half art. Rast. oils;
  • 8 tooth. garlic;
  • one article. salts;
  • two vessels Sahara.


Cucumbers cut the edges, cut them first on two halves along, then with thin stripes across. Bulgarian pepper Clean, cut into thin blocks. Clean carrots, soda on a grater intended for Korean salads. Garlic shredtit. Mix all the prepared vegetables, spray, add sugar, butter, vinegar, cover with a lid, leave for 10 hours. Spread the Korean snack on banks that have passed sterilization, pour the marinade formed during Marination. Close the banks for the winter, stored in a cold place.

Cucumbers canned in tomato juice (paste, sauce, ketchup) is an ideal recipe for novice owners, because the tomato is easy to use to prepare other dishes. For fans of more complex recipes, we offer assorted cucumbers "in the royal", with the addition of zucchini and cabbage in tomato fill, and if you want a sharp, then the tomato can be replaced with freshly prepared Georgian adzhika.


  • 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers; one kg of zucchini;
  • one small kochan cabbage;
  • one kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 Tooth. garlic;
  • 400 g of parsley;
  • 200 g of dill;
  • two art. l. Salts, spices.


Cabbage Cut the large, blanch for 5 minutes. Cucumbers and zucchini cut into cubes. Clean the garlic, skip through the press. Tomatoes scat, remove the skin, grind on the blender. Cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers fold layers in banks, spent sterilization, speaking a finely chopped greens. In Tomato, add salt, spices, garlic, negotiate on low heat for 10-25 minutes, and then fill in cans with vegetables, roll up, flip, warming up, leave for a day.

  • Cooking time: 15 hours.
  • Calorie dish: 50 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

The recipe for salads from cucumbers without sterilization allows you to maintain the vegetables included in its composition with crispy and very juicy. To taste, such a dish is very similar to the store of canning, however, it turns out more natural and useful. And help in understanding how to prepare this kind of conservation correctly, the appropriate recipe with a photo is called.


  • cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • spices (dill, parsley) - 100 g;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • stone salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

Onions, garlic, cucumbers are washed under cold water, chopped finely. All ingredients add up to a bowl, season with vinegar, sugar, salt. Insole time - 12 hours. A pre-prepared container / covers must be examined for the absence of cracks, and after steriline. A blurred mixture of vegetables, which literally floats in the sauce, is evenly distributed to banks, 1 tbsp. A spoon of vegetable oil can be covered tightly with a lid and deposit into the refrigerator.

Salad Nezhinsky for the winter

  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Number of portions: 5 (1 l banks).
  • Calorie dish: 35 kcal.
  • Purpose: Salad, snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The Salad of Nezhinsky from cucumbers for the winter is good because it can be prepared from outgrowing or ugly vegetables. And overripe, and curve, and accidentally broken when assembling the cucumber in the final product will look completely equally. Since these vegetables are found in the conditions of their own garden, the Salad Nezhinsky will become for the existent dacities of the most real find.


  • fresh cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • onion - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper peas / fragrant - 30 g;
  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • salt cook - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

First need mandatory sterilization of cans and covers. Cucumbers cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, onion - half rings. Add salt, pepper, sugar, mix everything thoroughly and leave it to half an hour in a saucepan. After the vegetables are let the juice, put the container with them on the stove, bring to a boil. About 10 minutes after boiling, add vinegar, vegetable oil and bring the dish to boil again, not forgetting to stir. Without giving a mixture to cool, put it in banks and roll it.

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of portions: 5 (1 l banks).
  • Calorie dish: 38 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Kitchen: Korean.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Korean salad (like in Finnish salad) with cucumbers has a pronounced taste, which will enjoy fans of exotic cuisine and culinary experiments. Although all components undergo heat treatment, Korean salad with cucumbers This feature does not spoil. The recipes of dishes are elementary simple, however, the taste of salad, like fans of dishes, from it only won.


  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • onions - 4 pieces;
  • pepper Bulgarian - 5 pcs.;
  • tomato - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • black pepper - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g.

Cooking method:

Cucumbers thoroughly wash, cut in half, and every half along another 4 parts. Vegetables stop salt and leave for 2 hours so that they let juice. The rest of the vegetables are cut and sent to the pan with oil in the following order: onions, bell pepper, tomato, garlic. Maximum preparation of these ingredients at home takes 20 minutes. The cooled vegetables and pre-pressed through the gauze cucumbers are mixed and folded into banks. Cars with vegetable mass are put in a saucepan and sterilize for half an hour after water boiling. Next, the spin is carried out, and the preservation, up to cooling, must be kept in an inverted state.

Cucumbers snack - Capture secrets

To create really interesting and tasty snacks from cucumbers for the winter, it is necessary to arm a number of practical advice formed by experienced hostesses:

  1. In the process of canning, it is possible to use the wrong vegetable form, but they all must be fresh.
  2. Do not abuse spices, because in the process of storage, their taste will increase several times.
  3. In the recipes with a bow, it is better to cut this vegetable as thin, because, in most cases, it is added for taste and should not eclipse the main ingredient.

Well, who did not eat, prepared in the summer or in the fall, the salad of cucumbers for the winter. Especially good such a salad for adults. Children somehow love jam. But what only salads from various vegetables does not prepare people for the winter. Sometimes the diva is given.

Still, we still have most of all to harm the cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini. Of course, other vegetables are harvested, but these are basic.

I already gave recipes. Also wrote and oh, and two different articles, in the second one also gave, but they are not all can be stored for a long time. But you can store in the refrigerator, though they will already become salty.

Well, today, we will look at the recipes of salads from cucumbers for the winter. Each recipe is interesting in his own way. Pay attention to the details. Successes!


1. Salad of cucumbers for the winter fingers license


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg.
  • Bow - 0.5 kg.
  • Dill - big beam
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 200 ml.

From this number of ingredients it turned out a little more than 4 liters of lettuce.


What are the good salads from cucumbers to the fact that you can take cucumbers different in size that did not come up for canning whole.

1. Feather cucumbers, cut the tips from two sides and will cut. Cut the cucumbers with circles are not very thick, but not very thin. Large cucumbers cut in half and cut half rings, the same thickness as the first.

Cucumbers weigh already sliced \u200b\u200bto more accurately determine the amount of ingredients.

3. Lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers in a large bowl or pelvis.

4. Cut onions with small cubes or as you like, at your discretion. We send onions to the cucumbers.

5. Dill is finely rubbing and add to the cucumbers with a bow. Everything is gently mixed.

6. Add 3 tablespoons of salt, without a big slide. Salt take the stone, there are no additives in it. And add 6 tablespoons of sugar adding 6 tablespoons.

8. Everything is neatly mixed, it is closed with a lid and leave at room temperature, 4-5 hours until the cucumbers give juice.

9. Cucumbers stood, gave juice. We put the pelvis on fire and bring to a boil, with a neat stirring, so as not to break the cucumbers.

10. As soon as they boil, pour 200 ml. 9% vinegar. Stirring cooking another 3-4 minutes. As soon as the cucumbers change color, they are ready. Do not digest them. They will then not be crunchy, and even lose the taste. Well, someone can like.

We begin to marinate

11. Remove the pelvis from the fire and lay the cucumbers on banks. Do not forget to sterilize banks and covers.

As I have already written more than once, we do it in the oven. We put the washed banks in the cold oven. Turn on the temperature of 120 ° - 130 ° C and after reaching such a temperature, heating the banks for another 5-7 minutes so that they are completely dried.

12. Cucumbers are placed tightly and completely poured marinade. We close with covers, pre-sterilized.

Sterilize the lids are very simple. Pour boiling water and let stand 5-7 minutes.

13. We roll off the lids or tighten the special screw caps, I use such covers only when the pickles are a little 1-2 cans, and usually rush with metal covers.

14. We turn banks, put on the lids and let it be completely cool. They do not cover anything, otherwise the cucumbers will turn out soft.

Store such a salad in a cool place. But it can be stored at room temperature.

Our salad of cucumbers for the winter is ready for storage and future, winter use

Bon Appetit!

2. Salad of cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes and onions


  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • carrot
  • garlic
  • dill
  • carnation
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sololi.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. acetic essence 70%

Vegetables take as much as you need or how much you have. And the composite marinade is indicated in the ingredients per 1 liter of water. If the marinade is lacking from 1 liter of water, then add proportionally, in accordance with the above.


1. All vegetables are mine, garlic, onions, carrots, clean.

2. Onions cut half rings.

3. Mathed carrots cut by semicircles.

4. Tomatoes cut into 4 parts. They need to take small ripe, but dense.

5. Cucumbers cut the circles with a thickness somewhere about 3-5 mm.

6. In sterilized banks, we lay the spices: dill, 3 boutons of cloves, 3-4 cloves of garlic.

7. We begin to put vegetables. First we put onions.

8. Then put the carrots and cucumbers. Put vegetables tightly.

9. The top layer of lettuce is placed by tomato slices.

Preparing marinade.

10. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan. Suck one tablespoon of salt into the water and three tablespoons of sugar. Cover the saucepan with a lid. We bring to a boil and boil 3 minutes.

11. Add one tablespoon of acetic essence to the marinade.

12. Immediately hot marinade fuel salad. Marinade pour to the top of the banks. Litra marinada is enough for 3 banks with a capacity of 700 ml.

13. In a large saucepan, we pour water, heating it (not up to boiling). Banks cover with covers and put in hot water. Be careful, put slowly lowering the jar so that it does not burst, although it should have a hot marinade hot.

14. Water in a saucepan must reach almost the cervix. We bring to a boil and warm up 10 minutes in boiling water.

15. We take out gently jars from the water, tighten well or rush if you have metal, covers.

16. Well, that's all. Our salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions are ready for the winter.

Such a salad is stored at room temperature very well all winter.

So having prepared a potato in winter, take a salad and enjoy the smell and taste of summer.

Bon Appetit!

3. A simple and delicious cucumber salad for the winter


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tbsp.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. without slide
  • Sugar - 0.5 glasses
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 glasses
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 glasses


1. In well-washed cucumbers, we cut the tips on both sides and cut along in half, then in half, also along, and already the resulting quantities cut in half the across. If the cucumbers are not very large, they can simply be divided into 4 parts by cutting along.

2. To the sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers squeeze two cloves of garlic.

3. Paws to the cucumbers salt, mustard seeds, black ground pepper.

4. Add sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar.

5. Mix everything.

You can mix all the marinade ingredients in a separate dish and then add to the cucumbers. But all the same, the cucumbers will need to mix. Do how it is more convenient for you.

6. We leave cucumbers to stand at room temperature for 2-3 hours, mixing 2-3 times during this time. We need the cucumbers to give as much juice as possible.

7. We had a lot of juice after 2 hours. Depending on the cucumbers, you may need to give them another watch to stand up to the juice well stand out.

8. Unlock cucumbers in pure sterilized banks. We have already cooled banks. First we get and lay cucumbers in banks. Then I foul with our marinade (excreted cucumber juice, which stirred with spices). And close with sterilized lids.

9. In the pan we pour some cold water into a saucepan. At the bottom of the towel, so that the banks do not come into contact with the bottom of the pan. Put on the stove.

10. We put banks with cucumbers in the water. Top water so that the banks are filled with 2/3. Turn on heating. Waiting when the water boils. After the water boiled, the banks are sterilized for another 20 minutes.

11. Having finished sterilization, get banks from the pan. Do not put banks on the cold surface, put something wooden. Immediately roll up banks with covers.

12. We install banks inverting with covers down on a suitable surface, you can put another towel, and let it be completely cool.

13. After the banks are completely cooled, put them on storage. Best of all in a dark cool place. Who does not have it, can be stored in the storage room, in the apartment.

Our simple and delicious salad of cucumbers for the winter is ready.

Now only remains to get and eat when you want.

Bon Appetit!

4. Video - Salad for winter from cucumbers Winter king

5. Video - Salad of cucumbers for the winter in Korean

The season of cucumbers has not yet ended, so you have the opportunity to prepare all sorts of salads for the winter. And if necessary, they can be purchased at any time of the year in grocery stores.

These vegetables are useful for our body, so they must be included in their diet. They have a diuretic effect, so the intestines are well cleans. In addition, they contain important vitamins. And if you combine cucumbers with other vegetables in salads, then they will be even more useful and tastier.

From these fruits, you can cook many snacks, but we will look at the most delicious and simple recipes. There is no time for cooking. Therefore, be sure to slow down several jars for the winter so that the table can always be put on a delicious and fragrant salad, which is suitable almost to any dishes.

This recipe is suitable for people who love salad with spicy taste. It can be immediately used or left for the winter. The cooking process is simple and does not require much time. The name of the recipe fully justifies itself, as the snack is really tasty.


  • 4kg cucumbers.
  • 1 bunch of parsley.
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil.
  • 1 cup of sugar sand.
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar.
  • 80g (4st.l) of large salt.
  • 1 head garlic.
  • 1h.l with a slide of ground black pepper.

Step-by-step cooking

It is advisable to select medium-sized cucumbers. Fruits wash, cut off the tails. After that, cut them along on 4 parts. Little vegetables can be cut into two halves. Shells should turn out, approximately as shown in the image below. Send cucumbers in a saucepan.

Now proceed to parsley. Greens need to be washed under running cold water, cut off thick stems. Then shallowly chopping and send to a saucepan with cucumbers. If you do not like parsley, then it can be replaced by dill, this is a matter of taste.

Clear and chop it on thin slices. Add to other products.

Add all other ingredients to the pan, mix thoroughly and leave marinated for 4-6 hours. Juice will be highlighted from cucumbers, so snack should be intermitted during this time.

Meanwhile, you need to prepare banks. They must be washed and dried. Dismix in them already marinated cucumbers. It is necessary to lay them in a vertical position if there is a place in the bank, you can fill it with vegetables in a horizontal position. Then evenly pour the remaining marinade.

Now a snack must be sterilized. To do this, prepare a saucepan, suitable volume, put a towel to bottom, put banks into it, cover with covers. Add water to the dishes, on the shoulders of jars. Put the saucepan on the burner, and after boiling sterilize the workpiece for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, roll the covers, check the tightness, for this banks need to turn over the bottom. Warm with a warm towel and leave in a dark place to a complete cooling. Salad ready! Bon Appetit!!!

Salad of cucumbers "Winter King" - Sterilization is not required

Thanks to this recipe, you can cook snack with crispy cucumbers in just one hour. With this method, the salad is not required to sterilize.


  • 2kg cucumbers.
  • 400g onion.
  • 2st. Long Sugar Sand.
  • 40ml table vinegar.
  • 1st. Lot salt.
  • 8 pepper peas.
  • Parsley or dill according to preferences.

Cooking method

Then drain the water and proceed to the processing of fruits. First you need to cut off the edges, then cut into thin washers, with a thickness of about 2 mm. If the cucumbers are large, then they can be chopped into semicircles.

Onions cut into half rings and send to the tar with cucumbers. If the bow causes tears, then the knife is recommended to be periodically saved in cold water.

In a bowl add salt and finely chopped greens. To mix everything. To postpone vegetables for 40 minutes so that the cucumbers give juice.

At the next stage, all products shifting into a saucepan, add sugar sand, vinegar and pepper. After that, mix again. Bring to a boil on medium fire. Then cook snack 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. When the cucumbers take the yellow-green color, then the saucepan needs to be removed from the stove.

After that, the hot salad you need to decompose on sterilized banks. A snack must be well sealing and pour marinade. It is tightly closed with covers, which also need to pre-sterilize.

After that, the jars must be flipped over, as well as wrapping, and leave until complete cooling. Be sure to leave one plate on the sample. If you adhere to cooking technology, then the salad will get very tasty.

Cucumbers salad in Korean

Korean salad with cucumbers is obtained sharp and fragrant. For preparation, we will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2kg fresh cucumbers.
  • 500g carrots.
  • 1st grated garlic.
  • 50g sodium salt.
  • 0.5 cup of white sugar.
  • 0.5 cup of sunflower oil.
  • 0.5 cup of table vinegar.
  • 1Ch. Long pepper to your taste.

Preserving process

Cooking Let's start with the fact that we promo cucumbers and cut their tips. After that, cut the fruits along the 4 parts, after which it across two parts. That is, from one fetus it turns out 8 poles. Ship the lumps in the dishes.

Now you need to grate the purified carrot on the Korean grater.

Send Carrots to Cucumbers. There are add pepper, salt, garlic, vinegar, sugar, as well as unrefined oil, in the required quantities.

All ingredients mix, bowl cover the lid and leave a marinated salad for 4 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will give juice, which is useful for filling in cans.

After the designated time, the salad needs to be decomposed on the prepared banks, supplement them with juice and cover with covers. Sterilize the workpiece is needed in a saucepan with water for 15 minutes.

After that, tightly spin the lids and turn the banks. If you want cucumbers to get crispy, then the workpiece does not need to be covered with a towel or blanket. After cooling, Korean salad is ready!

Cucumber salad with mustard

Consider another option of the cucumber billet for the winter. Such a snack can be prepared very quickly. A distinctive feature is that we will use mustard.


  • 4.5kg cucumbers.
  • 250ml vinegar.
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil.
  • 250g sugar.
  • 100g salt.
  • 2st. Litter black pepper.
  • 1st. Lit dry mustard.
  • 1st. Long garlic.

Cooking process

In a bowl with vegetables pour sunflower oil, sugar sand, black pepper, food salt, mustard powder, table vinegar, finely chopped garlic. If you wish, you can add mustard seed. Mix everything with your hands. Leave the workpiece for 3-5 hours.

Then a snack should be decomposed on sterilized jars and supplement marinade.

Now it remains only to sterilize the workpiece in a saucepan with water for 10 minutes. Turn over the banks to check the tightness, and leave up to complete cooling. If you wish, you can try a cooked salad after a few hours.

From cucumbers and tomatoes. Real jam!

Even from ordinary products you can cook a delicious snack for the winter. Despite the fact that the cooking process is very simple, you need a certain experience so that the salad is fragrant. Therefore, be sure to try to make such a workpiece.


  • 1kg cucumbers.
  • 1kg tomatoes.
  • 3 onion heads.
  • 2Thel salt.
  • 160ml table vinegar.
  • 4st. Long Sugar Sand.

Phased canning

For this salad you can use cucumbers of any size. To begin with, cut off the ass and spout, and then cut them with rings of medium thickness.

For snacks, you need to select tomatoes with an elastic structure so that they do not sprawle during sterilization. Remove the fruits and cut the fruits on 4 slices.

Onions cut into rings.

When all products are prepared, we will proceed to filling out sterilized cans. The first layer should be cucumbers, then tomatoes, after which the bow. After that, repeat the bookmark. Thus, fill all jars.

Now proceed to the preparation of marinade. Pour 2 liters in the pan and put on the stove. When it almost boils, you need to add salt and sugar. To stir and pour the table vinegar. When marinade will boil, it must be added to the cans with vegetables.

At the last stage, you need to sterilize the workpiece in a bowl with water. After boiling the can be removed after 15 minutes and roll in a special key. Salad can be kept for a long time, so you can delight your loved ones and friends with a delicious vegetable snack all winter.

Salad of cucumbers with bow and vegetable oil

We continue to consider the recipes of canning with cucumbers. For cooking, you can use young and old fruits. Vegetables are obtained by crispy. Snack is combined with different dishes.


  • 4kg cucumbers. Weighing need after cutting.
  • 1 / 2kg of the reptile onion.
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill.
  • 200ml table vinegar.
  • 250 ml of sunflower oil.
  • 6st. Long Sugar Sand.
  • 3st. Litted salt.

Phased cooking

Cucumbers need to be washed, then cut into circles, thickness at your discretion.

After that, cut onions on the rings, half rings or small pieces, as you like more, since there is no principled difference. Send to pelvis with cucumbers.

Also to products add chopped greens, stone salt and sugar. Then pour vegetable oil. Everything is good to prevent. The pelvis cover the lid and leave the salad for 4 hours so that the cucumbers give juice.

I put a bowl on the burner and bring to a boil on medium heat. After that add vinegar and cook vegetables 3-4 minutes. Readiness you can determine the color of cucumbers, they must acquire a yellowish tint. Do not forget to stir snack during cooking.

Remove the bowl from the fire, and decompose the salad on banks.

To hermetically close all the banks, turn them over and postpone to complete cooling. If the workpiece is wrapped, the cucumbers will be soft.

This is not all ways to prepare winter billets from cucumbers. But we looked at the most popular and delicious recipes.

The duration of the seasonity of fresh vegetables is quite short. Therefore, stocking hostesses are trying for this short period to cook as much as possible (including salads) to compensate for them in the cold season, lack of vitamins and beneficial substances. Some have already abandoned the billet of homemade vegetable preservations for the winter because of the abundance of their range in stores. And they made a big stupidity! After all, nothing will be so natural and useful as cooked at home!

And, if you want to pamper yourself and your households with delicious dishes from vegetables from our own garden, a variety of salads, they need to have time to roll on time. And our website website In turn, give you a lot of interesting, tasty and, which is very important, tested recipes.

Salads out cucumbers for the winter, from tomatoes, zucchini and other vegetables is the most affordable and simple method of preserving and harvesting vegetables to winter. Their recipes are numerous and diverse. Of course, among them there are complex recipes, requiring and strength, and time; For example, bean salads for winter, layer salads or cauliflower salads. But, nevertheless, most vegetable blanks collected on our site, quite simple and easy, even a beginner culinary will cope with them.

Enjoy the greatest popularity tomato Salads for Winter In "pure form", with cucumbers, with onions, with sweet pepper and other components. All of them are extremely delicious, saturated and fragrant. In addition, the tomatoes do not need to be wiser. The principle of preparing these salads is simple and requires minimal inclusion of other ingredients (with rare exceptions). With tomatoes, it is convenient to experiment, not afraid to spoil the dish or overdo the amount with the added number. After all, they are simply created for experiments!

Salads from zucchini are equally in demand. This is explained by the fact that they are universal vegetables. Their neutral taste is remarkably combined with almost any vegetables: paprika, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and even beet. Zucchini salads love spices very much, so you can put various dried or fresh herbs, ground pepper (red, black), garlic, enriching these taste. And if your garden pleased with a rich harvest of zucchini, be sure to slow down several jars with a delicious kabachkoy caviar, whose recipes with step-by-step photos and comments can be found in the appropriate subsection.

Lovers to eat something unusual and original will necessarily like our eggplant salads for the winter. Our site has collected an amazing collection of recipes for eggplant, among which there are the following dishes: honeycomb, stuffed eggplants, eggplants in various sauces and fills, salad "Techin Language", Korean Eggplants, Lummy and Even National Recipe for Indian cuisine.

Very easy to prepare vegetable salads with apples. They are usually rolled out without additional heat treatment, and in taste differ from the other low calorie and satisfaction. Close with apples salads from beets for the winter, White cabbage, Bulgarian pepper or tomato.

Well, our pepper salads for the winter are out of competition. Many believe that sweet or Bulgarian pepper is suitable only for cooking leaps. But, viewing a long list of pepper salads, you will be sure about the opposite. Pepper in tomato or oil marinen fill, pepper with rice, stuffed pepper and much more.

If you are happy with the extraordinary crop of cucumbers in the country, then you will rather open section "Cucumber Salads for Winter" On the site in which we collected for our readers the best examples of such conservation.

Salad of cucumbers for the winter - This is one of the most familiar ways for us to prepare this appetizing vegetable. In the cold season, you can please the households or friends with an excellent addition to second dishes, in addition, the contents of jars can be used when preparing a supa pickle, saltwood or loved by everyone "Olivier".

Of salad cucumbers for winter recipes Will be the most diverse, because all the tastes are different. When preparing such spins, you can use other vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, do not forget about garlic, black pepper, salt, table vinegar and lean oil. If we talk about more exotic components, then among them coriander, paprika.

Of cucumbers Salad for Winter It's pretty simple, you will be able to close the cans with appetizing content without much effort, for money will also be relatively inexpensive. The most important thing is to choose high-quality raw materials, which will fully contain all the useful substances. Also check that all the prepared "green handsome" do not belong to the rapid salad varieties. We want to draw your attention to one secret. salads from cucumbers for the winter - The fact is that for their cooking you can use "non-primable" cucumbers, i.e. Those that will not "look" as a whole. As for the methods of cutting, then their set - you can cut them with thin circles, semirings, cubes, storage, in half along. Even overwhelmed "cheat" can be put into dealing, crushing and prepare from them in a tandem with other products a wonderful caviar.

Very popular can be called fresh cucumbers salad for winter, After all, no one will refuse to hurt on the winter day with almost fresh vegetable, the preservation of the consistency and the elasticity of the main ingredient can be called the advantage of this order. And there is such a publication on our website - thanks to detailed photos and descriptions you can please all your family and friends.

Salad Tomatoes Cucumbers for the winter Let all and everyone enjoy it, because it is an excellent combination of favorite products. This option is also good and the fact that you can use cucumbers-hooks, because you still need to cut them into them with circles or slices.

Variation in Korean also found its admirers for a long time, which is why we simply could not not place it in this section. The spicy and sharp snack is easy to prepare, but invariably causes approval from everyone who tries it.

When cooking salads from cucumbers in winter It is very important to adhere to the general rules of sterilization. So, banks should be turned over the lid - it will help you notice the air intake. Also, jars must be prettier well, it will provide additional autocouplements. Store the workpiece best in a dark and cool place.

Salad "Raw" from cucumbers for the winter

Raw salad of cucumbers for the winter will interest those who love to hurt with fresh vegetables. Salad of their crispy pieces of cucumbers, sweet onions, spicy sharp garlic, pickled in a small amount of vinegar and completely without thermal processing.

A preservative in this recipe will be garlic and vinegar. Due to this, the taste of vegetables is preserved natural, and winter salad will smell almost like fresh cucumbers. Excellent proportions of salt and sugar make it sweetish. And a very big plus of this snack in what is being done as simple as possible and very quickly. At the whole process, along with the preparation you will have no more than forty minutes. And another 12 hours, which cucumbers should simply be soaked.


1. Cucumbers small - 3 kg

2. Onion onion - 250 gr

3. Sugar - 1 cup

4. Salt large - 100 gr

5. Vinegar 9% - 150 ml

6. Garlic - 200-250 gr

7. Dill - at will

How to prepare Salad "Raw" from cucumbers for the winter:

For the preparation of raw salad we select cucumbers strong, small.

From surpired large vegetables, the ordering will not be so crisp.

Cut them with circles, no more centimeter thick.

You can even chop them two times less.

We send them to a convenient pelvis or a saucepan.

The main thing is that you can mix the components in this dish. Purified onion heads cut thin half rings or straws.

Garlic cloves separate from husks and grind to the consistency of the minced meat. This can be done by skipping them through the press or finely chop the knife.

Spring sugar and salt.

We pour nine percent vinegar. However, it is possible to use six percentage.

We thoroughly mix, you can mix with your hands.

Now you need to give a salad from cucumbers to be impregnated with all juices and flavors, for which we leave it in a cool place, removing away from the stove. You can take a balcony if the sun's rays do not fall there. Therefore, it is convenient to make a blank overnight so that in the morning just package salad on banks.
A couple of times in the process of salad need to mix. Prepare for conservation package. It needs not only to wash, but sterilize. To do this, you can put in the microwave with a small amount of water on the bottom for 3-4 minutes. Or do the same thing in a well-preheated oven.

In dry hot jars lay out the salad and immediately rush them. It is not necessary to sterilize anything. Now you know how can be cooked for the winter raw salad of cucumbers.

Tips: Garlic is better to weigh after it was cleared. Since if you put a smaller amount of this ingredient, then the preservation can be careful.

Bon Appetit!

Another recipe for cooking cucumbers salad (sterilization is required)

The cucumbers will become an excellent snack to dinner or dinner. From this number of ingredients, 4 liter jars of the finished product are obtained.


1. Cucumbers - 4 kg

2. Sugar - 1 cup

3. Vegetable oil - 1 cup

4. Vinegar table 9% - 1 cup

5. Salt - 40 gr.

6. Black pepper, ground - 1 tbsp. a spoon

7. Garlic - 3 teeth

8. Dill or parsley to taste.

How to prepare cucumber salad:

Cucumbers cut slices. Add all other ingredients to cucumbers: oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, greens and squeezed garlic. I mix all and leave for 4 hours so that our cucumbers let juice be fed.

While the cucumbers insist, we will prepare cans:

My cans and sterilize over the steam, covers pour boiling water. Sterilized banks cover with covers and leave for further use.

After the time of time, the cucumbers lay in the sterilized banks and pour the resulting juice (juice it turns out quite a lot).

Filled banks cover with lids and sterilize (we pour water into the pan, put a rag on the bottom of the saucepans, in warm water immersing banks, bring water to a boil and leave on low heat for 15 minutes).

Sterilized banks rush, turn over and wrap in a blanket to complete cooling.

Delicious, crispy marinated cucumbers, cooked on this recipe, will certainly decorate lunch or dinner on a cold winter day.

Bon Appetit!

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