Medicinal properties of lard. Pork lard: beneficial properties and contraindications

One of the most versatile types of animal fats in terms of composition and benefits is pork fat, or simply . This is fat-rich tissue from an animal (in this case, a pig), enveloping its internal organs. The beneficial properties of the product and its high healing potential are determined by its rich nutrient content.

Pork fat is beneficial for both adults and children. But many people don't even know about it. Therefore, let's look at its properties in more detail.

The first thing worth noting is a relatively small dose of cholesterol, since a large amount of it can cause harm to human health.

The second advantage is the presence of arachidonic acid from the omega-6 fatty acid class. This compound is beneficial for the brain and can increase mental alertness. In addition, it provides medical assistance to people who suffer from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The last nuance is the content of vitamins A, K, E and D. The human body can receive these nutrients in the required quantities only as part of food. Their purpose:

  • A – improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, helps the body fight various infections.
  • E – rejuvenates the body, preventing its aging, strengthens the cardiovascular system, participates in the absorption of vitamin A;
  • K – affects the degree of calcium absorption, plays an important role in hematopoiesis, affects blood clotting;
  • D – fights depression, correlates with calcium and glucose levels in the blood, reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system, and is involved in the formation of bones and teeth.

Due to its composition, pork fat copes well with vitamin deficiency.

Use in folk medicine

The main purpose of pork fat is to strengthen the human immune system. Eating this product primarily serves as an excellent prophylactic against many ailments.

In folk medicine, the use of such fat is usually external. It copes well with mild colds, coughs and chronic bronchitis. Most often used to prepare compresses.

A few recipes and tips for external use:

  • rubs for colds are suitable for treating the chest, back and feet; the main thing is not to use at elevated temperatures;
  • cough compress: you need to take a bandage or gauze, fold it and soak it in melted fat, put it on your back and cover with a warm towel;
  • ointment for rubbing: add 2 tbsp to 50 g of baked health. l. vodka and move carefully.

Recipes for treating cough by oral administration:

  • tea for chronic cough: boil milk, add green tea, a piece of lard and black or red pepper on the tip of a knife, drink before bed;
  • decoction: add a small amount of zdor to rosehip and bee honey, consume three times a day;
  • fat with milk for dry cough: melt a small amount of internal fat in hot milk with honey, drink three times a day.

This is not the entire list of product capabilities. It is used to treat gout and joint diseases, as well as in modern cosmetology.

Cosmetic properties

  1. A valuable property of pork fat is its ability not to lose its biological value after heating.
  2. Used to prepare various ointments and creams that support and improve the beauty of the skin. The skin absorbs this product quite quickly, since in some biochemical properties it is similar to human fat.
  3. Another definite plus is the fast delivery of all the necessary components of cosmetics to their destination due to the high absorbent properties of health.
  4. The product does not clog the skin, allowing it to breathe as before, and is washed off without much difficulty.
  5. A huge number of skin care emulsions can be prepared on the basis of pork fat, since it is easily mixed with any other types of fats, as well as with aqueous solutions, alcohols, resins, glycerin and medications.

Harm and contraindications

You can list the contraindications and possible harm from using Zdor on the fingers of one hand.

Pork fat is contraindicated for people who have recently suffered a serious illness or surgery, as a result of which the calorie content of their diet has been reduced and should be restored to normal values ​​gradually.

Those who have liver problems should use the product with caution. The rest are advised not to abuse it.

As for external use, individual intolerance is possible. It can be easily identified if you perform a standard test on a small area of ​​skin (wrist, elbow, etc.).

We buy and melt

Melting internal pork fat is a delicate matter, but for those who are doing this not for the first time, it is quite ordinary.

First, it is important to understand how to choose the right product. Attention should be paid to the following characteristics:

  • place of production (homemade fat from a familiar farmer or from your own farmstead is beyond competition);
  • appearance (choose fat of a uniform, soft cream or white color);
  • smell (pungent, specific – a sign of dubious quality).

To melt interior fat into lard in the amount of 3 liters and 1 liter of cracklings you will need: 3.5 kg of high-quality fat, a pan (aluminum), a fire divider.

  1. You need to take the fat and chop it finely.
  2. Then put it in a saucepan and put it on fire.
  3. Stir constantly and strain off the finished mixture.
  4. Heat until completely evaporated.

Lard can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one and a half years without losing its basic qualities.

They get zdor - pork internal fat - from pig intestines, melting it over low heat. After cooling, store in a cool place, using it in home treatment.

For bronchitis. If signs of bronchitis appear, stir a dessert spoon of fat into a glass of hot milk. Drink up. Zdor is mixed with turpentine. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin of the chest until completely absorbed. To avoid hypothermia, the chest is insulated after rubbing.

Treatment of burns. Unsalted melted lard is mixed in equal quantities with wood ash powder from the combustion of linden and oak logs. The resulting mixture is applied to the burn areas.

Treatment of hemorrhoids. The healing of anal fissures and the disappearance of hemorrhoidal cones is facilitated by an ointment prepared from the following components. Recipe: bee honey, take a tablespoon, add a teaspoon. sea ​​buckthorn oils. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting ointment to the sore spot. If necessary, the composition is administered on a special suppository cut from potatoes into the rectum. Exercises for hemorrhoids will also help here.

Pulmonary tuberculosis. You will need: kg of bee honey, kg of pork internal fat, a liter of aloe juice (squeeze the juice through cheesecloth from aloe leaves minced through a meat grinder), 10 pieces of homemade chicken egg yolks, a pack of cocoa (for example, “Golden Label”). Calciumite is useful for such patients.

It’s great to heat it up, melt the honey in a water bath. Combine the components and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Divide the resulting drug into containers and put it in the refrigerator for storage. The mixture should be consumed for a long time three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. half an hour before meals.

The mass can be divided into fractions over time. To soften the mixture, place it in a warm place, then stir thoroughly.

Treatment of bedsores. Prepared from the following components. Part of crushed black poplar buds, 1 - oak bark powder, 3 - unsalted melted health. Mix the components thoroughly until they are evenly distributed throughout. Apply the prepared ointment to bedsores 3-5 times a day.

Erysipelas. Recipe: rinse and mince plantain leaves. Mix the resulting slurry with the same amount of pork internal fat and apply to areas of inflammation. Fresh ointment is applied every other day.

Acne. Yarrow flowers are ground and mixed with an equal amount of fresh pork fat. Apply the resulting ointment to the affected areas overnight.

Cough. Place a glass of milk on the fire. Once it boils, add 1 tsp unsalted pork fat, half a tsp. baking soda. Stir thoroughly and drink hot in small sips. For treatment, you need to drink up to 3 glasses of the drink per day. Prepare each portion immediately before taking.

How to render pork fat

Pork fat for cough

Pork fat is rendered lard or lard. For treatment, it is better to use internal fat rather than lard. Internal fat is not only pork, but also other animals and birds. This fat is located inside the body and is located along the internal organs, for example, the kidneys or intestines.

In its structure, the interior differs from lard: it has a grayish-white color and is more friable, due to which it crumbles easily. When this fat is melted, pork fat is obtained, which can be used for treatment and cooking.

Beneficial properties of pork fat

In its composition, animal fat is very close to vegetable fats, i.e. vegetable oils, according to the content of essential fatty acids. They also contain oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic acids, which are combined under one general concept - vitamin F.

Pork fat for cough recipes

External use of pork fat for colds and coughs

From temperature. When the temperature is high, you need to rub your feet with pork fat and put on warm woolen socks made from sheep's wool. This procedure can be done at night or during the day, wearing socks for two or three hours.

With vodka. Melt two tablespoons of fat and, after cooling slightly, add two tablespoons of vodka. Rub your chest and wrap it up, placing a folded terry towel on your chest and put on warm underwear. It's better to do it at night.

The compress warms well and profuse sweating occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to change your nightwear so that it is dry.

Do not use for children or those with allergies to alcohol.

With a runny nose. Heat a small piece of unsalted lard in a frying pan for no more than one minute. then wrap it in a bandage or gauze and apply it to the nose and sinuses. Leave for a few minutes until the lard cools. It is better to do the procedure at night before going to bed.

For ear pain. With a cold, there is often a shooting pain in the ear. To soothe such pain, melt pork fat in a water bath and soak a cotton swab.

Place this tampon in the sore ear, without pushing it deep, and tie it with a woolen scarf or scarf.

Internal use of pork fat for cough

If you have a severe cough, you need to eat half a teaspoon of pork fat.

Milk with fat. Heat the cow's milk well, almost to a boil, and add a teaspoon of pork fat. Drink the entire glass at once in small sips. It is better to take natural homemade cow's milk.

Tea with milk and fat. Brew green tea by pouring one teaspoon of tea into a glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid or saucer and let sit for 4 minutes.

Then add a teaspoon of pork fat and leave for another three to four minutes.

After steeping, strain and add a pinch of ground black pepper to the broth. Drink in small sips before bed.

Tea warms up well, so if you sweat a lot, you will need to change your underwear to dry ones.

Young children can be given this remedy without pepper and if they are not allergic to milk.

Pork fat for bronchitis. Bronchitis is often a complication of cough after a cold. To treat prolonged bronchitis, prepare an infusion of marshmallow root with internal pork fat.

To do this, pour 0.5 tablespoon of marshmallow root into 400 ml of hot water and place in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist and strain.

Add two tablespoons of melted pork fat to the infusion. drink 3 times a day, 0.5 tablespoon. Warm up before use.

Add 70 grams (1 tablespoon - 15 grams) of internal pork fat to the strained broth. Take the product warm, one teaspoon at a time.

Take a tablespoon of each ingredient: pork fat, butter, sugar, honey and cocoa. Melt butter and fat in a water bath. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator.

Before taking, boil a glass of milk and add a tablespoon of the prepared drug.

This mixture also helps with coughs and bronchitis.

For tuberculosis. Mix 70 grams of melted pork fat with one-third glass of linden flower decoction. Add two tablespoons of honey. Take one tablespoon per day.

For the prevention of colds. Traditional medicine recommends taking pork fat with a decoction of rose hips. To prepare, brew a tablespoon of rose hips with 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew for an hour.

Add a tablespoon of melted fat and half a tablespoon of honey to the broth. Drink hot.

How to render pork fat

For medicinal purposes, it is better to melt pork fat in a water bath. This process is slower, but less carcinogenic substances are formed.

Before melting, finely chop the fat. The smaller the size, the faster the process will go.

Place the chopped fat in a bowl, which is placed in another pan filled with water.

You can melt it on the stove by placing the chopped fat in a saucepan. Heat at medium temperature so that the fat melts and does not boil.

Another way to render fat in the oven. In this case, also place the prepared fat in a fireproof container and place in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees.

Strain the melted fat through a strainer and store in the refrigerator.

Pork fat. Composition and treatment of pork fat

Pork fat, like other fats of animal origin, is needed by our body in order for all physiological processes to proceed normally - after all, it is fats that make up the membranes of our cells.

Composition of pork fat

Pork lard contains several times higher content of biologically active substances than butter: it contains carotene, vitamins A, E, D, K, as well as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium; there are even small amounts of iron, copper and iodine. Of course, the calorie content of pork lard is very high - for example, 100 g of rendered pork fat contains almost 900 kcal, but these are pure fats, consisting mainly of fatty acids, so they are very useful for normal metabolism and immunity, but they oxidize pork fat much slower than many popular vegetable oils, including when frying.

Pork fat varieties

The highest grade fat is almost the same, but the 1st and 2nd grades, rendered from domestic and other types of raw lard, are already different: their color may be slightly yellowish, and their consistency is denser; Grade 2 fat can be a little cloudy if you melt it, and both grades smell like fried cracklings.

Applications of pork fat

Doctors and cosmetologists also recommend using pork fat for health and beauty. because it has many advantages. Our skin quickly absorbs ointments prepared with it - its properties are close to human fat, and the medicinal components mixed with it are easily released when ingested. Getting on the skin, pork fat does not interfere with her breathing, does not irritate her, and is washed off easily - just warm water and regular soap are enough.

Ointments and emulsions based on pork fat are also easy to prepare– it mixes without problems with any other fats and fatty acids, resin, wax, glycerin, alcohol and even water; he also takes many medications well.

Treatment with pork fat

Treatment with pork lard and fat helps with many diseases– it is used internally and externally, and there are many folk recipes in which it is included.

Most often people think of treating pork fat for colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and in their treatment it is always effective - of course, it should be used on time.

You can get rid of coughing attacks by rubbing with an ointment based on lard: melt 50 g of lard in a water bath, cool slightly and mix with vodka (2 tbsp); You can also add fir oil - 5-6 drops. The mixture is rubbed into the chest, covered with a thick towel or woolen scarf, and warm clothes are put on - a sweater or shirt. You can leave the compress on overnight.

To prevent colds and flu in the cold season, it is good to drink rosehip infusion with honey and rendered lard. Rose hips are brewed overnight in a thermos, and honey (1-2 tsp) and lard (½ tsp) are added to a glass - this drink strengthens the immune system, warms and gives energy.

A slightly different recipe: take a mixture of pork fat, honey and butter (in equal parts) melted in a water bath and wash it down with warm milk.

For osteochondrosis, massage with rendered pork fat, and for radiculitis, rub in an ointment based on it. 50 g of fat is mixed with milk (400 g) and ground red pepper (1 tsp). First, add milk to the lard melted in a water bath, then pepper, mix, remove from the bath and cool. When the mixture hardens, it becomes an ointment; It is rubbed into a sore spot before going to bed and tied with a woolen scarf on top.

Warts cause us a lot of trouble, but pork fat helps get rid of them too. Melted lard is mixed 2:1 with crushed garlic, the mixture is applied to the wart and secured with a plaster; change the bandage once a day. The procedure is repeated until the wart disappears. Eczema and other skin problems are treated with ointment containing pork fat and herbs. Coltsfoot, calendula and chamomile are mixed equally, pour 1 tbsp. mixture ½ cup boiling water, infuse, filter, add honey (2 tbsp) and melted lard until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin for 3 days, then take the same break and repeat the course.

Pork fat is great for treating burns.. 50 g of rendered lard are mixed with 100 g of sea buckthorn oil, lubricate the affected areas and apply a sterile bandage.

They get zdor - pork internal fat - from pig intestines, melting it over low heat. After cooling, store in a cool place, subsequently using it in the treatment of diseases.

For bronchitis. When signs appear, stir a dessert spoon of internal pork fat into a glass of hot milk. Drink up. Zdor is also mixed with turpentine. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin of the chest until completely absorbed. To avoid hypothermia, the chest is insulated after rubbing.

Treatment of burns. Unsalted melted lard is mixed in equal quantities with wood ash powder from the combustion of linden and oak logs. Lubricate with the resulting mixture.

Pulmonary tuberculosis. You will need: kg of bee honey, kg of pork fat, liter of aloe juice (squeeze the juice through cheesecloth from aloe leaves minced through a meat grinder), 10 pieces of homemade chicken egg yolks, a pack of cocoa (for example, “Golden Label”). Useful for tuberculosis patients.

It’s great to heat it up, melt the honey in a water bath. Combine the components and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Divide the resulting drug into containers and put it in the refrigerator for storage. The mixture should be consumed for a long time three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. half an hour before meals. The mass can be divided into fractions over time. To soften the mixture, place it in a warm place, then stir thoroughly.

A remedy for bedsores is prepared from the following components. Part of crushed black poplar buds, 1 - oak bark powder, 3 - unsalted melted health. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are evenly distributed in the fat. Apply the prepared ointment to bedsores 3-5 times a day.

Erysipelas. Recipe: rinse and mince plantain leaves. Mix the resulting slurry with the same amount of pork internal fat and apply to areas of inflammation. Fresh ointment is applied every other day.

Acne. Yarrow flowers are ground and mixed with an equal amount of fresh pork fat. Apply the resulting ointment to the affected areas overnight.

Cough. Place a glass of milk on the fire. Once it boils, add 1 tsp unsalted pork fat, half a tsp. baking soda. Stir thoroughly and drink hot in small sips. You need to drink up to 3 glasses of the drink per day. Prepare each portion immediately before taking.

Lard is superior in quality to beef, lamb, goose fat, and vegetable oils. It has high biological activity, which is 5 times greater than butter and beef fat. Compared to solid fats and butter, pork fat has a high concentration of essential fatty acids.

Pork fat is valued for its unchanged qualities as a result of thermal effects and ease of combination with all animal fats, fatty acids, and resins. Absorbed by 95%, digested better than beef and lamb.

The chemical composition of lard contains no carbohydrates or proteins; 99% is fat. Vitamins: B4 (choline), A, E. Pork fat differs from other similar products in the smallest amount of bad cholesterol. Saturated acids make up 39.2%, unsaturated acids - 11%. There are minerals in small quantities: selenium, zinc, sodium. Arachidonic acid predominates in lard, a large proportion belongs to triglycerides (linoleic, stearic acids).

How it affects the body

Lard has a high content of choline, which activates fat metabolism and improves the absorption of proteins. Supports liver performance, protects it from negative influences and infectious lesions. Choline is beneficial for the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and prevents atherosclerosis.

Consumption of pork fat blocks thrombus formation and strengthens the structure of capillaries. It has a beneficial effect on the composition, blood clotting, the condition of muscle tissue, and the skin. The ability of lard to stimulate the formation of hormones, reduce pain, and eliminate inflammatory processes in joints, bronchi, and lungs has been proven. Pork fat is useful for exhaustion, colds, dermatitis, and pneumonia. Effective for skin lesions in the form of wounds, frostbite, thermal burns.

Lard improves immunity, relieves nervous tension, improves mood, restores strength, cleanses blood vessels, and promotes the removal of toxins. With regular use, it slows down the aging process, blocks the progression of cancer cells and neoplasms.

How to choose correctly

Lard can be bought, but the best quality is a homemade product that is easy to prepare. Pork fat should be a homogeneous mass of soft cream or white color. There is no smell. When heated, pork fat becomes liquid and becomes transparent with a slight amber tint. Sedimentation, rancid taste - indicators of low quality, production violations, low-quality raw materials.

Storage methods

Lard in the refrigerator does not lose its beneficial properties and quality for a year and a half. It is important to ensure the packaging is sealed. The best dishes for storage are ceramics and glass. In the light, in an open container, or in a warm room, it quickly deteriorates: it acquires an unpleasant odor, bitterness, and changes color.

What does it go with in cooking?

Lard can be used in almost all culinary processes. It adds piquancy and satiety to dishes. Ideal for frying vegetables, potatoes, meat, fish. It is used in preparing dough for baking cookies, pies, bread, and flatbreads. Beans are stewed with lard and potato pancakes are made. Porridges are flavored: barley, pearl barley, wheat.

Pork fat, combined with garlic, coriander, black pepper, bay leaf, paprika and other spices, is spread on bread and used as a snack. When preparing lard at home, cracklings remain, which are added to stewed cabbage, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, and served with dumplings and dumplings.

Healthy combination of products

Lard is not used in dietary nutrition. There are special short-term fat diets that use pork fat.


The high calorie content of lard can be harmful in case of gallbladder dysfunction. Not for pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, obesity, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Since ancient times, lard has been used as a cure for many ailments. Healing ointments are prepared on the basis of pork fat and used as a rub for colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Healing dressings are applied with fat to old wounds and used for frostbite, eczema, burns, and dermatitis. Lard is used to lubricate varicose veins, remove warts, and treat hemorrhoids. Prescribed internally for dystrophy, nervous disorders, and increased physical activity.

In recipes, lard is combined with ground beans, egg yolk, burdock root, spruce resin, honey, and wax. Salt compresses are used to treat sore joints, dislocations, and sprains. In case of severe cough, a drink of hot milk with pork fat is prescribed. To get rid of scars and scars, ointments are made with overcooked onions and acetylsalicylic acid.

Lard is popular in home cosmetology. It is used externally to eliminate flaking, dryness, and redness of the hands; it is used to lubricate cracked heels and soften rough areas. When added to preparations, fat promotes deep penetration into the subcutaneous layer and enhances the “work” of essential oils and mask components.

The main effect of lard in cosmetology is smoothing wrinkles, nutrition, and regeneration. A mask with oak bark, dill seeds, and linden flower stalks is effective for aging skin. For problematic, dry skin, pork fat is mixed with sage and parsley juice.

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