Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and basil. Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes: an original and nutritious dish

Pasta (spaghetti) with sun-dried tomatoes and Adyghe cheese is very quick to cook and is suitable for both daily and festive menus. Boil water in a saucepan to boil pasta (spaghetti). In parallel, you should start preparing other ingredients. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Also chop the parsley and the white part of the onion. Grind the Adyghe cheese into cubes, and the green part of the onion with feathers several centimeters long. Then you need to start preparing sun-dried tomatoes. This product is quite common in Italian recipes. It is added to sauces, pastas, salads and pizzas, sometimes along with cheese. Often, according to recipes, dried tomatoes are placed in jars and poured with sunflower oil. If you bought such a product, then put the tomatoes on a paper napkin or towel and get wet in order to remove excess fat. Then add olive oil to them, which will give the tomatoes a special aroma and taste. Cut sun-dried tomatoes in half. After all the products have been chopped and prepared for further processing, put a frying pan with olive oil on medium or high heat. When it is fully heated, put the sun-dried tomatoes and garlic, fry, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds. Once the garlic is browned, add the green onions and keep in the pan for another 30 seconds. During this time, the products will have time to fully reveal their aromas and will not burn. Now it's time to get down to Adyghe cheese. It is not very fatty, has a pleasant milky taste and, most importantly, does not melt, but is fried. This is a very important point in preparing a cheese dish. That is why mozzarella, which, although similar in taste to the Adyghe variety, is not suitable for a pasta recipe. You can also add cheeses such as soy tofu or paneer to the dish. We send the cubes of the Adyghe variety to the pan to the sun-dried tomatoes, let the mixture fry for one more minute. Finally, add parsley or other herbs to the cheese. Boil the pasta (spaghetti) in boiling water for as long as indicated in the recipe on the package. Often the duration of the preparation of pasta is several minutes. Drain the water from the pan, you do not need to rinse the paste. Transfer the spaghetti to the pan, where the prepared ingredients are already waiting for them. Mix all the elements of the dish thoroughly. That's all, the pasta is ready! Put the spaghetti on plates, sprinkle with Parmesan and the remaining parsley on top. According to the recipe, you can not put cheese in order to make the pasta (spaghetti) more dietary. Serve the dish to the table and proceed with immediate use. Another advantage of pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and cheese is that it is an off-season dish. Especially such a recipe saves in winter, when, due to the lack of vegetables, it is difficult to diversify the menu. It's delicious, satisfying and healthy! This dish is suitable not only for dinner, but also for breakfast, as it contains a large proportion of carbohydrates, which provide energy for the whole day. In addition, eating pasta (spaghetti) with cheese in the morning is more beneficial for maintaining a good figure. This is how quickly and easily one of the best Italian dishes can be prepared. Try it and you will succeed! Good luck!

A short step-by-step recipe for making pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and cheese:

Steps for preparing a recipe with a photo

Boil the pasta (spaghetti) according to the instructions on the package.

Peel and finely chop the garlic, parsley, white onion. Chop the Adyghe cheese into cubes, and the green part of the onion with feathers.

Blot sun-dried tomatoes on a paper towel, getting rid of excess oil. Cut into two pieces.

Heat a skillet with olive oil and fry the garlic and sun-dried tomatoes over medium heat for 30 seconds. Then add the onion and fry again for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. After that, add the Adyghe cheese to the pan and after 1 minute season the preparation with fresh parsley. Reduce heat to low.


For a very long time, I did not have any pasta, and this is bad, because Italian cuisine is incredibly tasty, and I somehow moved a little away from it. It's time to improve. Last time I already shared a super delicious , highly recommend watching. If you have never cooked Risotto (and suddenly you haven’t tried it yet, which is a crime at all!)), After looking at the photographs, you will definitely be imbued with this food of the gods!

Strange as it may seem, I cooked pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and cheese, the recipe of which I will now tell, for breakfast, oddly enough 🙂 Yes, I sometimes make myself dinosaurs, because I follow my figure, and now I also work with a trainer, as I already told you, that's why I only need such a loading dose of carbohydrates for breakfast. So I eat dinner sweets not by candlelight, but at dawn. This I, of course, exaggerated, I get up at 10 at best.

And also pasta with sun-dried tomatoes will be an excellent choice for the main dish on March 8! It is prepared in a matter of minutes, no fuss, there are also few ingredients, so beloved men will not be able to get confused during cooking. Now, of course, I'm talking about those who usually do not prepare culinary delights. Those who cook are even more loved 😀

Okay, enough blabbering! Come on pasta! Iiitaaak, pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, step by step recipe with photos! Well, you know 😉


  • - from hard varieties, essessno - 200 gr (I have spaghetti, but you can use any)
  • - 50 gr
  • - green - 2 pieces
  • - 1 clove
  • - Adyghe - 50 gr
  • - Parmesan - 20 gr
  • - parsley - a few branches
  • - olive

Cooking method

Let's start making pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and Adyghe cheese. I have already told in great detail, so read the awesome detailed article and come back! And put the spaghetti to boil or whatever you like more. Meanwhile, peel the garlic, cut it and parsley very finely, into cubes - Adyghe cheese, with feathers a couple of cm long - the green part of the green onion, and the white part - finely.

Sun-dried tomatoes also need to be cut. By the way, they are simply incredibly tasty, if, suddenly, you have never tasted them for some evil reason, hurry up! Usually they sell sun-dried tomatoes in oil, but more often it is sunflower oil, so look at the composition, if so, I advise you to put the tomatoes on a paper towel and soak the oil, then add olive oil. Cut the tomatoes in half.

And if you do not know what sun-dried tomatoes are, what they are eaten with, then I will tell you. These are juicy, delicious summer dried tomatoes that are basking under the scorching rays of the bright sun for a long time somewhere on the gastronomic paradise island of Sicily, I hope. And then they are put in a jar with oil and spices. So that's it. And they are eaten most often, just with pasta or added to a salad. Soon I will prepare it and share it with you, of course.

But back to the dish, pasta with sun-dried tomatoes is not waiting. Put a frying pan over medium-high heat and add a little olive oil. We throw dried tomatoes and garlic into the heated oil, stirring, fry on not too high heat for 30 seconds, until the garlic is browned. Then add green onions, fry for another 30 seconds.

Next in line is Adyghe cheese. I love him very much, he has an amazing milky taste and he is not too greasy. I use it here because it doesn’t melt, it’s fried. Mozzarella, for example, will not work, although its taste is similar to the Adyghe. You can also use paneer cheese or soy tofu. Fry, stirring, for another minute.

Add the last green parsley. We leave a little for decoration. And now the pasta has already been cooked. In general, pasta with tomatoes is an ingenious combination, which is why there are so many tomato sauces. I really love , if you have not seen this recipe, be sure to take a look, it also cooks in a matter of minutes, but deliciously amazing! We drain the water from the pasta, leaving a little in a saucepan so that it is not dry. And transfer to the pan with the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly, of course.

That, in fact, is all, pasta with tomatoes and Adyghe cheese is ready! Such is the quick recipe for March 8th. Men will appreciate simplicity, beauty and deliciousness, and women will appreciate men 😉 We lay out the Italian dish on the plates.

Sprinkle spaghetti with sun-dried tomatoes with finely grated Parmesan cheese (you can, by the way, and without it, also very tasty and not so greasy), sprinkle with the rest of the parsley on top and serve. You should eat immediately!

We got such pasta with tomatoes even in winter, when sun-dried tomatoes only save the whole thing. I will quickly summarize the results so that it is more convenient for you to cook and spy on.

Short recipe: pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and Adyghe cheese

  1. Boil the pasta .
  2. Peel and finely chop the garlic and parsley, with feathers 2 cm long - the green part of the onion, the white part - finely, the Adyghe cheese - into small cubes.
  3. Put the sun-dried tomatoes on a paper towel, blot the oil, cut in half.
  4. Put the pan over medium-high heat, pour in a little olive oil, let it heat up.
  5. Reduce the heat a little, put the garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, fry for 30 seconds, stirring, followed by green onions, fry for another 30 seconds, then Adyghe cheese, another minute, add the parsley last (leave a little for decoration) and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  6. We drain almost all the water from the pasta (leave a little at the bottom), transfer the pasta and water to the pan, mix thoroughly and remove from heat after 30 seconds.
  7. Lay out on plates, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, leftover parsley, serve.
  8. Spaghetti with tomatoes and cheese are ready to eat immediately.

Such deliciousness was my breakfast today, but a festive dinner with it will be amazing! In general, many recipes with sun-dried tomatoes turn into wonderful dishes, so I promise to add in the future! In the meantime, the pasta with sun-dried tomatoes will please you 100%! And for complete happiness - here's another , suitable for many celebrations 😉

And soon I will still tell you the recipe for another dish of interesting cuisine - Mexican. This is vegetarian chile , a spicy, spicy, great food packed with nutrients. So stay with me not to miss, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes from 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating fast and tasty is real!

And Vika Leping was with you! Try to bring to life the recipe for pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, like, leave comments, appreciate, tell what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

5 stars - based on 2 review (s)

Italian pasta is a favorite of many people. It is loved for its ease of preparation and for its many diverse recipes. Indeed, with ordinary flour products, you can cook up to hundreds of different options, combining pasta with vegetables, meat, fish, cheese and various sauces. Such a dish, depending on the additional components, will replace a whole lunch, become a hearty dinner and a snack. Moreover, it is prepared in a matter of minutes.

Pasta is readily consumed by both lovers of solid food and adherents of a healthy diet. After all, the correct Italian pasta made from durum wheat contains only 111 kcal.

Simple Italian Recipe - Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta

We invite you to familiarize yourself with an easy and quick to prepare, but very sophisticated lunch. Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes - it will be a bright, aromatic, tasty, satisfying and truly classic Italian dish. A detailed recipe with photo will show you how to cook it in just 10-12. The proposed option will become the basis for your own culinary masterpieces, because such pasta with sun-dried tomatoes allows you to supplement yourself with any greens or expand the composition of cheeses to include varieties for frying.


  1. Spaghetti - 200 gr
  2. Sun-dried tomatoes - 50 gr
  3. Parmesan - 30 gr
  4. Garlic - 1 clove
  5. Salt to taste

Cooking method - cooking

Cuisine - Italian

Preparation time - 2-3 minutes

Cooking time - 7-10 minutes

Servings - 2

Cooking method

Put water in a wide saucepan in a volume of at least 2 liters to boil. Salt it to taste.

Advice. For pasta of any kind, the recommended ratio of water and products is 2 to 1. Salt, as a rule, is taken at the rate of 10 grams per 1 liter.

Put spaghetti in boiling water. Boil them according to the instructions on the package, but for 1 min. less. The paste should be al dente.

Important. You don't have to force the spaghetti into the pot. Leave them sticking out, over time, the bottom of the products will soften and they will sink into the dishes themselves.

While the pasta is boiling, it is better to do the preparation of the garlic and tomato . Cut a large garlic clove into slices. Fry it for 40-60 seconds. in hot olive oil.

Advice. At this stage, the variety cheeses you can play. To obtain a richer taste, add to the dish diced cheeses for frying (Adyghe, tofu, suluguni, etc.) Lightly sauté them in garlic oil until a crust appears.

Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes is a real dish from sunny Italy, and all its components originate in this colorful country. It is prepared in 10 minutes - this is how long the pasta needs to cook. Well, the addition of cheese and sun-dried tomatoes is a matter of minutes. You can feed your entire family with a delicious lunch or dinner, if these ingredients are available.

After boiling, the pasta does not need to be seasoned with butter, since sun-dried tomatoes contain vegetable oil, thanks to which the dish will turn out juicy, the spaghetti will not stick together.

So, get the ingredients you need ready and start cooking!

Heat the water in a cauldron, add a couple of pinches of salt to it and bring to a boil by placing the container on the stove. Place the spaghetti in boiling water. If the container is small, break them in half. Boil for 7-8 minutes, read the approximate cooking time on the paste package.

While the spaghetti is boiling, cut the sun-dried tomato slices in half, cut the mozzarella balls if they are small, or grate this soft cheese on a coarse-mesh grater.

Throw the finished paste in a colander, removing excess liquid, then transfer it to the cauldron again.

Pour both cuts into the same place and mix everything carefully, salt and pepper to taste.

Place the cooked meal on plates. The cheese will melt slightly and will stretch over the spaghetti.

Garnish the sun-dried tomato pasta with fresh herbs and serve.

Enjoy it!

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