Useful properties of the peel. peel treatment

Potatoes are one of the most delicious foods known all over the world. This product is eaten in all forms, however, in most cases, they get rid of the peel, and it contains just a huge supply of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Medicine has long used potato peel extract in the production of biologically active food supplements.


The appearance of the potato peel looks far from appetizing, but it contains dietary fiber (polysaccharides), which make up 50% of all potatoes. The skin also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, useful to the body. The main components of the potato, which were paid attention only at the end of the 20th century.

Potato skin treatment

If we talk about traditional medicine, then potato peel plays an important role in it. Decoctions, various teas are made with it.

Useful properties of potato peel:

  1. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, perfectly removes toxins from the body, and also prevents the absorption of cholesterol and fats by the intestinal walls, actively prevents the occurrence of colic and constipation, and effectively reduces the formation of cancer of the stomach and large intestine.
  2. Potassium found in potato peels helps the body treat indigestion.
  3. Protect the liver from harmful effects. This conclusion was reached only recently after experiments with animals.
  4. At home, the peel can be used as a soothing remedy for burns. To do this, you just need to attach the peel to the affected area and bandage it.
  5. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect due to caffeic acid.
  6. Potato peel tea helps with heart and vascular problems by lowering blood pressure thanks to a newly discovered dietary fiber.
  7. Potato peels are rich in antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart attacks, and early aging.
  8. This product is great for diet food. It contains substances that retain fluid in the body, thereby reducing appetite and having a cleansing effect on the intestines.
  9. A decoction of potato peels helps to remove kidney stones. This is one of the popular traditional medicine recipes.
  10. For people with type 2 diabetes, potato skins are helpful in lowering blood glucose levels.

What is the harm of potato peel?

  1. The harm of potato peel for the human body lies in a special compound - solanine. It is found in tubers and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nerves.
  2. Of particular danger is green potatoes and sprouted ones, since the skin in this case is toxic. It is strictly forbidden to use such flower beds as a treatment, because all the most harmful substances are contained in the skin.
  3. The next health threat is pesticide-treated potatoes.

In order not to get poisoned by the peel, either buy organic potatoes or grow them yourself - this is both physical activity and benefits for the body.

Folk recipes with potato peel

  1. Patients suffering from hypertension can prepare a special tea drink from the cleanings. To do this, boil them for five minutes, then use one glass three times a day.
  2. If there are problems with the respiratory system, then you need to boil the potatoes together with the skin and mash it, then put a spoonful of vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine there. All this must be stirred and the resulting mixture applied in the form of a compress to the chest, covering it with something warm on top. When the compress cools down, remove it. It is recommended to do the procedure before going to bed.
  3. To remove toxins and slags from the body, it is recommended to drink water from under potatoes boiled in their skins. If you drink such a decoction in the morning before eating, it will help in the fight against arthritis.
  4. With colds, inhalation of potato vapors helps. You need to boil the potato peel and add a few cloves of garlic to it. After that, it is necessary to breathe over the container with the contents for about ten minutes. You can repeat the procedure twice a day until recovery.
  5. With frostbite, a compress of boiled potatoes in their skins is excellent. It is cooled to a temperature that can be maintained, kneaded and applied to the frostbitten area. When the potatoes cool down, the compress is removed.

Summing up, it can be noted that potato peel is a source of vitamins and nutrients, and before throwing it away next time, think about it - what if it comes in handy?

Video: useful properties of potato peel

Lemon- one of the most useful fruits that helps cure colds, resist viruses, reduce the risk of cancer, purify the blood and rejuvenate the entire body. From childhood, my parents told me that the one who eats whole lemons does not get the flu, and therefore I always envied my friend who, without batting an eyelid, could eat a lemon along with the peel, but I could not even swallow a piece, without first dipping it in sugar. Later, I learned that an excessive love of lemons indicates a low acidity of the digestive juice, and for those who have it, it is better not to abuse the consumption of lemons.

It is also better not to eat the peel, despite the fact that it contains several times more vitamins than the peel and claims that the lemon peel is rich in potassium, fiber and flavonoids, which prevent the development of osteoporosis, stroke, heart attack and cancer cells. Indeed, lemon peel contains many useful vitamins, trace elements, pectin and essential oils that help strengthen immunity, cleanse blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol, improve digestion, strengthen bones and keep skin young.

However, all useful properties of lemon peel are nullified if grown in distant countries and subjected to careful treatment with a special wax composition before transportation in order to prevent their deterioration. At the same time, the more attractive the appearance of lemons and the brighter their peel, the more agricultural producers did not skimp on chemicals during their cultivation and processing.

As known, pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals used to prevent the formation of mold and rot on fruits and berries can eventually penetrate into the deeper layers of the peel, so even if you wash the lemons with a brush and soap, it will not be possible to completely remove harmful substances. Long-term use of imported lemon peels can do more harm than good to health. After all, the chemicals used to process them tend to accumulate in the body over the years and cause the development of serious diseases, including cancer.

Do not trust those who advise freeze a whole lemon in the refrigerator and then add it to various dishes, prepare a mixture of lemon and dried fruits by twisting the lemon with the peel through a meat grinder to strengthen the immune system and treat diseases! Even a thin slice of lemon with peel in tea can be harmful if the lemon was grown in Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Thailand or China. This is especially true for people prone to the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. Lemon peel contains oxalates and increases their crystallization, and in combination with chemicals, they can cause significant damage to the functioning of the gallbladder and kidneys.

The exception is those that have grown in your garden. The peel of a lemon that has just been picked from a bush and grown without the use of toxic substances can not only be eaten, but also used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and mixtures for medicinal purposes. Eating an organic lemon along with the peel is much healthier than lemon juice or lemon zest alone. This benefit is as follows:

1. Lemons have excellent healing properties due to their composition: high content of vitamin C, groups B and P, phosphate salts, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, pectins, citric acid and flavonoids. And in the lemon peel, all these vitamins and minerals are 5-10 times more!

2. Lemon- an excellent antidepressant that helps to quickly cope with nervous disorders and bad mood, and in lemon peel there are much more essential oils that contribute to a cheerful state.

3. Based on lemon peel they prepare many masks, decoctions and tinctures that are useful for the skin to strengthen the immune system and treat many diseases. However, to nourish the skin, prevent the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, it is much more useful and profitable to use infusions and decoctions prepared from lemon peel. Lemon peel better cleanses the skin and blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and kills microbes. Lotions and masks with lemon peel are an excellent remedy for fighting pimples and acne.

Here are some helpful recipes using lemons with peel:
- place in the freezer of the refrigerator, then each time add it to vegetable salads, side dishes and sauces, grated along with the peel. By consuming lemons with the peel, you can not only get a lot more nutrients, but add a pleasant taste to the dishes and be even healthier.
- 100 gr. hazelnuts and one lemon with a peel must be passed through a meat grinder, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to the resulting mixture. One tablespoon of this treat a day will help you and your children resist flu, colds, sore throats and other infections, which is especially important on cold frosty days. Only now it is better to use store-bought lemons without peel for the preparation of various mixtures for the above reason.

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The peel is the dense skin of the fruit, which we cut off and throw in the trash. And we motivate such a step by the fact that together with the skin we get rid of harmful substances, pesticides. It turns out that the peel contains many vitamins, useful substances that may be absent in the pulp itself.

So, the peel of garlic, bananas, other vegetables and fruits protects our body from deadly tumors, increases the energy level.

Therefore, cook jam from citrus peels, make candied fruits out of them, use lemon zest in the preparation of confectionery and fish dishes.

When brewing tea, add apple peel to it, infuse it with rose hips, put it in soup, borscht - the taste is extraordinary, not to mention the benefits.

Citrus. Orange and tangerine peels are very rich in flavonoids, which have the magical ability to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood without affecting good cholesterol levels. The antioxidants found in citrus peels are 20 times more powerful than those found in their juice. A thin skin of white color - a layer located between the peel and the pulp, is extremely rich in pectin.

Use citrus zest in baked goods and juice unpeeled fruits along with the peel.

Remember that you can’t drink freshly squeezed citrus juice right away, you need to put it on ice for at least half an hour so that essential oils that can irritate the gastric mucosa evaporate.

We are treated with tangerine peel:

- cough tincture: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ground dry tangerine peel pour 250 liters of vodka. Insist 2 weeks. Take 20 drops mixed with water 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

- decoction for diabetes: fresh peel of 3 tangerines pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Decoction take 1 cup daily.

- for gastric disorders: dilute 1 teaspoon of tangerine peel powder in a small amount of water. Take 1 time per day.

Kiwi. The peel is rich in antioxidants, has anti-cancer, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. There are 3 times more of these substances in the peel than in the pulp. Use this peel in your juicer when making kiwi juice.

A pineapple . Along with fiber and vitamin C, the peel is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that protects the stomach by breaking down proteins, helping food to be digested faster. The rind of a pineapple is very hard, but it needs to be broken and ground to a liquid state in a blender, then added to the pulp.

Drinking Tip: Squeeze the juice from the core and add it to your fruit smoothie. It can be fibrous, but the leftover pulp can be used as an addition to soups and casseroles as an additional source of fiber.

Carrots and beets . They are best cooked and eaten with the skin on, but of course, if you are sure that they are grown without the use of excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides

Bananas . Researchers in Taiwan have found that banana peel extract is a good antidepressant because it is full of serotonin. The peel is also good for eyesight due to the antioxidant lutein, which protects the eyes from harmful UV rays and protects against diseases such as cataracts.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin armor is simply saturated with zinc - an element that is necessary for the beauty and health of our skin and nails. In addition, it contains carotene, which protects the heart from possible diseases and protects our entire body from cancer. Of course, the skin of a pumpkin is too hard to chew on, but we can peel the pumpkin by cutting its skin as thin as possible in order to retain more of the beneficial elements contained in it. As for pumpkin seeds, they are an excellent source of Omega-6 and other brain-supporting fatty acids. Pumpkin seeds are recommended to fry for 20 minutes, adding a little olive oil to the pan, and gnaw them just like that or add them to various salads.

Garlic. The husks that we usually peel off garlic cloves contain at least 6 antioxidants, according to Japanese scientists. Drizzle half a head of garlic, or even the whole head, with olive oil, and then place on a baking sheet when you bake something in the oven. You can add garlic with peel and cooked vegetables.

Broccoli. Broccoli stalks may be less flavorful than florets, but they contain significantly more calcium and vitamin C. What's more, they're rich in soluble fiber, which means they make you feel full longer.

Advice for use: cut the stems into thin strips and add to any dish, after boiling or frying the stems over a quick fire.

We are treated with apple peel.

The peel of an apple contains vitamins, trace elements, acids.

Peel apples from stones in the bladder: 2 kg of apples peel, put it on a baking sheet and dry. Grind in a coffee grinder - into powder. 1 cup boiling water pour 2 teaspoons of apple powder, leave for 20 minutes. Drink like compote.

Potato .

Potato peels contain soluble fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin C.

Helpful Hints

Every time you peel an orange, you most often throw away a very valuable product - the orange peel. Just under the peel is a large amount of fruit acid and vitamin C.

The peel, which we most often throw away, contains more phytonutrients and flavonoids than the pulp.

Here's how you can apply it for health benefits and at home.

properties of orange peel

1. Orange peel improves skin tone

Orange peel copes with skin imperfections and dark spots. The high content of vitamin C maintains skin elasticity, prevents dullness and gives a healthy glow. It acts like a natural sunscreen.


· Mix 2 teaspoons of orange peel and unsweetened yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey to make a paste.

· Apply the paste on the face and neck, gently rubbing it in a circular motion.

Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

· Use this mask 2-3 times a week.

2. Fights signs of aging

Orange peel contains many antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause wrinkles and sagging skin.


· Mix 1 tablespoon ground orange peel and oatmeal powder with honey to make a paste.

· Apply the paste on the face and neck area.

Leave on for approximately 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.

· Apply once a week for best results.

3. Whitens teeth

Orange peel can remove yellowness on the teeth, as it contains the compound d-limonene, which fights stains on the teeth.


· Rub the white part of the orange peel on your teeth 2-3 times a week and then rinse. Do this twice a day until they become whiter.

Vitamins in orange peel

4. Promotes weight loss

Vitamin C helps to lose weight. Orange peel contains a large amount of this vitamin. For weight loss, replace tea or coffee with tea with orange peel.


Dry the orange peel in a cool, dry place.

· Place 1 tablespoon of dry peel in 1 cup of hot water.

· Cover and let simmer for 10 minutes.

· Remove the peel and add honey.

Drink 2 cups of this tea daily.

5. Reduces bad cholesterol

Orange peel reduces the amount of low-density lipoproteins in the body, which increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. The pectin in orange peel helps lower bad cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure.

All you need is to drink orange peel tea twice a day.

Is orange peel healthy?

6. Regulates bowel function

Orange peel improves digestion. The high content of dietary fiber helps regulate intestinal motility and prevents constipation. It is also a good remedy for various digestive disorders including indigestion, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and heartburn. In addition, the pectin in the peel promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Drink a cup of orange peel tea after meals.

7. Natural flavor

Oranges have a pleasant smell that can be used to flavor your home.


· Place a handful of fresh orange peel, lemon juice and a few cinnamon sticks in a container with 2 cups of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and let the mixture cool, and pour into a spray bottle. Use as directed.

The grapefruit, like its closest relatives the orange and pomelo, is a citrus fruit. Outwardly, it is very similar to an orange, but its flesh is slightly bitter, so not everyone loves it. However, nutritionists consider grapefruits to be very useful and necessary dietary products.

Not only the juicy pulp of the fruit is useful, but its zest and the entire crust, which contain many valuable substances that have a positive effect on human health. In particular, both fresh and dried peels have anti-inflammatory, purifying, as well as antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

What is the use of grapefruit peel, what are the recipes for its use? Let's talk about it. We will learn how to use it in the treatment of ailments, as well as for cosmetic purposes:

Grapefruit peel - useful properties

The orange dense shell is rather bitter in taste. But it contains many useful substances for humans. In particular, there, as in the bones of the fetus, there is an essential oil that is used in the food and cosmetic industries. There are vitamins and minerals, as well as glycosides, pectins and other components that are very important for the normalization of metabolism in the body.

The white soft shell, which is under the orange dense layer, contains naringin, a substance that nutritionists call a fat burner. The peel itself contains a large amount of glycosides, which also help to lose weight. Therefore, daily consumption of only 100 g of pulp, along with a small amount of white layer, as well as drinking tea from the crust, will help to lose weight.

Like the pulp, the peel can lower blood glucose levels. It is this property that makes grapefruit a very useful product for type 2 diabetes. People with this disease are advised not only to eat half of the fruit daily, but also to take an infusion from the crust (read below how to prepare it).

Tea with the addition of bitter grapefruit peel has a lot of fans all over the world. In addition to a pleasant refreshing taste, this drink helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

By the way, the beneficial properties of grapefruit peel help in disinfecting and aromatizing indoor air. Put it on a hot battery or heater. Gradually, the air will be filled with an aroma that will purify and refresh the air, as well as improve your mood and increase the tone of the body.


Since grapefruits are treated with various chemicals so that they do not deteriorate during storage, be sure to wash the peel with hot water with a brush before using.

Grapefruit peel - application

Consider the well-known, popular recipes for using grapefruit peels in the treatment of certain ailments:

Migraine, neuroses:

You will need a peel from three fruits. Finely chop it, put it in a small enameled saucepan, pour in a liter of boiling water. Boil again, make the temperature weak, cook at a very light boil, 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, wrap with a towel, leave for an hour. Add this decoction to the bath, which you take 20 minutes before bedtime, every other day.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus:

It is prepared as follows: Finely cut the skin from one fruit, pour boiling water (a glass). Boil at very low temperature for 7 minutes. Then leave for an hour so that the broth is well infused. At the same time wrap the saucepan warmer. At the end of time, strain, squeeze and take.

More grapefruit peel recipes:

For heartburn:

Dry the skin from the fruit well, grind in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder state. When you feel heaviness in the stomach, heartburn will begin, just put a little of this powder under the tongue and dissolve. Usually, the negative feelings pass soon.

Tincture for fungal diseases

Very finely chop the peel from several fruits. Fold in a jar so that the peel takes up more than half the volume. Add the seeds from the fruit there. Fill with vodka up to the neck, close the lid. Put away where it is cooler and darker for 2 weeks. Shake periodically. Then take 1 tsp, twice a day, always before meals.

The use of grapefruit peel in cosmetology

The fruit itself and its peel are widely used in cosmetology. Since today we are talking about the properties of the peel, we will find out how it can be used for the health and beauty of the skin.

For example, it is very useful to carry out peeling from a finely crushed dry crust. This peeling gently and effectively cleanses the pores, softens the skin, makes it soft and velvety.

In order to rejuvenate, increase skin elasticity, cosmetologists recommend this recipe: Finely chop a fresh or dried crust, all you need is 2 tablespoons of such raw materials. Pour in a glass of boiling water. If using a thermos, the cooking time will be 2 hours. Then the infusion needs to be filtered, cooled.

Moisten a thick gauze pad, which is placed on a cleansed face. Lie down like this for 15 minutes, then wipe the skin with a piece of ice and lubricate with cream.

As you can see, grapefruit is wholesome, whole. Therefore, when you eat the juicy, refreshing pulp, do not throw away the peel, you will still need it. Be healthy!

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