Cooking food. XIV

As a result of frying, products not only acquire a pleasant aroma, but also their taste and nutritional qualities improve. Thanks to this, they are more easily absorbed by the body. Their components are more easily integrated into the general structure of the human body, due to which people who eat fried foods have a healthier appearance compared to those who eat them only raw.


It is one of the ancient ways of cooking. Previously, hot coals, tandoors, hearths, and ovens were used for baking.

Today, ovens are most often used for this purpose, sometimes miracle stoves, convection ovens, and when camping, simply coals from a hot fire.

Baking is the process of cooking food in various ovens and fryers. In this case, the products usually develop an appetizing, golden-colored crust.


In cooking, stewing is a cooking procedure that is intermediate between frying and boiling. Stewing is always carried out under the lid in the presence of a small amount of liquid and fat. In addition to the classic extinguishing procedure, there are some less common varieties of this method.


Boiling is one of the most traditional methods of cooking. In this way, soups, compotes are prepared, vegetables, fruits, fish, and meat are boiled. This method is an intermediate link in canning fruit, vegetable and canned meat. Today, there are several varieties of this method: the traditional method, quick cooking, cold cooking, simmering and steam cooking.

For a couple

One of the most ancient methods of culinary processing of food.

In this way, our distant ancestors softened fruits and vegetables, roots and fish on stones near hot springs. This is one of the most beloved cooking methods of the Chinese, which are renowned for their longevity and health. In our society, this type of cooking is mainly known as dietary, recommended by doctors for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Drying is one of the oldest methods of preserving vegetables and fruits, which is used not only by people, but also by some animals. And this is no coincidence. After all, dried fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. That is why drying is one of the most useful and environmentally friendly methods of cooking and food preparation.

Drying fish and meat

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to taking dry meat and fish on expeditions and hikes, which have recently been partially replaced by canned meat and fish. But, despite this, dry meat and fish still have some advantages over canned food.

Salting meat and fish

One of the common methods of preparing fish and meat is salting. Thanks to this cooking method, products become resistant to bacteria. In addition, enzymatic processes are delayed due to partial dehydration of meat and fish. The shelf life of products during storage depends on the percentage of salt in the finished product.


Smoking is a special type of smoke treatment of fish and meat products, as a result of which they acquire a unique taste and aroma. In addition, as a result of treatment with smoke smoke, products acquire bacteriostatic properties and are partially dehydrated.

Smoking can be hot, cold, and a new technology is now being used using liquid smoke.


Drying is a type of cold drying of fish or meat.

Drying technology involves gradual dehydration of products.

As a result, enzymes are activated, which give food excellent taste, as well as the necessary properties for long-term storage of products. In dried foods, unlike dried foods, fat is distributed throughout the entire thickness of the muscle mass. Dried meat is more aesthetically pleasing in appearance, its taste is more harmonious and resistant to rancidity.

When you live in the North, it’s winter outside, and the temperature reaches -40 degrees, preserving fish and meat is not particularly difficult.

You just need to hang them outside the window and take them out as needed.

But what to do when it’s summer outside, and your address in no way corresponds to the place where Santa Claus lives? This is where it’s worth talking about hardware freezing of meat and fish.

It has long been known that the quality, taste, and benefits of food depend on cooking technology. If we talk about culinary masterpieces, then they come from the hands of a master, of course. However, the need to eat every day for people of other professions forces them to independently choose products, recipes and cooking methods.

When preparing the same product in different ways, not only the taste, but also its properties can change.

In order to figure out which method is healthier and does not take away the taste of the product, you need to consider each type of preparation. There are four main types that we use daily: frying, boiling, stewing and baking.



Baking is often the most suitable cooking method and is often used by those trying to limit the amount of fried foods in their diet. Baking is a special type, since baked fish or meat in sauce, not to mention desserts, can leave few people indifferent. Of course, when baking, fats are also used, but it is much easier to do without them by simply using baking parchment or foil.

Additional methods worth noting are barbecue and grill. Without the use of fat, the result is amazingly tasty and, most importantly, healthy food. Crispy crust and special smell! The only problem is the ability to purchase and use a grill on weekdays.

Also, it should be noted that many families began to cook in the microwave. It's really fast and convenient, but the health impact has to play a big role. Semi-finished products created for the microwave oven, with the preservatives, fats and sugars they contain, cannot be called beneficial for our body.

Everyone chooses for himself which method is preferable for him, but we should not forget about health, which is under regular pressure from our own actions.

Choose the right cooking methods. Cooked products are quickly and easily absorbed by the body, which allows us to receive all the useful microelements

Proper nutrition, we believe, begins with choosing the right foods: low-calorie, low-fat, etc. But for some reason we forget that it is no less important to prepare them correctly: after all, even a chicken breast fried in oil will be just as dangerous for your figure. like a piece of cake. What cooking methods should those trying to lose weight choose?

The cooking method you choose directly determines whether the dish will be healthy.

By the way, stewing is also not the healthiest way to cook. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures destroys the fiber structure, and products lose their beneficial properties. “Carbohydrates in vegetables and starchy foods break down into glucose and raise the glycemic index of the product. This is especially disadvantageous for those who are overweight and have impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Cereals that have been stewed are also broken down into glucose. What does this mean? Because the feeling of fullness after eating them will leave you quite quickly,” explains the nutritionist.

1. Boiling

Cooked products are quickly and easily absorbed by the body, which allows us to receive all the useful microelements. In addition, boiling eliminates the use of oil, which makes food less caloric.

However, boiling also has its own nuances. For example, when cooked, most products fall apart, become less crispy, and lose their rich taste. “In addition, if you cook products of animal origin this way, then all the toxic elements and metal salts contained in the meat can escape into the first broth against the background of high cooking temperatures. Therefore, it is important to drain the first broth after boiling, and cook the main dish using the secondary broth,” advises Rimma Moisenko.

Useful tips. Are you cooking vegetables? Do this with the lid closed at maximum temperature and the minimum amount of water that just barely covers the food. “This way you minimize the release of vitamins and microelements and their release into the water. It is better to cook vegetables until half cooked in order to preserve their nutritional value and not increase the glycemic index,” explains the nutritionist.

As for pureed soups, vegetables should not be boiled for them either. It is better to process semi-hard foods with a blender to preserve vitamins and fiber.

Are you cooking grains? Keep this in mind: when cooking some grains, B vitamins pass into the broth, so you shouldn’t add too much water to them. Add just a little liquid to the pan so that after the cereal swells in it, you do not have to drain off the excess broth.

2. Steaming

This method is one of the most successful for preserving the nutritional value of both meat and vegetables. “Firstly, the products are prepared without oil, and secondly, they turn out juicy, and at the same time low in calories, are easily digestible and do not contain any irritants. This food is ideal for those who want to lose weight - it quickly fills you up and does not cause increased appetite,” explains the nutritionist.

However, the taste of such dishes, as a rule, turns out to be bland, and not everyone likes this. In addition, it is quite risky to steam large pieces of meat - they may not steam completely, which is quite dangerous to health.

Useful tips. You can “dilute” the bland taste of the dish by adding herbs and garlic.

3. Baking

Baking preserves the shape, texture, color, taste and quality of the product. In addition, this method of cooking does not require much attention: put the chicken and vegetables in the oven and go do other things.

However, products containing hidden fats lose their benefit for those losing weight when baked. “Even lean meat in this case releases a fairly large amount of fat. Therefore, baking animal fats is not suitable for the category of people who are losing weight and have severe gastrointestinal diseases,” says the nutritionist. But vegetables, on the contrary, retain their beneficial nutritional value when baked.

Useful tips. An ideal option for this cooking method are root vegetables: in the oven they retain their structure, and under the influence of dry heat, the sugars in them caramelize and give the dish an original sweet flavor. Don't believe me? Compare the taste of boiled and baked beets.

It is better to bake food without using a sleeve

But experts do not approve of using a baking sleeve. The plastic from which it is made can release toxic substances into food at high temperatures. Foil in this sense is a safer option.

4. Grilling

“This method allows us to cook without oil. True, the usefulness of the product will depend on what kind of grill you used - electric, convection oven, etc.,” says the nutritionist. For example, electric models allow us to cook healthier food, unlike when we bake something over an open fire: the same lighter fluid releases different chemical compositions into the food. And the fat flowing through the device is quickly disposed of without forming repeated carcinogenic smoke.

However, cooking meat over an open fire is quite dangerous - it may not cook completely, which increases the risk of getting an infectious disease.

Useful tips. It is very important to follow the cooking rules, in which the grill does not allow the product to char and retains all the internal juices. “To do this, select the height from the fire, the cooking time and the speed of rotation of the product around its axis. The air fryer takes these parameters into account and allows you to accurately prepare healthy food compared to grilled food outdoors,” advises the specialist.

5. Dry frying

Teflon coated frying pans make it possible to fry foods without oil. And this, as is already clear, is a minimum of calories and no trans fats.

However, it has long been proven that such frying pans, when regularly exposed to high temperatures, after several years of operation begin to release carcinogenic substances that penetrate into food. The more scratches there are on the dishes, the more carcinogens get into the product.

Useful tips. According to the nutritionist, cast iron frying pans are safe in this sense. And if the product releases juices during frying, then it is better to use parchment paper: lay it on a frying pan, and place vegetables or meat on top - this technique will help avoid charring of the food.

However, you can do without oil in another way: heat the frying pan over very low heat, add chopped onion and add some salt, stir. Simmer the vegetable over low heat for 10-12 minutes - during this time it will give quite a lot of juice, which will replace the oil. Then add the rest of the ingredients.

6. Sous Vide

This is cooking food in a vacuum at low temperature (47-80 degrees) for a long time. “If a product is prepared under vacuum, then it really does not lose even one percent of its nutritional value during heat treatment,” says the nutritionist.

However, the main disadvantage of this method is that the products are cooked very slowly and in special equipment, which, as a rule, is only available in special restaurants specializing in sous vide.

Useful tips. You can try the sous vide variation at home. The safest way to experiment with fish is to place a small piece of salmon in a Ziploc bag or any other bag that is tight and has a valve on top. Add a little salt, spices and herbs to taste, 1 tsp. oils Then gradually lower it into a container with warm running water with the clasp up - the air from the bag will gradually rise up, you can release it from there with your hands. Close the valve and leave the bag in a container with running water for 50-70 minutes. You can determine the readiness of the dish by its appearance - the fish should turn a soft pink color.

From the point of view of maximizing the preservation of essential nutrients in products, these methods of thermal cooking are more rational than frying. Nutrients released from foods remain in the liquid when stewing or in the casing when baking.

Minimal losses of nutrients in both animal and plant products, as mentioned above, are observed during stewing and baking. When preparing meat cutlets by baking, these losses are almost 2 times less than when frying.

Today, ovens are most often used for this purpose, sometimes miracle stoves, convection ovens, and when camping, simply coals from a hot fire.

Braising is the perfect way to transform tough foods into soft, tender foods. Moreover, the concentrated flavor and rich texture that braising imparts to a dish is unattainable by other culinary methods. The main effect of braising is achieved through moist heat, which penetrates the meat and softens the connective tissues.

During the cooking process, foods release some of their juices into the broth in which they are stewed. Due to this, the sauce acquires a fuller and more expressive taste, and the nutritional and taste qualities of the ingredients themselves are preserved almost completely.

Basic rules for extinguishing

  • Pre-boil the product and then fry it or pre-fry it.
  • Combine the fried product, oil, frying juice and a small amount of water in one bowl.
  • We preferably choose thick-walled and tightly sealed containers. We try not to open the lid while stewing.
  • Cooking time ranges from 45 minutes if we cook on the stove (a pressure cooker will come in handy) to 1.5 hours in the oven.
  • If the water evaporates at the end of the stewing process, add not water, but acidic or denser liquids - sour cream, cream, vegetable or fruit juice, grape wine, vinegar.
  • Simmer all ingredients in one bowl. The more varied and numerous they are, the more delicious the dish will be.
  • We add water to stewed dishes only in the form of boiling water.
  • At the end of the stewing, add spices and seasonings to the finished dish.

Stewing various foods

Prolonged simmering in liquid over low heat will help you prepare a magnificent juicy dish from the leanest meat. There are two main points in this cooking method: the correct choice of temperature and the type of liquid in which the meat or vegetables will be stewed.

Do not allow the liquid to boil. The dish should simmer, not boil. For proper stewing, you need to use an oven preheated to one hundred and seventy degrees and special pots or saucepans.

Do not stew meat in plain water. To give your food an unforgettable flavor, it is better to use low-fat broth, beer, wine or fruit juice with added spices. The liquid should cover the food by about a third.

Before putting the meat to stew, you need to lightly fry it in a dry frying pan. This will drain off excess fat, and the meat will retain its juiciness after stewing.

When the meat is completely cooked, you need to cool it and then put it in the refrigerator for a while. This will enhance the aroma of the dish and allow you to remove congealed fat from above, significantly reducing calorie content.

You can stew vegetables in approximately the same way. They can be cooked either separately or together with meat.


Baking is one of the oldest culinary technologies. We are talking about heat treatment of food over fire, in a stove or oven. The peculiarity of the process is that all sides of the dish are exposed to the same temperature. One of the oldest varieties of this method is baking in ash.

Despite the abundance of cooking technologies, baking is very relevant these days. This processing method is suitable not only for picnics, but is often used at home: using an oven or microwave.

Types of baking


Grilling is open baking. Meat or vegetables, strung on skewers, are located at some distance from the heat source (electric coil or coals).

The baking temperature during grilling is 300-350 degrees, which significantly reduces the cooking process. In addition, the crust formed with this method of preparation is not considered harmful, unlike the one that forms when frying in oil.

However, if you have diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, then it is better to refuse even such a crust and eat only boiled or stewed dishes.

Closed roasting

For closed baking, use foil, parchment, special baking sleeves, or simply cook the dish in the oven under a lid.

The baking temperature is lower than during the grilling process, and after the crust has formed, it is recommended to reduce the temperature, otherwise the crust will burn, and the dish itself will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell. But, if you choose a temperature that is too low, the cooking process will take too long and as a result the dish will be dry.


The gratination process can be called short baking. This method of culinary processing means that you place the almost finished product in the oven for some time to elevate the dish with a beautiful golden and appetizing crust.

Basic principles and rules of baking

☀ You need to place baked foods in an already preheated oven. Recipes usually even specify the exact preheat temperature. This helps to “seal” the juices into the product. The exception is dishes that are placed in ceramic pots. They must be heated gradually, otherwise they may burst due to a sudden temperature change.

☀ To prevent products baked on a baking sheet from turning out tough and burning, you must place a temperature-resistant container with water in the oven. Water is not used when drying and drying in the oven, as well as if very juicy vegetables and fruits are baked.

☀ You cannot open the oven too often - the temperature drops and the necessary thermal regime is disrupted.

☀ When using frozen foods, it is advisable to defrost them naturally first, otherwise the dish may turn out watery.

The remaining rules are based on banal safety precautions: you should wear special gloves, use the baking sheet evenly and do not overload it, try not to allow empty spaces on it - an unpleasant smell may appear.

Useful properties of baked food

The beneficial properties of baked food are that it retains its natural taste and aroma. Almost all nutrients are preserved, and the dish turns out juicy. The crust that forms during baking differs from the crust that forms during frying in that it does not contain carcinogenic substances. Baked dishes will be useful for people who want to lose weight, because they can be prepared without using any oil at all. In principle, such food will also benefit those people who care about their health.

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