Recipe for hard goat's milk cheese. Hard goat's milk cheese

Once upon a time, about seven hundred years ago, goat cheese was not a delicacy, and eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner was considered the norm.

Nowadays, in conditions of fierce competition among cheese producers, the product has received a status that geographically limits the possibility of making its copies and using original names.

In our country, a livestock farming tradition has developed - breeding mainly cattle, and therefore the raw material base allows us to make cheeses mainly from cow's milk, which, of course, limits the taste preferences of goat cheese lovers.

In addition, sanctions and counter-sanctions have emerged that have limited the export of goat cheeses from countries that traditionally raise goats and sheep and produce cheeses from goat milk.

This circumstance further narrowed the range of cheeses on the domestic market.

Typically, it takes 12-13 liters of milk to make a kilogram of goat cheese. This factor explains the high cost of the product. The ripening period for cheese can be up to several months, which affects the profitability of goat cheese production and explains why farmers choose to raise cattle. But the value of goat's milk, nevertheless, is more significant in that it is closer in composition to human milk, and milk formulas for infants are produced on its basis, while natural cow's milk contains a smaller amount of the enzyme, lipase, which dissolves fats and promoting better absorption of the product.

Fortunately, we are still actively breeding goats on private farms; international standards are not a decree for us, and if you have your own goats, then there will be goat cheese. Therefore, making homemade cheese from goat’s milk is our answer to all sorts of production bans and sanctions.

There remains only one small obstacle - the exact recipe for goat cheese. Since most of the recipes for the most famous goat cheeses are kept in the strictest confidence by their producers, all that remains is to look for your own recipes, try, and experiment. Although, there is a certain positive aspect to this: this is how the famous cheeses Feta, Manchego, Coeur de chevre, Brynza, Crottin and many others were born. Who knows, it may happen that the search for the original recipe will lead to new discoveries.

How to make goat cheese at home - basic technological principles

Before considering the technological aspects of preparing cheese from goat's milk, it is necessary to consider in more detail its biochemical composition, which affects the quality and taste characteristics of goat cheese, and also plays a significant role in the preparation technology itself.

The proteins and fats of goat's milk are smaller in size compared to the elements of cow's milk, and their content is also slightly lower. Therefore, homemade goat's milk cheese turns out to be a dietary product in comparison with cheeses from cow's milk. Small globules of fat slip into the whey during milk fermentation, as a result of which the resulting milk curd contains less fat than in fermented cow or buffalo milk. Another feature of goat milk is its low level of acidity, which is why during the ripening process casein turns into flakes that do not bind together well.

For consumption in fresh, unprocessed form, the indicated properties of goat milk have a positive assessment: it does not cause heartburn or allergic reactions, but making cheeses from it requires special preparation of raw materials.

To improve coagulation and increase the mass fraction of dry matter, goat's milk is mixed with cow's milk. Since the coagulability of cow's milk is on average 10% higher, adding a small proportion of it will not greatly affect the taste of homemade goat's milk cheese.

The next way is allowing to increase the coagulability of goat milk and obtain a denser curd during ripening - introducing an increased rate of lactic acid bacteria and regulating the acid-salt composition of the raw material. At home, you can use sour cream and yogurt based on cow's milk (10-20% by weight of goat's milk) as a starter. The disadvantage of this method of ripening is that you will have to independently, each time, calculate the amount of starter introduced, and for goat milk, the ripening time plays a big role: it cannot be over-conditioned, so as not to end up with an undesirable aftertaste.

To obtain a dense, stable curd, as well as maximum separation of dry matter from whey, it is good to use heating with the preliminary addition of a solution of citric acid, calcium chloride, and pepsin. It must be said that if you have a strong desire to start making cheese at home, then it is better to purchase special starter cultures in advance in specialized stores, fortunately, there are many of them now. You can order the necessary goods for cheese production with home delivery, and receive at the appointed time not only the starter with detailed instructions for its use and calculations of the norm, but also the cheese molds that are missing on the farm, pistons, presses and even a chamber for ripening cheese. Utensils are also important for home cheese making: if you have them in the right quantity and are convenient, then the process of making homemade goat’s milk cheese will be an easy and fun activity, so much so that you can think about your own small business. Believe me, even if you have to buy milk from farmers, due to the lack of your own farm, then taking into account the cost of goat cheese, the costs of purchasing raw materials and preparation will quickly pay off.

As for the taste characteristics of goat cheese, here you need to pay attention to two points.

Firstly, goat cheese with exactly the same taste as in France or in Spain will never be possible in Russia, even if the secret of how to make homemade goat cheese using the original technology of its manufacturer is revealed. The fact is that the habitat of Spanish and French goats differs from our area; accordingly, there are differences in food, which significantly affects the quality characteristics of goat cheese. This also includes the breed of goats, the conditions of their keeping, age and other physiological characteristics of the animals. But it's not a problem. It is possible that cheese made from the milk of local goats will be even better than the one that meets European standards.

However, the second important point should not be ignored. You still need to be very careful when choosing goat milk. It sometimes has a very specific and unpleasant odor, due to improper living conditions for animals and insufficient compliance with sanitary standards. This smell may not disappear even after pasteurization of the milk and remain in the finished cheese, but we must take into account that there are also cheese recipes that require the use of raw milk.

Retail chains usually offer pasteurized goat milk. Its advantage is that it does not have a specific smell, but it is precisely this feature that makes it impossible to obtain some types of homemade cheese from goat’s milk, since they should have exactly this smell and taste. In addition, pasteurization also affects technological principles and requires the addition of additional components to milk in accordance with specific recipes.

Otherwise, the technology for making homemade cheese from goat's milk is no different from making cheese from cow's milk. Taking into account the above, one should only be more scrupulous in the initial stages - selection of raw materials, fermentation of goat milk, addition of starter and rennet enzymes, and production of curd grains. Further preparation of homemade goat's milk cheese completely depends on the recipe itself. For fresh fermented milk cheeses, after all of the above operations are completed, the cheese preparation process is practically completed, since after the whey is separated, the product goes through a short ripening stage. For hard cheeses, after receiving the curd grain, further processing is required - melting. Only after this are hard cheeses sent for ripening.

About the classification of cheeses according to the method of their production and assortment, it is only worth saying that this is a very broad topic, and it is better to consider it separately, because there are now about two thousand known varieties of cheese in the world. Naturally, the methods of their preparation and the composition of the recipe also differ from each other. Goat cheese lovers have probably been familiar with the assortment for a long time, and inquisitive housewives accustomed to experimenting can try their hand at the recipes offered. For beginners in home cheese making, it will be better to practice with the simplest goat cheese recipes.

Recipe 1. How to make homemade goat cheese, pickled


    Natural goat milk 5 l


Heat fresh milk to 30°C, add rennet, having previously dissolved it in a small amount of milk, in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging. Stir the milk until a curd forms. Let the mixture sit and thicken for 20-30 minutes. Remove the resulting clot, after cutting it into cubes, using a slotted spoon. It is necessary to place the curd on a cotton cloth or gauze folded in four to prevent the solid particles of the cheese mass from dripping off. For convenience, cheesecloth can be placed in a colander or in a cheese mold with holes in the bottom to allow the whey to drain. Cover the warm curd with a napkin to protect it from airing and the ingress of foreign unwanted impurities. Place on a pallet. When the cheese is sufficiently compacted, place a weight on top of the napkin. Leave for 10-12 hours. At this time, it is better to store the cheese in a cool room or refrigerator (away from the freezer). Prepare a brine from the whey, add 10-16% table salt to it, to taste, and heat until completely dissolved. Free the cheese from oppression, unfold, cut into large pieces, 150-170 g each, and place in warm brine. When it cools down, close the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator, but no more than five days.

Recipe 2. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Crottin, with white mold

For this recipe, it is better to purchase the ingredients in advance at specialized points of sale in order to get cheese that best matches the original taste.


    Homemade goat milk 4 l

    Rennet, liquid 0.6 g

    Calcium chloride (solution) 2 ml

    Geotrichum Candidum mold (powder) 0.2 g

    Sourdough, mesophilic 1.5 g


Attention: use only sterile containers and wear gloves.

Cake pans can be used to make small heads. They need to be treated with alcohol and placed on a drainage mat, which, in turn, is placed on a grid with a tray. To ripen the cheese, you will also need a container with a lid and a wire rack installed inside, as well as napkins, which will need to be changed during the ripening period of the cheese (14 days).

Heat the milk to 25°C and add the mold and starter, stir gently until the powders dissolve. Then add rennet and calcium chloride solution. Stir again and leave, covered, until a thick clot forms, for 17-20 hours. Cover the lid loosely to allow air to enter. The curd should settle to the bottom of the dish and become covered with a layer of whey. Collect the whey from the surface and begin placing the curd into the prepared pans. The entire curd will not fit at once, so you need to wait until it thickens as a result of the remaining whey draining, and continue to spread the curd mass - please note that it is designed for 10 forms, and making smaller heads is not recommended.

Cover the cheese in the molds with a sterile cloth for two days. After 24 hours, turn the molds over, leaving them still on the drainage mat. The cheese will continue to press for another day under its own weight. Then remove the molds and sprinkle it with salt. After three days, transfer the cheese to a container for ripening. The further preparation process consists of caring for the cheese for two weeks - during this time it will achieve the required organoleptic characteristics. Store the container at 8-10°C, do not close it tightly, change the napkins every day. If steam appears on the lid of the container, wipe it with a sterile cloth to prevent condensation from dripping onto the cheese.

Requirements for the quality of cheese: a white wrinkled crust should appear on the surface. The appearance of blue mold indicates high humidity during the ripening period. The crust should also not crack, which indicates too low humidity.

Store the finished cheese in a separate container, wrapped in parchment, at 5°C for up to 1.5 months.

Recipe 3. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Valence with charcoal crust


    Milk, goat 4.5 l

    Two types of mold - 1.25 mg each:

    Geotrichum Candidum,

    Penicillium Candidum;

    Rennet 5 mg

    Mesophilic yeast 7 mg

    CaCl solution 2 mg

    Salt, charcoal - 3 tsp each.


The entire process of making this cheese coincides with the previous recipe, with the exception of some aspects of the final stage - ripening the cheese. In addition, the cheese head should have the shape of a truncated pyramid, weighing about 0.5 kg.

At the stage when the formed cheese mass needs to be treated with salt, combine it with charcoal (preferably the ash of burnt fruit trees). Ripening time in a container is 10 days at a temperature of 8°C.

The cheese should be stored in parchment paper, folded in two layers, for two months.

Recipe 4. How to make homemade goat cheese – Halloumi


    Milk (goat or cow) 6 l

    Pepsin (solution) 2 ml

    Salt, fresh mint (mixture) 50 g


Add rennet solution to freshly heated milk and continue heating the milk to 35-38oC for 20-30 minutes. Then let it sit for a while until a fairly dense clot forms. Separate the whey and place the cheese in prepared cheesecloth-lined molds with holes to allow the whey to drain. Place the molds on a wire rack in a tray. Also cover them with gauze on top. Turn the molds twice within two hours to help the cheese press better. Remove pans, leaving cheese on wire rack.

Heat the drained whey in a saucepan and transfer the cheese into it along with the grate. Warm up for half an hour, not allowing the whey to boil (temperature – 90-95oC). The finished cheese floats to the surface. Carefully transfer it to a plate, press down lightly with your hands when warm and fold the flat rounds in half into a crescent shape. Treat the surface with a mixture of salt and chopped fresh mint.

Store in a closed container for 2 weeks, avoiding drying out. This cheese has a high melting point and is very suitable for grilling.

Recipe 5. How to make homemade goat cheese with cow's milk cream


    Cream (50%) 1.0 l

    Goat milk 2 l

    Lemon juice 300 ml

    Sour cream (at least 25%) 250 g


Combine dairy products and steam to avoid burning. Having brought it to 30°C, gradually pour natural lemon juice into the milk mass, in a thin stream, while stirring continuously and smoothly. As soon as the whey begins to separate from the walls of the pan, turn off the stove, stop stirring and let the mixture stand until it cools completely. Separate the whey by pouring the contents of the pan into cheesecloth lined with a colander (place a tray under it in advance). After 12 hours, transfer the cheese mass to a blender, add sour cream and blend.

Cream cheese can be used to make desserts or snacks. When adding sour cream, you can also use various flavorings: spicy herbs, bacon, fish, mushrooms.

Recipe 6. How to make homemade goat cheese with spices, brine type


    Milk, whole 10.0 l

    Rennet 5 ml

    Calcium chloride 3 ml



    dried paprika and tomatoes,

    basil and olives,

    dill and garlic

Operating procedure:

To prepare feta cheese, you can use farm whole milk from any animal, either individually or in a mixture of any proportions.

The process of obtaining curd grains does not differ from previous recipes: an enzyme and calcium salts are introduced when heated. After separating the whey, any of the spicy compositions are added to the curd mass, and the prepared mass is placed under a press for a day. After this, the cheese can be stored in a brine of table salt and water, but if you want to give the cheese additional piquancy, place it on a wire rack and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and the herbs that are already inside the head.

    When preparing blue cheeses, it is imperative to maintain sterile conditions to avoid the introduction of unwanted bacteria into the product.

    If you need to collect a large amount of goat milk several times, then you need to store it only in pasteurized form, in the refrigerator. For pasteurization, which does not involve boiling milk, but heating it for a long time to 65-70°C for 10-15 minutes, it is convenient to use a special immersion thermometer.

    To prevent the cheese from burning on the stove during the melting process, use the steaming technique. Place the container with the cheese mixture on a stand immersed in a large pan of water.

    The minimum volume of a cheese wheel should be at least 0.5 kg, since with a smaller mass it is difficult to achieve the desired result. To make cheese of this weight you will need about five liters of milk.

    The whey remaining after obtaining the curd grain can be used to prepare brine. Whey has a valuable composition, so do not throw it away, but try to use it to make dough. It can also be useful for fermenting milk the next time you make cheese. Ricotta can be prepared from pure and fresh whey.

Goat cheese is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body constantly needs. In addition, this type of cheese is low in calories compared to other types.

Apart from all the beneficial properties, this product also has other advantages.

One of the main ones is its culinary use. It is used in salads and a wide variety of dishes, to which it, as an ingredient, gives a wonderful flavor.

Goat cheese “Homemade”

Making this cheese is not too difficult, but it requires care.

First you need to remove the cream from the milk - the top thick layer. After this, the milk is placed in a saucepan over medium heat.

When the milk boils, you will need to reduce the heat and add vinegar. After this, you need to start stirring the milk so that it curdles faster and better.

After the milk has thickened, you need to strain it through cheesecloth. We need all the clot that remains in the gauze. It is advisable to leave it suspended on gauze for a day so that the milk drips completely.

The next day you need to take the curd, salt it and knead it thoroughly, like dough. Then knead it into a flat cake and put it in a thick frying pan, which you put on the fire. You will need to wait until the cheese melts.

When it becomes liquid, remove it from the heat so that it can thicken. After all these manipulations, the product is ready, all that remains is to cut it and sprinkle with caraway seeds.

Homemade cheese “Soft”

Cooking time 35 min. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content – ​​275 kcal.

You need to put the milk on low heat and bring it to a boil. When the foam starts to rise, you need to add cottage cheese and start stirring for 3-5 minutes. After the milk has curdled, you need to strain it through cheesecloth and take the curd that remains in the gauze. It is advisable to squeeze this clot thoroughly to remove excess liquid or leave it hanging in gauze for a day.

After this, you need to mix the egg, salt and butter until smooth. Afterwards, mix all this with the clot and place in a water bath until the mass melts. Then you need to pour it into the form you need and wait until it thickens - it is advisable to place a press on top.

Goat cheese "Hard"

Cooking time – 30 minutes. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content – ​​280 kcal.

You need to take sour goat milk and add eggs to it, then stir until smooth.

After this, take fresh milk, add salt to it and put it on the fire, starting to stir. Then you need to start slowly pouring the mixture of sour milk and eggs into the saucepan, remembering to stir.

Cooking is required until a thick mass, reminiscent of curd, forms on the surface. All this must be filtered through cheesecloth and leave only the curd mass. It will need to be squeezed thoroughly to get rid of all the unnecessary liquid.

After all the manipulations, the resulting mass should be placed under a press overnight, or for a day - the more, the better. Well, that's all - the product is ready.

  1. It is worth saying that if you have an ulcer or gastritis, it is not recommended to consume goat cheese, or you may need to reduce the amount of this product. The fact is that it has high acidity, which will have a bad effect on such gastrointestinal disorders;
  2. Homemade cheese can be stored for 2-3 weeks, preferably in the refrigerator. It is better to put it in a bag, so it will be less susceptible to bacteria and, as a result, will not spoil soon;
  3. Among the drinks, wine, beer and coffee are very suitable for this product. The combined taste of the drink and cheese will be great;
  4. Cheese does not have a specific smell, unlike goat milk, which is a good reason to transform milk into a more tasty and healthy product;
  5. The prepared delicacy can be added to various, even everyday, dishes.

Bon appetit!

"Oh no not this!" - this is what we hear from guests of our stores when they offer to try goat cheeses. And the consciousness immediately pictures the stunning aroma and “vigorous” taste of wool. And, of course, this association comes from childhood – grandma’s cheese! Or for a modern Ukrainian, the association comes from gourmet France - chevres and chabichos. Today I will try to expand your horizons. We will go into the world of goat hard cheeses from Holland!


The smell of hard goat cheeses from Holland is much more restrained than French curd cheeses, not to mention homemade ones. This is achieved through proper maintenance - goats and female goats should live in different stalls. Because the recognizable smell of goat milk is contained in enzymes that are produced by the hormonal system. And, of course, on goat farms the sanitary conditions for milking goats and processing milk into cheese must be perfectly observed.


Cheeses can be made from any milk - goat, sheep, mare, buffalo, cow... And the history of cheese making begins with goat cheeses, not cow cheeses. Several thousand years ago, nomads in the Middle East took goat’s milk with them in wineskins. In Western Europe, goat cheese recipes were introduced only in the 18th century, after the conquest of Spain by the Moors. The roots are still preserved - the name of a very popular variety of French cheese - chabichou - comes from the Arabic "shabi", which means "goat".


It turns out that cheese can be made from goat's milk in the same way as from cow's milk. It’s just that goats produce several times less milk than cows - up to 6 liters per day versus 25-30, which is why the cost of goat milk and cheeses made from it is higher. But goat cheeses are easier to digest due to the fact that goat milk molecules are smaller. Goat cheeses are richer in protein, phosphorus, retinol and vitamin B2. And in terms of protein, calcium, zinc and vitamins, they are not inferior to cow’s. In addition, when entering the gastrointestinal tract, lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Goat cheeses are rightfully considered very healthy and natural, which is why children and mothers love them.


Let's look at the classification! Goat cheeses, like cow cheeses, come in hard and soft varieties. Soft (aka curd) ones are familiar to us from French:

  • Chevre– tender curd when young, and sharper and tart when aged;
  • Chabishou du Poiteau– with a moldy bluish-white crust with a pungent taste and a strong goat aroma;
  • Saint Maur from Turin, rolled in ash and snow-white inside with a salty-lemon flavor;
  • Crottin de Chavignolles in the form of small heads, with a nutty-fruity taste and a strong goat aroma.

Among hard goat cheeses, it is worth noting cheeses from Spain - Queso de Cabrapo in Spanish:

  • El Pastor– cheeses from one of the most famous cheese dairies in Spain, soft and semi-aged. Externally, the heads are similar to manchego;
  • Garrocha- hard cream cheese made from goat milk aged 1 month with a crust of dark gray-blue mold and a slightly spicy taste, from the volcanic region of Catalonia of the same name.

Special cheese goes on a separate line Gudbrandsdalen, aka Brunost– Norwegian brown cheese, made from whey with the addition of cream and 10% goat milk, is therefore considered goat cheese. This is a completely unique cheese, similar to thick, salty boiled condensed milk - an essential attribute of a Norwegian breakfast, with waffles or cookies, and aromatic coffee.

Fragrant Holland

For me, the biggest revelation in the world of goat cheeses was Dutch hard cheeses. As it turns out, they have the widest selection and are famous all over the world! The richness of tastes, smells, aftertastes and the most delicate taste of goat - all in Dutch-made hard goat cheeses. They, in turn, are young, aged and old, as well as pure and with additives. And absolutely everything contains only traditional cheese ingredients - goat's milk, sourdough, non-animal enzyme and salt. All! Simply incredible for our civilized 21st century!

Pure goat hard cheeses are aged from 1 month (young) to 1 year or more (old), there are also those over-aged for more than a year, also called VSOP. The taste of such cheeses ranges from creamy sweetish with a slight goat aroma to aged spicy, with an even less noticeable goat aftertaste, and VSOP has almost the taste and consistency of Parmesan, only with a more pronounced and pungent taste.

The biggest revelation for those who don’t like goat milk is hard goat cheeses with added herbs and spices.

  • Goat with nettle has a slight taste of grass, while being a super-immunomodulator - especially important during the period of spring vitamin deficiency;
  • Goat with Italian herbs– cheese with a mild taste of goat’s milk and a spicy aroma of herbs;
  • Goat with olives and sun-dried tomatoes– also a soft cheese with an Italian accent, a little saltier and more pronounced taste;
  • Goat with honey– young goat cheese for lovers of honey cakes, gingerbread and other delicacies with the smell of honey and a sweetish taste;
  • Goat with coriander and fenugreek- one of the pearls of Dutch cheeses, a cheese with a very soft and delicate taste, with a taste of bread and an aftertaste of mushrooms and nuts - after trying it, almost all “goat-skeptics” radically change their attitude.

An important message to lacto-vegetarians - all goat hard cheeses from Holland are curdled with microbiological rennet of non-animal origin, that is, no animals were harmed during the preparation of the cheese. And, of course, thanks to the correct maintenance of goats, the smell of milk and cheese from it in Dutch cheeses is minimal.

Serving and combinations

Goat cheeses are an excellent decoration for a cheese plate; they are snow-white and aromatic. Curd ones are placed in the middle of the dish, hard ones - in accordance with the aging and additives, for about 12 hours (imagine a cheese plate in the form of a dial). Goat cheeses go well with high acidity wines, such as Sauvignon Blanc, and also with sparkling wines.

Some of my favorite classic goat cheese dishes include a green salad with hot goat cheese, baked beets with goat cheese, and a unique dessert - hot goat cheese with raspberry sauce or creamy balsamic vinegar. You can grate goat cheeses into hot dishes and salads, instead of hard cow cheeses - the salad will sparkle with new colors and aromas. Goat cheeses form the basis of national French, Greek, and Spanish cuisines.

Summarizing this excursion into the world of goat cheeses, I would like to wish you new discoveries and a desire to experiment and discover new tastes! Goat cheeses will serve you well in this regard, be it soft cheeses from France, homemade Ukrainian ones, or a wonderful variety of Dutch ones. After all, goat cheese is not only a gourmet delight, but also an incredibly healthy and versatile product.

Goat milk is one of the healthiest dairy products. Therefore, if it is available, you can prepare very tasty goat cheese at home. You won’t find this delicacy in the store, since they only sell products made with goat’s milk.

And the homemade product comes out real and very tender, so all family members and guests will appreciate it. You can make goat cheese at home in a variety of ways.

We bring to your attention options for simple recipes for making goat’s milk cheese yourself, if, of course, you have fresh milk available or the opportunity to purchase it.

What is goat cheese made of?

Many people know that goat milk, compared to cow milk, has more beneficial properties, since it contains a higher percentage of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and D, including phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, goat milk is absorbed faster by the body. However, it cannot be stored in its pure form for a long time, even in the refrigerator, so it is recommended to make homemade cheese from it.

The main advantages of this product include:

  • lower fat content;
  • has virtually no cholesterol;
  • contains more calcium;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction.

Now all that’s left is to choose a recipe to quickly make cheese at home with your own hands and try not only a tasty, but also a healthy dairy product.

In stores, the price of goat fat leaves much to be desired, but home-made such a product is much cheaper. In addition, every housewife will know what ingredients were used and what kind of processing they were subjected to.

The recipe for homemade goat cheese requires a minimum set of ingredients, and the essence of the process is to heat the milk and add an acidic ingredient to it, thanks to which the mass curdles, forming the consistency of soft cottage cheese. In the future, you will need to strain and infuse the mixture.

Classic goat cheese

To do this you will need the following products:

  • goat milk - 2 l;
  • salt to taste (about 1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

It is necessary to pour the milk into the pan and bring it to a boil. While stirring with a wooden spatula, gradually pour in the vinegar. The milk will begin to curdle, and when it has already acquired a dense consistency, the pan must be removed from the heat.

Line a colander with gauze, preferably in several layers, and pour the mass of cottage cheese into it. After this, you need to add salt and make a tight circle out of gauze. The resulting workpiece must be heated in a cast-iron frying pan until melted, and then remove the container with the cottage cheese mixture to a cool place. When the mass hardens, which will take approximately 2-4 hours, homemade goat milk cheese will be ready for use.

You can also slightly change the cooking process. When the milk curdles when adding vinegar, you need to remove the mass of curd from the surface with a slotted spoon. Place it on cheesecloth in a colander, first squeeze out the almost finished cheese with your own hands, and then put it under pressure. At this stage, the product can be given any desired shape, because it is under pressure that it will solidify in a given position under the influence of cold temperature.

Goat milk cheese can be made not only of a soft consistency, but also of a hard one. This delicacy will be especially appreciated by people who watch their figure, because it is low in calories.

To make your own hard goat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • goat milk - 3 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • weight of cottage cheese (homemade or store-bought) - 1 kg;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt to taste (about a pinch);
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add cottage cheese. After this, the heat must be reduced and the mixture held for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The cooked mixture should be placed in a colander and later, when the excess liquid has drained, it should be transferred to a separate container. Now you need to add the remaining ingredients to the cottage cheese mass and mix everything well. Place the container in a water bath and cook for another 10 minutes after the water boils. This action is required so that the finished product does not crumble as a result.

Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and place the almost finished cheese into it, trying to compact it tightly. The filled container should be placed in the refrigerator to cool, and for a longer shelf life, it is better to put the goat cheese in the freezer, where it will not lose its beneficial properties. This recipe can be supplemented with your favorite spices and herbs. Bon appetit!


What is goat cheese?

Goat cheese is a fermented milk product made from natural goat milk. Its hard, soft and curd varieties are known. Plus options with mold. Most often the product is found in a soft creamy form. A distinctive feature of goat's milk cheese is its white color (as it does not contain beta-carotene). Other shades indicate the use of dyes in production.

Properly made cheese has a pleasant taste with some spice.

Of particular importance in the composition of this cheese are substances such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin - B vitamins. It is also important to mention retinol and niacin, which are the basis for the formation of vitamins A and PP in the body.

The total calorie content of the product per 100 grams is about 290 units. It contains a minimum of carbohydrates, about 22 grams of protein and fat. In terms of its nutritional composition, goat cheese is a dietary product that is well suited for both adults and children. In addition, it is good to use during periods of increased physical activity.

Benefits of goat cheese:

All types of goat cheese are rich in nutrients. It contains especially a lot of calcium, which is necessary for health, strength of bone tissue, teeth, hair, and nails. In addition, a sufficient intake of calcium in the body significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the colon and mammary glands. This is also facilitated by probiotics, also contained in goat cheese. They reduce the risk of cancer, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, promote complete digestion of food and, of course, improve the condition of the immune system.

Regular consumption of 2-3 pieces of this product reduces the possibility of migraines, helps normalize blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Regular consumption activates metabolic processes, which prevents the body from accumulating fat. Therefore, despite its calorie content, you can safely include cheese in your menu without fear of gaining weight. Of course, you shouldn’t eat kilograms of it. Just 50 - 100 g is enough for the whole day.

It should be noted that cheese contains a minimum of cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, it can be used for diabetes and heart disease. The product is almost completely absorbed, saturating the body with healthy saturated fats.

According to experts, regular consumption of small amounts of this product helps to improve the health of the genitourinary system. There is also evidence that eating cheese reduces pain during menstruation.

This product is very important for people who, due to intolerance to cow's milk, cannot consume cheeses made from it. Goat's milk cheese contains lactoglobulins, is considered hypoallergenic, and therefore can be included in your diet.

How to make goat cheese at home?


5 l goat milk

1½-2 tablets of acidin-pepsin per 1 liter of milk (Brynza recipe)

Salt - to taste (from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of milk)

If you want to make cheese from pasteurized milk, boil it and cool it to a temperature of 36–38 °C. Heat fresh milk to this temperature. Pour acidin-pepsin starter into the prepared milk, diluted in a third of a glass of milk at room temperature. If you have an electric stove, be sure to move the pan away from the burner so that the milk does not heat up and the enzymes do not cook. Cover the pan with a lid.

After 30 minutes - 1 hour, a dense clot should form, but sometimes you need to wait about 2 hours: the time depends on the amount of starter. Determine the readiness of the clot using a knife blade: if after immersion in the pan the blade comes out clean, the clot is ready, that is, the starter particles are compressed and do not stick to the blade.

If you get a mass similar to yogurt, cover the pan again with a lid and leave for another 30 minutes. Such a mass could be due to an insufficient amount of acidin-pepsin. If after an additional 30 minutes the mass does not reach the desired consistency, slightly heat the pan, stirring the mass thoroughly, and place it in a fine sieve. After draining the whey, you will have a young cheese that tastes good, but perhaps a little dry.

If the clot has matured in 30 minutes or 1 hour, then a little greenish liquid should separate on the sides of the clot. Cut the curd into squares lengthwise and crosswise and leave them in the whey for 10 minutes. You can mix the cheese mass later: the curd will no longer absorb moisture, but will only release it anywhere in the cut.

Transfer the mixture into small sieves lined with cotton cloth, add salt (do not add salt in the pan!), mix and compact. Tie the ends of the fabric and place the mass under the weight. Periodically cut the mixture into cubes and stir so that the whey drains faster.

If, due to the strong pressure of the load in the center of the clot, bulges form on its sides, cut them off 2-3 times and place them in the vacated holes to level the surface. The next day you will have young cheese like Adyghe cheese. Place it in a storage pan, cover and place in the refrigerator.

How to make soft goat cheese Gaiskasli:

10–15 l goat milk

1–2 tablets abomin (Homemade Feta Cheese Recipe)

Salt - to taste

Dissolve abomin tablets in half a glass of cold water and add to fresh milk. Let sit for 40 minutes until the milk has curdled, then stir thoroughly, pour into a tall mold with holes in the bottom and sides and let the whey drip off, adding salt to the top of the mixture. After 2 days, remove the mixture from the mold and, turning it over, salt the other side. This cheese matures for 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

How to make Crotten goat cheese:

Crottin de Chavignolles is a soft goat cheese, it is a small round piece with a diameter of 4–5 cm, a height of 3–4 cm and a weight of 60–130 g. The crust can be covered with white or blue mold. The cheese has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness and a slightly nutty flavor.

"Crottin" means "horse manure" in French. The cheese justifies such an unappetizing name only externally, and then only after aging for 4 months, when it dries out to small gray heads.

Usually cheese production begins in March, when the goats are taken out to pasture. Young spring cheese is very delicate and has a light, unobtrusive taste. In autumn, a sharper cheese is produced with the characteristic aroma of goat's milk.

Some fans prefer to age cheese made in the spring until fall. The result is a tangy cheese that is covered with a hard rind and hardened inside. Several versions of this cheese are produced in France.

Crotten is served at the end of lunch with fruit and bread, or grilled on lettuce.


4 liters of goat's milk, ¼ tsp. mesophilic starter, ⅛ tsp. liquid rennet, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. mold Geotrichum candidum, 2 tsp. salt

Lay out a drainage system of mats so that liquid can pass through them unhindered, and place crotten molds (10 pcs.) on top.

Heat the milk in a container to 22 °C, stirring, then remove from the heat and scatter the powdered mesophilic starter and mold over its surface in a thin layer, leave for 3 minutes. Slowly stir the milk mixture, lifting the lower layers to the top with a large spoon or slotted spoon. Add calcium chloride to the milk, dissolved in 50 ml of cooled boiled water. Dissolve the rennet in the same way. Mix everything again with slow movements. After 18–20 hours of exposure under the lid at room temperature, the milk should separate into a curd and clear whey. Pour off excess liquid so that some of the whey remains at the bottom. Then remove small layers of cheese from the curd and place them in molds. The process will take quite a long time, as the cheese layers will gradually settle to the bottom and become denser. Place layers of cheese at intervals of 20 minutes. Cover the molds with a moisture-absorbing towel or napkins and leave to mold and mature under its own weight for 2 days. After 24 hours, you need to turn the molds over for equilateral self-pressing of the cheese.

Remove the cheese heads from the molds, sprinkle with salt (¼ tsp) on both sides and leave for 24 hours on a drainage surface, covered with a towel. Place the cheese heads in a large container. A drainage mat should be placed in it, and under it 2-3 layers of paper napkins. Keep the cheese in a cool room (8–10 °C) for up to 2 weeks. Periodically check the release of moisture inside the container by removing wet wipes and wiping the lid dry. To create optimal humidity for the development of white mold culture and the appearance of a wrinkled surface on the cheese, do not install the lid of the container too tightly. Store fresh cheese for 5 weeks in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not exceed 4–5 °C. The cheese becomes most aromatic and tender from the 14th to the 25th day of storage.

How to make Saint Maur cheese:

This goat cheese is made from unpasteurized whole milk. The cheese has the shape of a cylinder, 16–17 cm long and weighs about 250 g. Under the gray, moldy crust of the cheese there is white tender pulp.

It is made in the form of a log with a straw inside. The straw helps maintain the shape of the cheese and indicates handcrafted production. Now they produce two varieties: simply with white mold and in the old style - dusted with ash. This soft Saint Maur takes 15 days to mature.


4 l goat milk, ⅛ tsp. mesophilic starter, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. Geotrichum candidum mold powder, 1/32 tsp. mold Penicillium candidum, ⅛ tsp. liquid rennet, 2 tsp. salt.

Prepare a drainage system: place a wire rack with legs in a deep container or place it on top of a bowl, place a drainage mat on the wire rack, place cheese molds vertically on the mat. To prevent the molds from falling, you can connect them with an elastic band or place each one in a Camembert mold.

Pour milk into a saucepan, stirring, bring to a temperature of 22 °C. Remove the pan from the heat, sprinkle the mesophilic starter and both types of mold on the surface. Let stand for 3 minutes to allow the powders to absorb moisture. Mix the entire volume of milk well with smooth movements from top to bottom using a slotted spoon. Dissolve calcium chloride in 30 ml of water and add to milk. Also dissolve the rennet in 30 ml of milk and add to the milk. Mix everything well with a slotted spoon. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the milk to ripen at room temperature for 18 hours. A stable clot should form, with a layer of whey on top. Remove excess whey with a cup or large spoon.

Use a slotted spoon to collect a thin layer of curd and place into molds. So, layer by layer with an interval of 15 minutes, you need to put the entire curd into molds. Do not rush to fill the molds: after a few hours the curd in the molds will settle, and you will end up with cheeses that are too small, half the size of the mold. Cover the molds with a napkin and leave to seal at room temperature for 24 hours. During this time, you need to turn the molds with cheese 4 times, covering them with a wire rack with a drainage mat. Place a layer of napkins or paper towel in the container for aging the cheese.

Remove the cheese from the molds, sprinkle each ½ tsp. salt. For a classic version of this cheese, sprinkle a thin layer of charcoal over it through a sieve. If you want a modern cheese with a white rind, don't sprinkle it with charcoal. Then place the cheese in a container on a paper towel. Cover and leave overnight at room temperature. Remove cheese and paper towel. Place a new paper towel on the bottom of the container, a drainage mat on it, and cheese on the mat. Close the lid and leave to ripen for 2 weeks in the refrigerator or room with a temperature of 8 °C. During this time, turn the cheese a quarter turn daily to maintain its shape and allow mold to develop evenly. It is necessary to monitor the humidity: if the paper towel becomes too wet, it must be removed. After 2 weeks, wrap the cheese in special double-layer paper or put it in a tightly closed container and store in the refrigerator for another 2-3 weeks.

How to make Valencey goat cheese:

Valence is a French cheese made from goat's milk, made in the shape of a truncated pyramid about 7 cm high and weighing 250 g. Covered with fluffy mold and sprinkled with wood ash. Ash on the surface of the cheese during cooking allows it to firm up better, gives a beautiful color to the rind and speeds up the ripening process.

The cheese has a delicate, slightly sweet taste, reminiscent of hazelnuts.

Valence cheese is the hallmark of the province of Berry, which produces other famous goat cheeses (Pouligny Saint-Pierre, Levre).


4 liters of goat's milk, ¼ tsp. mesophilic starter, 1/32 tsp. Geotrichum candidum mold powder, 1/32 tsp. Penicillium candidum mold powder, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride solution, ⅛ tsp. liquid rennet, salt, finely ground coal

Heat the milk to 22 °C, remove from heat. Sprinkle the surface of the milk with mesophilic starter powder and both types of mold. Leave for 3 minutes for the powders to absorb moisture. Then carefully mix the entire volume of milk with a slotted spoon. Dilute rennet in 50 ml of water and add to milk. Also dilute the calcium chloride solution in 50 ml of water and add to the milk. Mix everything, cover the pan with a lid and leave at room temperature for 18 hours (if the room is hot, reduce the time to 15 hours). After 15–18 hours, a clot should form, and a small layer of whey should form above it. Remove the whey from the surface with a ladle or large spoon. Using a slotted spoon, remove layers of curd 1–1.5 cm thick at intervals of 15 minutes and place them in 4 molds. The clot will thicken and settle. Cover the molds with a towel and leave to compact and ripen for 48 hours at room temperature. Periodically drain the whey from the pan.

Place two layers of paper napkins in the ripening container and place a drainage mat on them. Sprinkle each wheel of cheese with ¾ tsp. salt. Place 2 tsp in a strainer. ground coal and sprinkle each wheel of cheese. Lightly tap the surface of the cheese with your fingers to prevent the coal from crumbling. Place the cheese on a paper towel in a container, cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Remove cheese and paper towels from container. Place a drainage platform or a couple of layers of drainage mats on the bottom and place cheese on top. Keep the cheese for 10 days at a temperature of 8 °C. If moisture accumulates at the bottom of the container, remove it with a napkin and open the lid slightly. High humidity can cause spots of blue mold to form, and too dry air will cause the cheese to dry out, so you need to regulate the humidity by tightly closing the lid of the container. After 10 days, wrap the cheese in double-layer paper or place it tightly in a container. The cheese is ready to eat. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Recipes for dishes with goat cheese:

Sandwiches with fried goat cheese, tomatoes and pickles:

  • 2 heads of mini goat cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 small pickled cucumbers
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 slices tin white bread
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of paprika
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 6 teaspoons olive oil

Cut the tomato and bread into thin equal circles, cut each head of goat cheese into 3 circles. Beat eggs, mix breadcrumbs with paprika. Dip goat cheese circles in eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in 5 teaspoons of olive oil.

Place a slice of tomato on each slice of bread, sprinkle with sugar, drizzle with remaining olive oil and top with a slice of fried cheese. Serve garnished with pickled cucumber slices.

Sandwiches with goat cheese, fried onions and raisins:

  • 6 heads of mini goat cheese
  • 1 ciabatta
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • raisins - to taste

Cut the bread diagonally into 6 slices. Fry the onion in olive oil until translucent, add the garlic and still fry a little, without letting the garlic brown. Place the onion and garlic mixture on the bread and pour over the remaining oil from frying.

Cut each goat cheese in half and place 2 halves on top of the onion on each slice of bread. Bake in the oven for 2 minutes at 160°C until the cheese softens. Serve sprinkled with raisins.

Open pie with goat cheese and zucchini:

  • 100 g goat cheese
  • 1 medium sized zucchini
  • 11/3 cups flour
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 handful of shredded green lettuce leaves
  • 180 g butter
  • olive oil, pepper and salt - to taste

Beat flour, granulated sugar, chilled butter cut into pieces in a blender and lightly salt. Add 1 egg, 4 tbsp. spoons of water, balsamic vinegar and knead until the dough pulls away from the walls of the blender bowl. Roll out the resulting dough, place it on a baking sheet lined with foil and make punctures in the dough with a fork.

Cut the zucchini into circles, cook for 2 minutes in salted water, drain in a colander and let the water drain. Then place the prepared zucchini mugs on the dough. Beat the eggs with sour cream, mix with goat cheese, salt and pepper, place on top of the zucchini and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 25–30 minutes at 180°C. Serve sprinkled with green salad leaves.

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