Vanillin - What is it? Differences from vanilla and vanilla sugar. How to cook vanilla sugar? What can replace vanilla sugar

It happens, you walk around the city and involuntarily catch a pleasant smell of baking, before your eyes immediately the picture of the appetizing buns, freshly baked pies or some other way. All this smell comes with some bakery or bakery.

Due to the fact that the dough add such spice as vanillin, baking acquires a pleasant fragrance.

What makes vanillin

Vanillin is a colorless, crystalline powder, with a characteristic vanilla smell obtained by synthesizing in the laboratory. The demand for such a spice exceeds the charges of Vanilla itself, which is why vanillin is synthesized by artificial method. It has a property dissolved in water. Since Vanilla itself is very expensive, due to the complexity in its cultivation, it accounts for a powder with the addition of vanilla extract. For large-scale production of bakery products used vanillin due to its cheapness and availability. Nowadays, you can easily find the desired seasoning on the racks of supermarkets or on the market.

Types of Vanillina

There are several types of Vanilina in production:

  • Crystal. It has a clear fragrance of vanilla, used in baking, chocolate and ice cream production. Enhances your smell at high temperature.
  • Powdered vanilin. It has a form of powder, has a property to be easily dissolved in liquids, has a characteristic flavor of vanilla, applied in the production of chocolate.
  • Vanillin in liquid form. It is used in the preparation of beverages.

How to make vanilla sugar

How can I replace vanillin? Vanilla sugar is popular with housewives, is used in cooking for a long time, mainly in the preparation of confectionery, bakery products. It has a sweet taste, pleasant fragrance vanilla.

The main procedure for obtaining vanilla sugar is to mix the sugar powder with vanilla extract.

Vanilla pod must be mixed with sugar and leave for some time to saturate the aroma. After that, it is necessary to keep in a dark, closed place to the smell will not destroy.

Sugar is obtained by growing beets. After the beets passed the technological process of processing, a sweet product is obtained from it.

The process of growing vanilla is the most time-consuming due to the fact that the plant has to be pollinated artificially. The price of vanilla is much higher than on sugar.

It is possible to prepare vanilla sugar yourself, without any problems at home in the presence of the desired ingredients. In the presence of time and desire, cooking will not be much difficulty. Ingredients for vanilla sugar:

  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 pod of vanillin

Pod clean from seeds, and mix with powdered sugar and leave for some time to impregnate the smell.

Application in cooking vanillin and vanilla sugar

Vanillin has a wide range of applications not only in the food industry, as well as in cosmetology. Often you can catch notes vanilla in the fragrance of perfume. There is also a wide selection of shampoos, shower gels, soap, creams, etc. With the smell of vanilla. But, as we have already said, the main area of \u200b\u200buse is cooking.

In what purposes can be used vanilla

When cooking dishes, it should be strictly adhered to the recipe, so this spice has a pronounced taste. When overdosing this spice, the dish can be patterned. On sale this product is often weighing 1 or 2 grams. One package weighing 1 grams enough for 1000 grams of flour. When preparing flour dishes, mixing the recipe with dry components. In the manufacture of milk cocktails or any other beverages, Vanillin is advised to be used in liquid form. Approximately 1-2 grams per 1 liter of fluid.

By itself, it has a property to dissolve well in water, alcohol, fat. Use this powder to enhance fragrance with dishes. When using cosmetics, the smell remains long on the hair and on the skin, it has a calm property, relax. It is also found in the form of aromatic sticks to give a pleasant smell in the house.

Vanilla sugar is widely used in the manufacture of confectionery creams, ice cream, all possible pastries, beverages, milk cocktails. For baking, it is necessary to proceed at the rate that 1 kg of sugar accounts for 8-10 g of vanilla sugar. It is used in the process of kneading the test or for the sprinkle of the product from above.

Lovers of home baking are more suitable in the use of vanilla sugar. Make this spice at home very easily and will not be much difficulty. You must purchase vanilla in the form of a stick, it is enough for a very long time. You should mix sugar with a stick and leave to be saturated with the smell, so you will always have the opportunity to make vanilla sugar.

Vanilla is often added when cooking alcoholic beverages, such as cognac or home tincture.

The difference between vaniline and sugar, saturated vanilla extract, is that vanillin has a smaller grinding and it is more concentratingthan vanilla sugar powder. When using this concentrate for the preparation of a variety of dishes, it takes much less than the vanilla sugar. Vanilla sugar for chemical composition is characterized by the fact that it is more natural in its components than Vanillin.

For small children, sweet is not desirable. This may lead to the fact that your child will suffer from caries.

Useful properties of vanillin and vanilla sugar

The smell of vanilla has the ability soothe, muffle the feeling of aggression, anxiety, irritation. Such a smell can easily raise the mood to give confidence. It will help to fight with nonconima. It is an antidepressant in its kind.

Each good owner knows that any pastry will only win if you twist it with a thin vanilla flavor. The warm and appetizing smell wakes the best feelings and fill the house by calm and comfort. But only experienced cooks disassembled in what the vanilla differs from vanilina and that it is preferable to choose on the store shelf - a wrinkled brown pod with a slightly inhumane value or a bag with a crystalline powder on a very affordable price.



Vanilla - Very valuable spice, obtained from several types of Lian family orchid. She comes from Mexico (the plant began to cultivate the ancient tribes of the Indians, using his fruits as money). Today, Vanilla from Madagascar is considered, Indonesia and China are also recognized by major suppliers.


Vanillin - The main component of the natural vanilla extract in the form of needle colorless crystals. But most often (in everyday life) concept is used to determine the synthetic analog of vanilla, crystalline powder with a similar taste and aroma.


One of the main differences between Vanilla and Vanillina (if we talk about the shops presented on the shelves) is that the first of these products - natural origin, and the second - synthetic, artificial. How do vanilla get? The fruits of some Lian family of orchid growing in the equatorial belt are collected manually. Then immature green pods first put in hot water in a short time, after 1-2 weeks subjected to the fermentation process (that is, fermentation), and then a few months dried outdoors. As a result, the fruits become black and brown, covered with a light whitish flare. If they are crushed, you can get a white-colored bulk substance with small black splashes - the most famous vanilla with pronounced, memorable, gentle and thick, sweet aroma.

Obviously, the process of obtaining natural vanilla is very long and painstaking. The difficulty lies also in the fact that the flowers of this plant, of which the fruits are subsequently emerged, are open only one day a year. And in nature, they pollinate only one type of bees or one species of birds hummingbirds. Therefore, in some regions, farmers use artificial pollination, otherwise the risk is not allowed to launch a crop too large. The ovary is formed about 9 months, and only half of polished colors. Naturally, all listed nuances lead to a significant increase in the value of the final product.

So grows vanilla

The natural vanilla extract is a tincture of the fruits of this plant on a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol, subjected to filtration. It contains about 200 different chemical compounds, including polyphenol Vanillin.

Vanillin is the main component of the vanilla extract, externally resembling needle colorless crystals. But since the cost of natural vanilla is too high, chemist scientists still at the end of the XIXVEK learned to synthesize Vanillin with an artificial way: first from the clove oil, and then from the waste of the pulp and paper industry. At the moment, the most popular is the method of obtaining this substance from petrochemical raw materials. Vanillin is widely used as a flavoring in the production of food and household chemicals, applied in perfumery and pharmaceuticals.

Vanilla sugar, often found on store shelves, as a rule, is a sugar powder mixed with synthetic vaniline. In a more expensive version of this product, manufacturers are added natural vanilla. By the way, vanilla sugar is easy to prepare independently at home. To do this, it is necessary to put the sugar powder and the pod of the vanilla (in culinary recipes, the name "Vanilla wand") is often used) into a jar with a tightly closing lid. After a while, sugar acquire a bright vanilla fragrance. Such a product is perfect for baking decoration, preparation of desserts.

Another difference vanilla from Vanillina is that the natural product, according to scientists, brings tangible health benefits. Polyfenol Vanillin contained in vanilla is an antioxidant that helps fight aging. The natural flavor of vanilla stimulates the production of serotonin's body - the hormone of happiness, has a soothing effect, contributes to the stimulation of appetite. In aromatherapy, the smell of vanilla is often used to treat depression and nervous disorders and even to mitigate the symptoms of claustrophobia. But the synthetic vanillin (though, in very small doses) contains hazardous substances, because this is a product of artificial origin. However, scientists assure that in such minor quantities of carcinogens and petroleum products in it in moderate use will not bring harm.

Packages with vaniline can be found almost in any supermarket. Vanilla wands are an elite product, and it is far from everywhere.

Visually demonstrate what is the difference between Vanilla and Vanilla, a comparative table will help us.

Vanillin is a spice with a pleasant, sweet smell, which is extracted from vanilla fruits. It is a colorless powder consisting of small crystals. Vanillin is used to make baking and confectionery, as well as to create perfume compositions.

Natural vanillin is extracted from vanilla pods


Vanillin is mined from a plant, which is called "Vanilla Plisk". This flower refers to the orchid family. Vanilla is an evergreen, a wound plant. Growing, it throws trees trunks. He has large, egg-shaped, pointed at the end. The inflorescences of a very unusual form - remotely they resemble a spread brush. Flowers in size about 6 cm, usually painted in yellow or green. Seeds are ripening in long pods, from which spice is subsequently and is mined.

Vanilla pods are also collected by green and then they pass the complex technological drying process

In the production process of drying vanilla and production of natural vanillin use only manual labor

Natural vanillin crystals are formed on pods in the drying process in very small amounts

Where it grows

Motherland Vanilla is a West India, a group of islands, located in the Caribbean. In the early 19th century, this plant was opened by the Englishman Henry Charles Andrews, and for the next 200 years, Vanilla spread over the greenhouses of different countries of the world. Currently, the largest amount of vanilla is grown in the southern states of the United States, in Central America and in the north of South America, since there is the most suitable flower climate for this flower.

Vanilla plantations are mostly located on Madagascar and Reunion

Method of manufacturing spice

Vanillin is mined from vanilla seeds that ripen in pods. First, the seeds are treated with boiling water, then a long process begins, during which the seeds are heated alternately in the sun and sprinkled in plastic containers. This process takes about two weeks, after which the seeds are darker and become dark brown. Then, the seeds dried and a few months simply withstand so that the smell increases.

For the production of Vanillina today the following types of vanilla are cultivated:

  • Vanilla fragrant. It grows in Mexico, Indonesia, on the Caribbean and Madagascar. Differs in large inflorescences. It has a saturated, warm aroma.
  • Vanilla Antilskaya. Grows in the countries of Central America, at an altitude of 0.5 km above sea level. Most often used in the form of extract.
  • Vanilla Taitianskaya. The place of cultivation of this plant, which is the result of crossing the two above-described species, is French Polynesia. This species is grown not only to obtain vanillin, but also in decorative purposes.

This is done natural vanillin, but most of the spices selling in stores is vanillin artificial production. It is made from different raw materials through synthesis.

Madagascar Vanilla or Vanilla Bourbon - the highest quality

Tahitian vanilla is inferior in flavoring and organoleptic properties

Production of synthetic vanillin

Most of the spices selling in stores is vanillin artificial production. It is made of different raw materials through synthesis. The possibility of vanillin synthesis was opened at the end of the 19th century in Germany Wilhelm Haarman and Ferdinand Timan. The production of synthetic vanillina has become the first step towards creating artificial flavors. Currently, artificial vanillin can be obtained from a variety of substances, including eugenol, lignin and petrochemical raw materials.

Synthetic vanillin - artificial flavoring

Flavor identical to natural

Vanillin, obtained by synthesis, refers to a group of flavors identical to natural. This means that it has the same chemical structure as natural vanillin, and can be used as a food product. The flavoring agent identical to natural, unlike an artificial flavor, is found in materials of animal and plant origin.

The difference in the smell between synthetic and natural vanilla

The aromatic difference between the synthesized vanilla and natural vanilla is actually very significant. According to research, there are four hundred different components and vanillin in the smell of vanilla - only one of them. Therefore, the fragrance of real vanilla is much richer and multifaceted than the smell of an artificial substitute.

The aroma of natural vanilla is much softer and multifaceted than a synthetic analogue


  • white or colorless powder;
  • sweet fragrance;
  • bitter taste.

Nutritional value and calorie

Nutritional value and calorie per 100 grams of product

Chemical composition

The composition of natural vanillin includes:

  • essential oil;
  • gluco-vanillin;
  • tanning substance;
  • cinnamine.

Where and how to choose

In specialized stores selling professional bakery and confectionery goods, vanilla can be purchased in various kinds: in pods, in powder, as well as in the form of extract or essence. Synthesized vanillin is sold in any food store.

The quality product must have a strong, saturated aroma. If you purchase vanilla in pods, pay attention to the fact that they are long, soft and well bent.

Vanilla pods must be oily and nice

Natural vanillin is very expensive and produced in meager quantities, so it is almost impossible to find it on the shelves

Synthesized vanillin you will find in any store or in the markets

Beneficial features

  • soothes and relaxes;
  • is a good antidepressant;
  • has an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect;
  • considered a natural aphrodisiac;
  • normalizes the metabolism;
  • helps to shoot allergy symptoms;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • is antimicrobial.


  • it may cause a strong allergic reaction that manifests in irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.


Vanilla's essential oil has a strong, spicy-sweet aroma, which is preserved for many years. It has been applied in medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy. Vanilla oil is part of many cosmetic and perfumes. It is not only an excellent flavor, but also has a soothing and rejuvenating effect. The beneficial properties of this oil allow you to use it to combat various diseases. Vanilla essential oil can be used inward, in the form of inhalation or aromalamp, as well as add to the bath or to the massage mixture.

Vanilla's essential oil awakens the feeling and increases the mood


In cooking

  • vanillin is added to the baked baking to give it a special flavor;
  • vanillin is a mandatory component of many recipes for sweet creams and sauces;
  • the hostesses often add vanillin in jam from berries and fruits;
  • most confectionery, including chocolate, caramel, souffle and other, are in their composition vanillin;
  • sometimes vanillin is used to flavor alcoholic beverages, such as lyters and some varieties of vodka;
  • vanillin is added to dairy and curd products to make them more fragrant.

Adding vanillina to any milk cocktail will make the taste of the beverage saturated and refined

Without vanillina You will not get a traditional cottage cheese Easter

Take 4 eggs and separate squirrels from yolks. Slowly swell the proteins, gradually interfering with a glass of sugar and a pinch of vanillina. After that, without stopping to beat, pour into the resulting mass of yolks. Then, kneading the dough from the bottom up, pour a glass of sifted flour. Then set the oven temperature by 200 degrees and let it warm up. While the oven heats up, prepare the baking shape. The bottom can be lubricated with oil or clamped with parchment paper. The cupcake should be bake for 20-25 minutes.

Cottage cheese-vanilla cream

Wake up into a homogeneous mass 2/3 of standard packing of butter, 170 grams of cottage cheese and 1 tsp. Vanillina. Becate it should be at low speed. Then add a glass of sugar powder and take the mixture again, this time gradually increasing the speed to the maximum. The cream is ready!

In medicine

Natural vanillin can be used as auxiliary means to combat the following diseases:

  • rheumatic pains;
  • digestive disorders;
  • fever;
  • psyche disorders;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • skin inflammation;
  • poor well-being in critical days;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • intestinal colic.

When weight loss

Many modern slimming systems include vanilla, but not as an additive to food, but as a powerful antidepressant. Inhalation of sweet fragrance Vanilla helps to fight a bad mood, relieves alarms and soothes the nerves. In addition, with inhalation of this smell, human hormones are produced, which block the feeling of hunger.

Vanillin always add to protein slimming cocktails

At home

If you breed a vanillin bag in water and sprinkle with this solution with clothes and skin, you can relax in nature, without fear of the insuming of the midges, since the sweet smell scares these insects.

Take vanillina bags in a campaign - Vanillina's aqueous solution will save from midges

  • Natural vanillin is considered one of the most expensive spices around the world.
  • Some Indian tribes used vanilla pods instead of money.
Vanilla, Vanillin and Vanilla Sugar

Vanillin and vanilla sugar are powder, which consists of many ingredients. The main aroma and the taste of them gives the natural vanilla contained in small quantities. Vanilla itself is very expensive seasoning, but in order to use its useful properties, the smell and taste that improves the aroma of the dishes, from her available for our table vanillin and vanilla sugar. Vanilla sugar can be done with their own hands.

Types of Vanillina

  1. There are several types of vanillin. One of them is crystalline. It has a real flavor of Vanilla. Crystal Vanillin last time saves its beneficial properties, even after high treatment temperature. Used for bread accumulation, making confectionery and ice cream.
  2. There is a form of powdered vanillin. It is smaller, in its composition contains more different reinforcing additives and has a sharper smell. This type of vanillina is suitable for making chocolate. The fragrance of such vanillin is already felt at room temperature. In water, it is easier to dissolve. Such vanillin can have a variety of berry and fruit flavors.
  3. Liquid vanillin is a mixture of vanillin dissolved in alcohol. It is used for the manufacture of beverages, confectionery and dairy products.

How is Vanillin applied?

Vanillin is used in perfumery, making liqueurs and cooking. In cooking, vanillin should be used in such quantities, which depends on the time of cooking dish, the preparation temperature, the consistency of the preparing dishes. Too much vanilla can give a bitter dish. When preparing a duft flour dishes Vanillin is usually chosen with high resistance to temperature. In these dishes, vanillin is added during the mixing of all dry components of the dish. Either can add on any preparation stage, pre-soluble in fat.

Usually added from 4 to 9 grams of vanillina per 1 kilogram of the test. In the manufacture of chocolate, vanillin is usually used as crystals or powder. If you want to improve the fragrance of products containing a dairy base, use the vanilla in the liquid or powder form. Here, 1 liter of products should be used from 0.5 to 2 grams of vanillin and vanilla sugar.

Vanillin action

  • Vanillin is well soluble in alcohol, hot water and ether.
  • Vanillin is used to enhance fragrances dishes, aromatization of ingredients.
  • It helps to hide or soften the unwanted taste in the dish.
  • The flavor of Vanilla remains on the hair and the skin for a long time, acting soothing.
  • Vanillin gives drinks to the soft taste and pleasant aroma. With it, you can improve the fragrance in the house.

What is vanilla sugar?

Vanilla sugar is nothing but mixed vanilla pods with sugar or sugar powder. Sugar adapts all the smell of vanilla on themselves, and after the vanilla is removed from it. It is more convenient for use in culinary production, as practically does not contain additives. If vanilla sugar is stored too long, the smell of vanilla can evaporate. It is used for cooking cream, creams, fruit compotes, dairy dishes. Vanilla sugar is very suitable for drip, cocktails, coffee. It must be added at the very end of the cooking, so that its fragrance does not disappear too quickly.

How to make a vanilla sugar with your own hands?

Vanilla sugar can be made with their own hands. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, sugar powder and 1 pod of natural vanilla. Try to buy only the longest pods. They are considered the most valuable. Vanilla pod cut along. Get all the seeds, they need to be crowned into the mortar and add sugar powder there. Swing, pour the mixture into sugar sand, mix again and put the pod there. Vanilla seeds can be added directly to cream or cream, and for the preparation of vanilla sugar use only a pod. Keep the resulting sugar in a carefully closed jar in a dark cool place. Leave it for 4 days and you can enjoy real vanilla sugar.

How to cook "Vanilla Madfins"?

Take 400 g of flour for pancakes, 1 t. Spoon of soda, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs and 0, 5 sour cream. Mix flour, soda and sugar. Melt the oil and pour there. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix all this gently. The dough must be divided by paper forms, it turns out about 14 pieces. Bake them at 180 from 15 minutes until they become a golden color.

What is useful vanilla and vanilla sugar?

Vanilla has a soothing effect on the body. The smell of vanilla will help in the treatment of some serious diseases. He taught anger, eliminates the feeling of anxiety and irritation. The smell of Vanilla is able to relax, help with insomnia, relieve anxiety, will have a stimulating effect on the body and raise the mood. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin and vanilla sugar, is an antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-carcinogen.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla essence (instead of 20 g of vanilla sugar, 12.5 g of vanilla essence) or vanilla extract (10-15 g of vanilla sugar will replace 1 teaspoon of extract). But if you have nothing listed on your hand at hand, you can generally ignore vanilla sugar as the ingredient: the dish will succeed and without it, however, will not please the thin vanilla flavor.

What is better to buy: vanilla, vanillin or vanilla sugar?

If you are at least sometimes something biscuit at home or cook desserts, for sure you buy vanillin, vanilla sugar or vanilla. Or so far only think about it. What do these additives differ from each other? What you need to buy, and what is not needed? Let's see, sniff and solve - and everything is within one small article!

Vanilla - This is a beautiful plant whose pods have a stunning aroma, and therefore they are very high. I think that at least once in my life you had a sniff natural vanilla or products, which was. Well, if not, I am very advised to buy and try. The lack of natural vanilla vanilla only: she is very expensive. Pack with a pod of vanilla weighing 2-4 grams cost 70-100 rubles! As a rule, Vanilla can be found in the middle class supermarkets and above.

Vanillin - This is the main component of Vanilla, which is responsible for the characteristic "vanilla" fragrance. Roughly speaking, it is a concentrated fragrance of the very essence of Vanilla. Of course, it can be obtained from natural vanilla, but he will then cost big money. Therefore, vanillin is usually synthesized in laboratories. And it is called an aromatizer identical to natural vanillin. However, in the selling bags of vanillin is not always marked as "fragrance identical to natural". Sometimes you can read "Ethylvanilin", which is essentially the same.

It is worth noting another feature of Vanillina: this is a very "strong" additive. The recommended dose of vanillina per 1 kilogram of the test is only 1 gram. If you can add it too much, then the baking will appear a specific bitter taste, and the aroma can become frankly intrusive. Well, in creams and desserts that do not bake, the crystalline vanillin is not recommended at all.

There will be much better option vanilla sugar.

Vanilla sugar can be obtained in two ways. First, mix with sugar or sugar powder natural crushed vanilla. Secondly, mixed with sugar artificially obtained vanillin. Vanilla sugar prepared in the second way is more common and costs cheaper. But it is worth buying exactly the first option: with natural vanilla. A bag of such natural vanilla sugar costs 25-40 rubles for 10-15 grams. The most common brands producing such an additive - Dr. Oetker, Kotanyi. At the same time, Dr.Oetker also has a budget option, with vanilla instead of natural vanilla.

Vanilla sugar is distinguished by a relatively low concentration of vanilla, so that it can be used already in noticeably large quantities than vanillin. On the other hand, it finishes pretty quickly. And here we come to another variant - vanilla sugar prepared by yourself.

From the purchase of the podlovka vanilla is quite realistic to make it himself. From one pod Vanilla need to carefully clean the contents, add it to a pair of tablespoons (about 40 grams) of sugar or (better) sugar powder and leave in a closed capacity for a week. If you want more intense concentration, you can take more vanilla or less powder. If less intense - add random powder.

Vanilla sugarThe most common on the shelves of our stores is a fragrant white powder, which consists of crystalline vanillin and sugar sand mixed in certain proportions. The ratio of components is negotiated by GOST and remains unchanged for a long time. In more expensive versions of this additive, a powder obtained from vanilla pods is used. The color of such a product should be white with black splashes.

One of the smallest bag of vanilla sugar, whose weight is four grams, which is equal to one teaspoon without a slide, is enough to aromatize one kilogram of the finished product, although some hostesses prefer to add a double rate to enhance the fragrance. Currently, on the shelves you can see vanilla sugar in various packaging. Packaging are weighing from four grams to a kilogram. The price of a small fragrant additive package is low.

It is the vanilla that the home docket smells. It is impossible to imagine the smell of her or other baking, as well as various sweet dishes without this fragrance.

Vanilla itself is very capricious in cultivation, because plants need special conditions and artificial pollination. That is why cooks were forced to seek the replacement of this fragrant substance. She became a crystalline powder with a desired aroma. This artificial substitute has gained widespread use among the population, especially in home cooking, due to the high cost of natural vanilla.

The product produced by the chemical method is very bitter and strongly concentrated, so it is mixed with sugar sand for convenience..


The use of vanilla sugar is very wide. Most often it is used in cooking as a flavor for various dishes. Amazing and unique taste and aroma with the addition of this product acquire:

  • dairy porridge;
  • quarreling;
  • cocoa and hot chocolate;
  • mousse and other gentle desserts;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • milkshakes;
  • cupcakes;
  • biscuits;
  • corgers and gingerbread
  • baking.

Add this product to the aromatization of glaze, creams and impregnations, which are subsequently covered or deposited by home delicacies.

The best compositions of cookies are considered to be the compound of this fragrant sugar sand with cream: cream creams and sweets are so tasty that it is not possible to break away from confectionery products decorated with them, it is obviously impossible. Even the usual, simple in all respects and preparation cream from a whipped butter with condensed milk, with the addition of packet-other vanilla sugar in it, it turns out impeccable. This home product will be difficult to distinguish from the cream to be glorified by factory cakes.

Mixing the fragrant sugar with cottage cheese, you can get not only with all your favorite cottage cheese with vanilla, but also to prepare a very tasty casserole, cottage cheese cupcake, cheesery, cookies or lazy dumplings. Also, this schuch mass can be wrapped in pancakes or use as a filler for wind pieces, cheesecakes. And you can, without thinking, bake ordinary donuts in deep fryer. The smell, which will give vanilla sugar curd, will still have a long time at your home and hugging all the households a joyful mood.

And meringue, and souffle with gelatin, and buns, and biscuits with the addition of vanilla sugar in them are simply amazing.

And if you mix the dried lemon and orange zest with a fragrant additive, and then add it to the muffin, then not more pleasure to find it.

When to add?

When to add vanilla sugar? This question worries all young culinary culinary.

Most often, this fragrant component is put in the dough along with a baking powder. When adding into milk cysel, the vanilla sugar is mixed with starch, and then, dissolving the mixture in a small amount of boiled milk or water, is poured into the bulk of the product.

When preparing a diversionally, experienced confectioners are recommended to add this component not to the opaire itself, but to the main amount of flour, fearing that the dough can approach the dough too long and to react from this.

In the manufacture of sweet omelets or biscuits, vanilla sugar is mixed with salt, and then with the main amount of sugar. After that, the mass is whipped with proteins.

In order to get a beautiful crust on the baked bake, it is recommended to mix a small amount of sugar and a tablespoon of high fatty butter with yolks, and then flavoring this mass with a pinch of fragrant sugar or vanilla extract. Believe me, baking beauty will surpass all your expectations, and the appetizing smell will be heard even the neighbors!

What can be replaced?

How to replace the finished vanilla sugar? The answer to this question is simple. Vaniline or vanilla extract, or as a last resort, the flavor with the smell of vanilla. The latter, by the way, best manifests itself in liquid compositions, but in baking it does not justify the hopes assigned to him, because it does not withstand high temperatures. But not to risk, it is best to make a vanilla sugar with your own hands.

Cooking vanilla sugar at home

Cooking vanilla sugar at home will not take much of your time, but definitely solve the problem of the lack of it in your kitchen. The composition of the product is very simple. In addition, vanilla sugar thus obtained will be cheaper than the product packaged in industrial conditions. For the preparation of high-quality vanilla sugar at home you need scales, sugar sand and vanillin or vanilla pod. The latter choose sufficient length, because it is long pods that are considered the most fragrant.

So, measure the kilogram of sugar sand and pour it into a deep dry bowl. Add the vanilla pod to it, crushed into a mortar to the powder state. In the case of using the natural component, you can, without thinking, and double the norm: the product will only be more fragrant.

If the natural vanilla is not available to you, you can replace it with crystalline vanilla. Its proportion to the kilogram of sugar is 1:10, that is, 100 grams. As a result, you will receive about 275 doses of fragrant sugar. Do not forget that, like any product capable of dissolving in a liquid, vanilla sugar must be protected from moisture. Keep it in a tightly closing glass jar and always dial with a clean and dry spoon.

What is better: vanilla sugar or vanillin?

What is better: vanilla sugar or vanillin? This question can often be seen on the forums of amateurs confectioners. So, I would like to note that the use of one of the components always eliminates the use of the other. The comparative characteristics of the products are shown in the table below:

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harm of vanilla sugar are fully due to the composition of the product. It is not recommended to use vanilla sugar to people suffering from allergies or the intolerance to sugar. It is not recommended to use products with vanilla sugar and children under the age of three, due to the immaturity of their digestive system. This applies not only to sugar with artificial vanillan, but also to the flavoring, which includes the natural ingredient.

It is necessary to refuse to use in the diet of vanilla sugar and people suffering from low blood pressure, because the product may cause dizziness due to the extension of the vessels.

It was noted that the fragrance of Vanilla favorably affects the nervous system: it soothes and gives strength, being the best antidepressant. And he is able to restore her balance, pacify anger, remove the feeling of anxiety, relieve irritation and relax. In addition, Vanilla is aphrodisiac and antioxidant.

Scientists have proven that the moderate use of t aromatic sugar:

  • improves intestinal motorcycle;
  • prevents obesity, speeding up metabolic processes;
  • neutralizes alcohol in the blood;
  • increases pain threshold;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cells;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus.

But future mothers and lactating women use in food vanilla and its derivatives better limit in order to avoid the development of powerful reactions due to the unstable hormonal background of the body during this period.

To use vanilla sugar in the diet, it is necessary to approach weighted, not exceed the recommended proportions, - and then you can get delicious pastries with a wonderful aroma that will not only give you a gastronomic pleasure, but also be charged with a great mood for the whole day.

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