Fresh currant jam without cooking. Black currants for the winter without cooking - the best recipes for preparations

So delicious and very useful berry, like black currant, is familiar to everyone. It can be used to prepare a wide variety of recipes that are very easy to use. This is an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, but in fresh berries are not stored for too long. Black currant, grated with sugar, prepared for the winter, turns out to be very tasty.

How to make blackcurrant blanks for the winter

Will save everything useful qualities, vitamins and a unique taste of black currant, mashed with added sugar for the winter. This delicacy is adored not only by children, but also by adults, because it is a wonderful dessert. Thanks to correct processing berry saves much more useful properties and trace elements. This is its main advantage over heat treatment, which is used to make jam. For storing currants, a basement on the site, a cold room, is suitable, but a room option for placing cans is also acceptable.

How to prepare canning jars

This is the very first and important stage, because on how well performed this process, the storage duration of the workpiece depends. Before sterilizing containers, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. A bank is taken and carefully examined for chips or cracks, then it is thoroughly washed.
  2. It is very convenient to use containers with screw caps, which must be tried on to the neck. If it does not fit snugly, the workpiece will quickly deteriorate.
  3. When using simple seaming caps, make sure that there is no rust on the inside of them, there is a good rubber gasket.
  4. If a modern detergent will be used to wash the cans, the rinsing process must be very thorough to ensure that the glass is perfectly clean.

If black currants are made, rubbed with sugar for the winter, it may be necessary to sterilize the cans, which is done according to the following scheme:

  • deep saucepan needs to be filled clean water, leave on the stove (the highest possible fire turns on) until it boils;
  • a metal sieve or a special stand, lattice is placed on top;
  • a jar is placed on the sieve (the vessel must be perfectly clean), left for a certain time (10-12 minutes).

The dry method of sterilization can also be used:

  • the oven turns on, the temperature is set to 160 ° С;
  • a clean jar is placed inside and left for 10-11 minutes;
  • a towel is taken so as not to burn yourself, the jar is gently taken out after a specified period of time.

How to rub black currants with sugar

Blackcurrant, mashed with sugar for the winter, is easy and simple to prepare, but it needs a variety of kitchen utensils:

  • blender, crush, meat grinder - these devices will help grind black currant berries, and the resulting puree will become homogeneous;
  • freezer - as a storage place;
  • a saucepan - if you plan to cook jam;
  • fine sieve - you need to grind the berries to remove all the seeds.

What lids to cover currant jam

For the winter, black currant with sugar is most conveniently frozen in special food containers with a sealed lid, so that it will keep longer fresh taste and aroma. Best to roll in glass jars using different variants covers:

  • simple metal - fixed with special machine, so storage of a treat is possible for several years;
  • with screw - this type of lid is suitable for certain cans.

Recipe for black currant, mashed with sugar

If you need to save as many vitamins as possible, you should use following recipe, according to which black currant is prepared, mashed with the addition of sugar for the winter. Depending on the storage location of the treat, the amount of sweet ingredient used will be determined. For example, if it is a cold cellar, you will need about 1.75 kg, and when healthy dessert planned to leave at room temperature, its number is increasing significantly.


  • black currant (ripe berries) - about 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.75-2.2 kg.


  1. First, you need to rinse the berries well, removing the stalks and leaves.
  2. Then put the product on a paper towel, cover it on top to remove excess moisture.
  3. The berries are moved into a plastic or enamel bowl, and on top they must be covered with sugar.
  4. It is important to mix everything thoroughly with a meat grinder or blender. It is best to opt for a wooden crush, because it has been proven that as a result of contact with metal, vitamin C is destroyed.
  5. The grated berries are covered with a clean towel, then left for a couple of days for the sugar to completely dissolve. If you stir the mass periodically, this process will accelerate a little, but fermentation should not be allowed.
  6. Ready composition it is important to pour into dry jars, stepping back about 3-5 cm from the edges.
  7. Pour 2 cm of sugar on top. Containers are closed dry and boiled nylon caps.
  8. Cooked blackcurrants for the winter can be stored in the refrigerator, closet or basement.

To prepare black currants for winter, a method is used in which the product is even more beneficial and healthy than the five-minute jam:

  1. Pre-sorted and prepared berries are poured into a dry and deep container.
  2. A layer of sugar is poured on top.
  3. Using a blender or a pusher, the mixture is crushed until a puree-like composition is obtained.
  4. The finished mass is left to infuse well (60-90 min.).
  5. The settled food is poured into clean plastic food containers with hermetically sealed lids. sweet mix.
  6. Closed containers with wet (not cooked) mass are placed in freezer.
  7. If it is not possible to use such containers, then sweet composition it is recommended to pour it into disposable plastic cups. When the liquid freezes, you need to wrap the workpiece in a layer cling film to prevent getting inside winter cold- otherwise everything is delicious winter dish it just dries up.

Video: how to cook black currants for the winter

This is a selection of the best recipes raw jam without cooking for the winter. Most simple recipes and step-by-step cooking cold jams at home are collected here. Berries preserved in this way are perfect workpiece... Tasty and healthy, it will help preserve all vitamins for the winter. Not sure how to make bilberries, lingonberries, cherries and other berries and fruits in this way? Our recipes for non-cooking jam step by step, but briefly and clearly tell you how to spin them in order to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible. Observe the technology set out in them and you will be provided for the whole winter not only with jam, but with compotes quickly made from it, fillings for pies, desserts and other goodies!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Sea buckthorn rubbed with hawthorn is prepared without boiling. The homemade preparation preserves the vitamins available in two fresh berries ah unchanged. After all, it is known that, in addition to vitamins, sea buckthorn is famous for treating inflammation of the oral cavity, burns, wounds, herpes, while hawthorn tones up the heart muscle and relieves its fatigue.

No berry can compare in usefulness with black currant. Multivolume treatises can be written about its benefits, but it is better to think about how to preserve this benefit for the winter. For many years, the hostesses have been improving their recipes for making stewed fruit, jam, jelly and others. tasty stocks, so that in winter all the most valuable that black currant contains is always at hand.

Like any other berry (red and white currant, cherry and raspberry), black currant loses some of its beneficial properties during heat treatment. Because the most useful ways preparations for the winter invariably remain drying and freezing.


The first and foremost rule for freezing black currants is not to wash the berries. During washing, currant berries collect water, therefore they can deform when frozen. So it is enough to sort out the currants from the spoiled berries and leaves, and put them on a board or tray. Freeze in a freezer at -12–19 ° C for 24 hours. After decompose into plastic containers or packages. Now, on any winter day, you have a fresh and tasty berry.
For drying, it is advisable to pick currants on a dry sunny day, because the berries picked on a rainy day will dry for a long time and have little storage. You can dry currants with brushes, without separating the berries from the stalks. Suitable for drying conventional oven... Line a metal baking sheet so that it does not impart unpleasant bitterness to the berry. Spread the berries on it so that they are not too dense to each other, and dry at a temperature of 50-70 ° C. Leave the oven door ajar.
If you want to save time and you have a microwave in your home, you can dry the berries in it. To do this, the berries are laid out in small portions on a plate between two layers of natural fabric and placed in the microwave for two minutes. If the berry is not cooked during this time, you need to put it again, but it is better to divide the time into intervals of 30 seconds. and each time check the readiness of the berries so as not to dry out. Sufficiently dried currants can be considered when, when squeezed, it does not let the juice that stains the fingers.


The recipe for one of the most useful options blackcurrant blanks for the winter are jam that does not need to be boiled. It is thanks to the lack of heat treatment that all the useful properties of currants will retain in themselves until next summer.

1 kg of currants;
1.5 kg of sugar;
1 orange.
Rinse the currants, sort out and chop in mashed potatoes with a blender or in a meat grinder.
Also chop the orange without peeling.
Stir everything in one bowl, add sugar and leave for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.
When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
ADVICE. Jam without cooking is stored in the refrigerator or cold cellar, otherwise it can quickly deteriorate.


Five minutes is also considered one of those recipes that allow you to save the maximum nutrients due to short heat treatment. And the berries in such jam do not fall apart, as when cooking on classic recipe, but remain intact.

1 kg of currants;
1.5 kg of sugar;
1.5 cups of water.
Five-minute jam cooks very quickly, but turns out to be as delicious as traditional jam
How to cook.

Sort the currant berries, separate from the stalks, rinse with running water, dry on a paper towel.
Pour sugar into water, put on fire and heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
Dip the currants in boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes.
Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and close with lids.


Such jam can be stored for a very long time, has a rich, absolutely non-acidic taste.

1 kg of currants;
1.2 kg of sugar;
1.5-2 tbsp. water.
The berries need to be sorted out, washed, separated from the stalks.
Pour water into a large pot and bring to a boil.
Pour the berries into boiling water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add sugar and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil.
Pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.


The process of making jelly for the winter is more laborious than making jam. AND finished product the output turns out less, however, cook this delicious and fragrant dessert still worth it.

10 tbsp. black currant;
3 tbsp. water;
juice of one lemon;

The jelly will be very tender if the seeds are removed from the berries.
Sort the berries and wash. Place in a large saucepan and grind with a wooden crush.
Pour into berry puree water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
Cover the colander with gauze, set it over the saucepan and transfer the berry mixture there.
Leave until the juice drains. You can speed up this process a little with your hands, but then the juice will lose its transparency.
Add sugar to the juice obtained in this way in a ratio of 2: 2.5 to the resulting juice.
Bring to a boil, switch to low heat.
To check the readiness, you need to drop a tablespoon of jelly on a cold saucer and put it in the refrigerator for two to three minutes. If during this time the jelly begins to "set", then it can be turned off and poured into steamed jars.
Jars should be rolled up with lids and sterilized for 20 minutes in a saucepan of water.


Opening a jar of compote in winter, it is as if you find yourself for a moment in summer. It is simply impossible not to stock up on this miracle for the winter.

1 kg of black currant;
600 g of sugar.
Compote can be prepared only from currants or add other berries
Sort the currants, separate from the stalks, wash, dry.
Pour the currants into the jars for about a quarter of their volume.
Pour boiling water over the berries in jars and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Pour the water back into the saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Pour the syrup into jars and close the lids.
Jars should be placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket. After cooling, put in a cool place for storage.


When all the compotes and jellies are placed on the shelves in the pantry, and the berries are still left, I want to try something new and unusual. Something that can surprise loved ones and guests. The Black Currant Chutney recipe is just what you need. Chutney will become perfect complement dishes from meat or poultry, as well as add zest to toasts and sandwiches.

300 g black currant;
3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
50 ml of water;
1 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar;
1 tsp balsamic vinegar;
1 PC. star anise;
3 pcs. carnations;
0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
0.5 tsp salt;
2 tbsp. l. olive oil.
In preheated olive oil add berries and keep on the stove, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes.
Pour in vinegar, add all the other ingredients and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Add water, boil and cook on low heat for about half an hour until thickened. Stir occasionally.
Fold into sterilized jars, close with lids.


Blackcurrant wine turns out to be incredibly fragrant and rich. Its ruby ​​color and stunning aroma can turn your head even before the first sip. The recipe for this wine will help you brighten up cold winter fragrant breath of summer.

3 kg of black currant;
2 liters of water;
0.5 kg of sugar.
Sort out the currants from spoiled berries, twigs, leaves. Do not wash.
Put the berries in a saucepan and mash with a wooden pestle or in any other way.
Dilute with a liter of water, stir, leave for 4 days. Stir several times during this time.
Strain through a sieve and dilute with another liter of water.
Add sugar and pour over large clean banks... Put on every can rubber glove with a pierced finger.
After one and a half to two months, drain the wine from the sediment, bottle it for storage and put it in a cool dark place.
Blackcurrant blanks for the winter will add a fresh summer berry flavor to your life, because they open up access to a huge number of recipes. These are pies with currant fillings, and cocktails from fresh berries, and all kinds of desserts. And just for tea, you can always open a jar of "five minutes" or fresh jam without cooking. Currant blanks have only one drawback - they are eaten up so quickly that by the middle of winter you think that more should have been closed.

I wish you all great summer mood, joy and everything that you want mentally. Enjoy your summer and excellent health!

Black currant is a miracle berry that does not even have approximate analogues in chemical composition... It is maximally saturated with vitamins of group B, E, D, K, glucose, fructose, organic acids, pectin, tannins. Currants do not lose their useful properties during processing and perfectly tolerate freezing. Such a berry is capable of having a depressing effect on infections and viruses, strengthening the immune system and delivering gastronomic pleasure both raw and as a preservation.
Unfortunately, the fruiting period of currant bushes is rather short. The same applies to the shelf life of the berries themselves. The harvested fruits begin to dry or sour already 4-5 days after harvesting. Fortunately, there is a great opportunity keep tasty and healthy delicacy for a long period. "Live" black currant jam - great alternative freezing. Currant jam cooked without heat treatment, perfectly stored in a city apartment for at least 5-7 months.
Blackcurrant jam for the winter without cooking differs from other types of preservation. With this type of processing, the berries do not lose their fresh taste and aroma. The dense jelly-like consistency allows you to use this delicacy as a separate dessert for tea or important ingredient as part of a more complex dish.

Taste Info Jam and jam


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • White sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make grated blackcurrant jam without boiling

Rinse the currant berries thoroughly, peel off twigs and roots. Next, place them in a deep container and use an immersion blender to grind to a state close to homogeneous. If you do not have a blender, you can grind the currants using a meat grinder.

Add to the currant mass required quantity granulated sugar and beat well again with a blender. Leave the jam for 24 hours "under a towel" until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir the mixture from time to time with a clean spoon.

Rinse glass jars (with a capacity of half a liter) with detergent or baking soda and sterilize for at least 5-7 minutes.

Put the grated currants with sugar in the finished container. Place a 1 cm layer of sugar on top of each jar. Cover the live jam with clean plastic lids.

Currant jam best stored in a cool, dark place (cellar, refrigerator, or cold pantry). The treat can be consumed immediately after preparation or wait until cold. winter period.
If you don't have a place in the refrigerator and there is no cellar either, then you can store such jam at room temperature, in a dark place. In this case, take 2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of currants.

Making "live" blackcurrant jam is a real pleasure. The process is incredibly simple, and the result is truly amazing. With this jam, everyone can enjoy fresh berry flavor and scent for a whole year.

Recipe number 2. Blackcurrant and blueberry jam without cooking

Raw jam is one way to preserve berries and fruits for the winter without losing their benefits. This jam is different from ordinary taste, high content of vitamins and more in a simple way cooking. No need to stand at the stove and watch the foam, no need to transfer to cans, no need to roll up the lids. However, you only have to store it in the refrigerator. But you can get it at any time, even for New Year and taste summer again. Uncooked black currant jam with blueberries is especially useful if you have children in your family. As you know, black currant contains a lot of vitamin C. So, it is an excellent remedy for colds and acute respiratory infections. Well, the benefits of blueberries are generally difficult to overestimate. But its most important quality is the protection of our eyes. No wonder ophthalmologists always advise to eat blueberries in case of vision problems. Of course, there are many eye vitamins in pharmacies that contain blueberry extract, but they are expensive. This jam will cost you several times less.

So, for its preparation you need to take:

  • 500 g black currant,
  • 500 g blueberries
  • 1 lemon
  • 900 g sugar.

Recipe healthy jam with blueberries and black currants

Pour the berries cold water, wait a couple of minutes, collect all the leaves and twigs that float to the surface. Drain the water, stir the berries and repeat the procedure again until you get rid of all the debris. Then place the berries in a blender bowl.

Whisk thoroughly, add sugar. Alternative way chopping berries is grinding them through a meat grinder.

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Stir. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice out of it, being careful not to get seeds in the jam. Lemon juice serves as a natural preservative in the recipe. Together with sugar, it will prevent the jam from spoiling and will extend its shelf life.

Stir again and transfer to suitable jars. You do not need to sterilize them, wash them well enough. Close tightly with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator, you can in the cellar. Reach out as needed and help yourself.

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