Beetroot jam recipe. Beetroot jam - recipes for an unusual delicacy

Beetroot is not only an indispensable ingredient for borscht and vinaigrette, but also one of the most healthy root vegetables(it is rich in various vitamins, proteins, organic acids, mineral salts, etc.). Therefore, beet dishes are popular not only in the summer-autumn period, but also in winter (as a variety different blanks). What can you prepare from beets for the winter? For example, a root vegetable can be pickled, dried, made into jam, made into lecho or adjika, and much more.

Beetroot can be cooked different ways. Here are some of them.

  1. Boil a few beets (small in size) for an hour (preferably in the evening).
  2. Drain the hot water and add cold water, leave to cool (overnight).
  3. In the morning, peel the beets and chop them finely (as for a vinaigrette).
  4. Then fill it glass jars volume 720 ml.
  5. Pour marinade on top.
  6. Add a little vinegar essence(half 1 tsp).
  7. Tighten the jars.

The marinade is prepared as follows:

  • Mix water (1 l), large table salt and sugar (half 1 tbsp each).
  • Add spices: allspice, cloves and peppercorns (2 pieces each).
  • Boil the resulting mixture.

Cooking method:

To prepare the dish you will need:

Cooking method:

In Ossetian

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil beets (1 kg) for 30 minutes.
  2. Peel and chop horseradish root (2 tbsp.) on a fine grater.
  3. Cool the beets and cut into strips.
  4. IN sterile jars add chopped vegetables.
  5. Mix 4 glasses of water with vinegar (2 tbsp), salt (2 tbsp) and sugar (about 100 g), boil.
  6. Cool the filling slightly and fill the jars with vegetable mixture with it.
  7. Roll up the jars and leave them upside down to cool.

How many different beet preparations do you make?

Less than 3 typesMore than 3 types


Cooking method:

  1. Boil beets (3 pieces), cool and grate.
  2. Peel and cut onions (2 pcs.) into rings, then place them on a greased vegetable oil frying pan, lightly fry and add garlic passed through a press (1-2 cloves). Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add chopped beets and fry until soft.
  4. At the end of simmering, mix with tomato paste(70 g), a pinch of salt and sugar (1 tsp).
  5. Add 9% to a chilled dish table vinegar(1 tsp).
  6. Roll into jars.


Beets for pickling are prepared both whole and in crushed form.

To prepare you will need:


To prepare pickled beets in cubes, it is recommended to use the same ingredients as in the first case (whole). However, you can choose larger root vegetables, since they will still need to be chopped and they will fit perfectly in a jar of any capacity. The cooking method is the same. The only difference: the vegetables need to be chopped after cooking.

With vinegar

You can pickle beets with vinegar as in whole, and crushed. In general, the cooking method does not differ from the first recipe (entirely). Only 9% table vinegar is used as a marinade.

So, to prepare the marinade, you will need to mix 200 ml of vinegar with salt (1 tsp) and sugar (2 tsp), then bring to a boil. It is recommended to fill containers with beets with boiling marinade, cool and roll up for the winter.

other methods

In addition to pickling, adjika, lecho, etc., beets can be prepared for the winter in other ways, for example, by drying, making juice or jam.


For drying, it is recommended to use beets with dark purple pulp (without rings).

The drying process (including preparation) is as follows:

  1. Wash root vegetables in warm water.
  2. Place in a deep container, pour cold water and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Change the water in the container and boil for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Place in again cold water for 20 minutes.
  5. Peel the cooled root vegetables and cut into strips or cubes.
  6. Place the chopped vegetable in a sieve or on a baking sheet.
  7. You can dry beets in an electric dryer (for 8-9 hours on average), in the oven (for 5-6 hours at a temperature above 80 degrees) and in outdoors, under straight lines sun rays(over 4-6 days).

In addition to root vegetables, the leaves of the plant are also used for drying. The preparation method consists of the following steps:

Beetroot juice for the winter

Cooking method:

  1. Wash beets (1 kg), peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Pass the chopped root vegetable through a meat grinder or squeeze out the juice using a juicer.
  3. Add sugar (200 g or more) and simmer over low heat (until the sugar is completely dissolved).
  4. Spill hot drink into pre-prepared sterile jars and roll up with iron lids.


What to do with small beets for the winter

Small beets can be used most different ways, For example:

  • For beet juice, jam or syrup.
  • For pickling (beets up to 3-5 cm in size do not need to be chopped).
  • For marinades (in whole form).
  • For drying etc.

Video recipe for beetroot jam

Another interesting recipe for you!

Thus, beets can be used to prepare many delicious and healthy treats for the winter. From a huge list of canned food, everyone can choose what they like best. However, you can experiment with recipes, for example, beet salad With walnuts add plums, and oranges or other fruits to the jam. This will dilute the dishes familiar from childhood with a new palette of tastes and aromas and make the winter meal bright and cozy.

Economical and unusual dish, which will pleasantly diversify your menu - beetroot jam. It may not become a hit in the collection of preserves, but it will be a worthy competitor to traditional canned berries. And in those years when the harvest of berries is not encouraging, it will help out those with a sweet tooth.

Beetroot jam is great as an addition to baked goods and cottage cheese dishes. By introducing various spices and aromatic ingredients, it is easy to change the flavor notes of the finished dish.

“Cozy Kitchen” offers you to try several options from which you will choose the one you like.

Beetroot jam with lemon

This is the simplest option, requiring minimum costs. A multicooker can be used for cooking; the device will greatly simplify the cooking process.


  • beets boiled until half cooked – 1 kg;
  • lemon with zest – 1 pc.;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar.


  • Peel and chop the boiled (or baked in the oven) beets using a mixer, meat grinder or blender.
  • Thoroughly washed lemon, freed from seeds, rub on fine grater or chop, like vegetables, using technology.
  • Mix lemon, beets, sugar and cook over low heat for about an hour.

If you cook on a regular stove, do not go far and stir the mixture periodically. If you are preparing beet jam in a slow cooker, the appropriate program will free you from this mission.

Place the finished jam while hot into 0.5-1 liter jars and seal tightly. You can cool it at room temperature, without wrapping.

Beetroot jam with oranges

This jam is as exotic as carrot jam. Those who try it for the first time rarely guess what became the basis of the dish.


  • 1 kg beets;
  • 3 sweet oranges, seedless;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.


  • Thoroughly washed and cleaned raw beets and grind the washed oranges together with the peel into a homogeneous mass using a food processor, meat grinder or blender. The more uniform the consistency, the better.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into the resulting slurry, add sugar, vanillin and cinnamon (to taste), mix thoroughly.
  • Place the container with the mixture on low heat and cook, stirring, for about 2 hours.

It is convenient to spread the finished beet jam into small jars(up to 0.5 l) or even plastic buckets in which they sell honey and Korean salads.

Beetroot jam with lemon and wine

Let us immediately emphasize that alcohol in finished product It is not felt at all, it will not intoxicate and will not require a ban for children. But the wine will give spicy shade taste, especially warm and pleasant.


  • 1 kg beets;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 100 ml “Cahors” or other red wine;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.


  • The washed beets are boiled in water with the addition of citric acid (to preserve color) until half cooked.
  • Cool the cooked vegetables, peel and chop them in any convenient way.
  • Add sugar and wine to the chopped beets, put on low heat and cook for about 1.5 hours.
  • Add lemon juice and finely grated zest to the almost finished beetroot jam. Stir and cook for about 15 minutes.

Depending on your taste, you can add it to the jam at the end of cooking. vanilla sugar. The aroma of vanilla always adds attractiveness to sweets and stimulates the appetite.

To make beet jam truly tasty, choose root vegetables with a sweet taste, juicy and bright. On cold winter days it will delight you with its rich color, its unusualness and will be an excellent reminder of the sunny summer.

Try other beet preparations too - and the marinade will become great addition for winter snacks.

Beetroot jam is a delicacy for everyone, but there are more and more such lovers every year, and more and more housewives are making beetroot jam for the winter. The recipe is no more complicated berry jams, all processes and components are very similar. The only thing is that citrus fruits - lemon or orange - are often used to create beet jam.

To make beetroot jam you will need:

  • beets – 450 g
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • sugar – 130 g
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g

Beetroot jam - recipe:

Prepare the main component of the dish - beets. It should be thoroughly washed from dirt, the long tails should be cut off and boiled in a deep container of water. You need to add a little vinegar to the water to preserve bright color beets. Cook for about an hour, but it may take longer, it all depends on the size and type of beets.

Cool the boiled beets completely so as not to burn your fingers when peeling. Then use a knife to remove upper layer, grind the beets in the bowl of a powerful blender.

IN beet puree grate a small amount of lemon zest, add vanilla sugar; in this recipe it can also be replaced with vanilla, but only in smaller quantities.

Add a measured portion of granulated sugar, squeeze the juice from a whole lemon, mix well.

Transfer the beet mixture into a saucepan placed on the stove. After the active boiling stage, reduce the heat to low and cook the beetroot jam for about 5 minutes. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon, separating the thickening mixture from the walls.

If you are going to make beet jam for the winter and store for a long time, then the jars must be properly sterilized so that bacteria do not spoil the workpiece. Pack the hot beetroot jam into jars and screw on the lids.

For long storage It is worth pasteurizing the jars with the contents. If you plan to use the jam for a short time, then there is no need for this.

That's all! The original beetroot jam is ready!

Jam can be made from almost any vegetable, fruit or berry, if you have the desire and sufficient quantity Sahara. But really useful and delicious jam not obtained from every product.

Beetroot is a vegetable that has a number of useful properties, which is why it is so often used in all kinds of folk remedies. Moreover, not only root vegetables are useful, but also beet leaves. The tops are mainly used for medicinal purposes; they are dried and made into decoctions. But from root vegetables you can make excellent jam, which is not only tasty, but also healthy. Today, there are several variations on how to make beetroot jam, each of which has a unique taste and many beneficial properties.

The easiest recipe for beetroot jam with lemon

The proportion of beets to sugar can be changed. Focus on your taste; if you like sweeter jam, then you should add more sugar. Lemon adds a pleasant sourness to the jam; in addition, this component will help extend the shelf life of the delicacy.

  1. The beets must be boiled until half cooked. If you don’t have time for long cooking, you can cook the beets in the microwave. You need to put the vegetable in plastic bag, tie tightly. Then put the beets in the bag in the microfiber and turn on the normal heating mode for 3 minutes. After the appointed time, you will have ready-made beets. This should be done as a last resort, because such preparation of vegetables leads to significant loss useful substances in the product.
  2. The finished beets need to be grated, chopped using a blender or minced in a meat grinder. The lemon needs to be peeled and chopped, just like the beets.
  3. Then you need to mix the beets, sugar and lemon in one container. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Do not forget to stir the jam all the time to prevent burning.
  4. After cooking, the jam must be cooled and packaged in jars. It is better to store such a delicacy in the cellar or refrigerator.

Beetroot jam with wine

  1. As in the first recipe, the beets should first be boiled or cooked in the microwave. Then it should be crushed in a way convenient for you - with a blender, in a meat grinder, or simply grated.
  2. Add sugar and red wine to the beets, mix thoroughly. Cook for about 90 minutes over medium heat. Don't forget to stir the jam from time to time.
  3. Clean and chop the lemon. Add it to ready-made jam, let it simmer for 15 minutes. Then remove from the stove and cool, pack into jars.

Beetroot jam with oranges

  1. Boil the beets until half cooked and chop them.
  2. We peel the oranges, remove the seeds and chop them in a way convenient for you. You don't have to peel the oranges if you don't mind zest in the finished product.
  3. Mix beets, oranges and sugar in one container and let sit for a while.
  4. Cook for about 1 hour over low heat. 10 minutes before readiness, add lemon juice to the boiling jam.
  5. Cool the jam and pack it into jars.

Beetroot jam: benefits and harms

Beneficial properties of beets:

  • the composition of beets is extremely rich: it contains vitamins B, B1, C, E, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus, organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic; and also contains a large percentage of fiber, which helps digestion;
  • beets are a natural source of folic acid, which is essential for pregnant women;
  • helps with constipation in adults and children.

The chemical composition of beets, which is the main component of jam, can cause exacerbation of certain diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease: oxalic acid the composition of beets can cause kidney stones;
  • chronic diarrhea and stomach upsets: beets have a pronounced laxative effect;
  • osteoporosis: beets interfere with calcium absorption.

Beetroot jam: recipes

Simple recipes for preparing tasty and delicious food at home healthy jam from beets with the addition of oranges, lemons and red wine.

Beetroot jam

You will no longer surprise anyone with jam, jam or marmalade made from vegetables, for example, one of the most popular types vegetable jam is beet jam. It has beautiful color, natural sweetness (very important for people suffering from high blood sugar) and extraordinary benefits.

Jam recipe from sugar beets has undergone changes. Thanks to an attempt to bring it to perfection, many housewives changed the composition and method of preparation over the years, however, a series of changes only benefited it, now it can be prepared to your taste, combined with oranges and lemons, or in its “pure” form with spices and even wine .

Jam “Drunken beets with lemon.” Ingredients:

Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg (if the beets are sweet, you can make jam without sugar);

Citric acid (lemon) – 0.5 tsp;

Sweet red wine - 0.5 cups (it is best to use Cahors).

Peel the beets, wash them, cook in boiling water with lemon (this cooking method will help preserve beautiful color beets, so to speak, will prevent “washing out” of the color). Next, the beets can be grated on a fine grater, minced in a meat grinder, chopped in a blender, or cut into small cubes. Add to the resulting beet mass granulated sugar and wine, bring to a boil, cook for 1.30 hours, then add the juice of two lemons and the finely grated zest of the same lemons, cook for another 15-20 minutes, then pack into sterilized jars and roll up. Jam The taste is somewhat reminiscent of blackcurrant; if desired, you can add vanilla sugar to it, which will make the taste unusual and unique.

The following simple jam recipe will produce a product that can be used both as a dessert and as an additive to meat.

Brown sugar – 200-250 gr. (the amount depends on the sweetness of the beets);

Black peppercorns, cloves, salt - 1 tsp each;

Peel and wash the beets. It is possible as in previous recipe Boil the beets (but again with the addition of citric acid), you can bake them in the oven in foil for one hour, then cut the beets into strips, put them in dry sterilized jars, pour in hot marinade, and roll up.

Marinade: add granulated sugar, cloves, pepper and salt to boiling water and bring to a boil.

Beetroot jam

You will no longer surprise anyone with jam, jam or marmalade made from vegetables; for example, one of the most popular types of vegetable jam is beet jam. It has a beautiful color, natural

About the elixir of immortality, beet jam and other magic

Today, in continuation of the conversation about alkalization of the body, I want to offer a recipe for delicious beet jam and again remind you that healthy things can - and should :) be tasty!

One day my sister told me a wonderful fairy tale-parable by Max Frei about an alchemist’s student who dreamed of inventing an elixir of immortality and certainly making all of humanity happy: once, during a walk, the young man helped an unknown old woman cross a stormy river. The old woman turned out to be an omnipotent deity and, according to the laws of the genre, invited the young man to immediately fulfill any of his wishes.

Without thinking twice, the young man asked for a recipe for the elixir of immortality and happiness. The deity was forced to agree, saying: “Go home, get to work and remember that any composition that you prepare will be the elixir you are looking for.”

The young man could not believe that everything was so simple, that no formulas or special spells were needed. He worked all night, prepared his elixir, and the next day he was killed.

The fact is that he was an alchemist's student. His life experience testified that without sweat rattlesnake, tears of kikimora and crushed spiders cannot prepare any useful potion. Therefore, all night long he threw into the cauldron the worst trash that could be found in the teacher’s storerooms, absolutely confident that the more terrible the composition, the more effective the elixir would be.

The deity kept his word - the resulting brew was indeed an elixir of immortality and happiness, but it looked disgusting, and it stank so much that the residents of all the nearby villages abandoned their farming and locked themselves in the cellars. The people to whom the young man offered his magic elixir fled from him like the plague, without even listening to any explanations. If he continued to insist, he was beaten. And when he tried to force the elixir of immortality into one drunken knight, he hacked him to death. oops.

The saddest thing in this story is that the poor young man did not even think about what he could mix, for example, morning dew, fresh Bee Honey and petals of mountain edelweiss. Or just cook delicious compote from the first berries you come across.

On my own behalf, I would add that in this sense, people really have everything arranged incorrectly. Elixirs of immortality always turn out to be bitter and smelly, and your sweet compotes provide only oral pleasure, and no salvation for the soul.

We, the inhabitants of Iota and Lambda Virgo, are extremely indignant at this circumstance and will probably complain somewhere.

Max Fry, The Tale of the Magic Elixir, 2004

In general, in order not to upset either myself or the mythical “residents of Iota and Lambda,” I suggest you think about the fact that there is no reason to prepare useful but nauseating potions for treatment and prevention. Recipes for live cuisine allow you to make not only effective, but also tasty medicines from the simplest products!

Beetroot jam

The composition of the ingredients makes this beet jam a real elixir. If not immortality, then happiness for sure! 🙂 Tasty, aromatic, warming, with a beautiful rich color and a huge number of useful properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anthelmintic, cleansing, hematopoietic, rejuvenating. And, of course, it is also ideal as a detox product!

Raw beets – 1 pc. medium size

Black currant berries – 300 g (fresh or frozen)

Fresh zest from 1 orange

Fresh ginger root - 2 x 2 cm cube.

Honey – 4-5 tbsp. or to taste

1. Peel the beets, grate them, and place them in a deep bowl. Add black currants, zest and grated ginger on a very fine grater.

It is better to grate the ginger over a bowl so as not to lose the juice. And the grater should be as fine as possible so that there are no fibers in the finished jam.

2.Using the “foot” of an immersion blender, beat the contents of the bowl to a homogeneous consistency, add honey and blend again with a blender.

3.Pour the jam into a jar with a tightly sealed lid and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. The jam keeps well for at least 2 or 3 weeks. And since you can use frozen berries, this elixir can be prepared all year round.

It’s very tasty to drink herbal tea with this jam – as a bite:

Or make a fruit drink:

If you want, you can make biscuits based on it:

To do this, you just need to add ready-made jam to the buckwheat sprouts (in the proportion of, say, 3-4 tablespoons of jam per ½ tablespoon of sprouts or to taste), stir until smooth, pour the mixture onto dehydrator sheets and dry until crisp.

You will get funny thin dry multi-colored cookies - white on the bottom, raspberry on the top. Just right for tea with beetroot jam :)

And today I wanted to talk about one absolutely magical event that recently happened. Those of you who read my blog already know that my sister makes all sorts of amazing things and incredibly beautiful dolls. So, this time, with her help, Tomoe, the Demon Fox, guardian spirit and assistant to the God of the Earth, appeared in our reality. I don't know how she does it. but it is definitely magic!

P.S. I want to wish us all energy of joy and creative inspiration! Let life be interesting, exciting and definitely delicious!

By the way, here are some more wonderful and simple ideas Making seasonal honey elixirs for a tasty change:

About the elixir of immortality, beet jam and other magic

The composition of the ingredients makes this beet jam a real elixir, if not of immortality, then of happiness - for sure!

Beetroot jam - recipes for an unusual delicacy

An economical and unusual dish that will pleasantly diversify your menu is beetroot jam. It may not become a hit in the collection of preserves, but it will be a worthy competitor to traditional canned berries. And in those years when the harvest of berries is not encouraging, it will help out those with a sweet tooth.

Beetroot jam is great as an addition to baked goods and cottage cheese dishes. By introducing various spices and aromatic ingredients, it is easy to change the flavor notes of the finished dish.

“Cozy Kitchen” offers you to try several options from which you will choose the one you like.

Beetroot jam with lemon

This is the simplest option that requires minimal costs. A multicooker can be used for cooking; the device will greatly simplify the cooking process.

  • beets boiled until half cooked – 1 kg;
  • lemon with zest – 1 pc.;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar.
  • Peel and chop the boiled (or baked in the oven) beets using a mixer, meat grinder or blender.
  • Thoroughly washed lemon, freed from seeds, grate it on a fine grater or chop it, like vegetables, using a technique.
  • Mix lemon, beets, sugar and cook over low heat for about an hour.

If you cook on a regular stove, do not go far and stir the mixture periodically. If you are preparing beet jam in a slow cooker, the appropriate program will free you from this mission.

Place the finished jam while hot into 0.5-1 liter jars and seal tightly. You can cool at room temperature, without wrapping.

Beetroot jam with oranges

This jam is as exotic as carrot jam. Those who try it for the first time rarely guess what became the basis of the dish.

  • 1 kg beets;
  • 3 sweet oranges, seedless;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.
  • Grind thoroughly washed and peeled raw beets and washed oranges along with their peel into a homogeneous mass using a food processor, meat grinder or blender. The more uniform the consistency, the better.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into the resulting slurry, add sugar, vanillin and cinnamon (to taste), mix thoroughly.
  • Place the container with the mixture on low heat and cook, stirring, for about 2 hours.

It is convenient to put the finished beet jam into small jars (up to 0.5 liters) or even plastic buckets, the kind they sell honey and Korean salads in.

Beetroot jam with lemon and wine

Let us immediately emphasize that the alcohol in the finished product is not felt at all, it will not intoxicate and will not require a ban for children. But the wine will add a piquant flavor to the taste, especially warm and pleasant.

  • 1 kg beets;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 100 ml “Cahors” or other red wine;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.
  • The washed beets are boiled in water with the addition of citric acid (to preserve color) until half cooked.
  • Cool the cooked vegetables, peel and chop them in any convenient way.
  • Add sugar and wine to the chopped beets, put on low heat and cook for about 1.5 hours.
  • Add lemon juice and finely grated zest to the almost finished beetroot jam. Stir and cook for about 15 minutes.

Depending on your taste, you can add vanilla sugar to the jam at the end of cooking. The aroma of vanilla always adds attractiveness to sweets and stimulates the appetite.

To make beet jam truly tasty, choose root vegetables with a sweet taste, juicy and bright. On cold winter days it will delight you with its rich color, its unusualness and will be an excellent reminder of the sunny summer.

Try also other beet preparations - beet caviar and marinade will be an excellent addition to winter snacks.

Beetroot jam

Beetroot jam will change your attitude towards such a familiar vegetable. It will be a worthy addition to sweet preparations for the winter, competing with traditional berry jams.

You will no longer surprise anyone with jam, jam or marmalade made from vegetables; for example, one of the most popular is. It has a beautiful color, natural sweetness (very important for people suffering from high blood sugar) and extraordinary benefits.

Jam recipe from sugar beets has undergone changes. Thanks to an attempt to bring it to perfection, many housewives changed the composition and method of preparation over the years, however, a series of changes only benefited it, now it can be prepared to your taste, combined with oranges and lemons, or in its “pure” form with spices and even wine .

Jam “Drunken beets with lemon.” Ingredients:

Beetroot - 1 kg;

Granulated sugar - 0.5 kg (if the beets are sweet, you can cook them);

Lemon - 2 pcs.;

Citric acid (lemon) - 0.5 tsp;

Sweet red wine - 0.5 cups (it is best to use Cahors).

Cooking method:

Peel the beets, wash them, cook in boiling water with lemon (this method of cooking will help preserve the beautiful color of the beets, so to speak, will prevent the color from “washing out”). Next, the beets can be grated on a fine grater, minced in a meat grinder, chopped in a blender, or cut into small cubes. Add granulated sugar and wine to the resulting beet mass, bring to a boil, cook for 1.30 hours, then add the juice of two lemons and the finely grated zest of the same lemons, cook for another 15-20 minutes, then package in sterilized jars and roll up . Jam The taste is somewhat reminiscent of blackcurrant; if desired, you can add vanilla sugar to it, which will make the taste unusual and unique.

The next one will allow you to get a product that can be used both as a dessert and as an additive to meat.


Beetroot - 1.5-1.6 kg;

Apple cider vinegar - 400 ml;

Purified water - 400 ml;

Brown sugar - 200-250 gr. (the amount depends on the sweetness of the beets);

Black peppercorns, cloves, salt - 1 tsp each;

Cooking method:

Peel and wash the beets. You can boil the beets as in the previous recipe (but again with the addition of citric acid), you can bake them in the oven in foil for one hour, then cut the beets into strips, put them in dry sterilized jars, pour in hot marinade, and roll up.

Marinade: add granulated sugar, cloves, pepper and salt to boiling water and bring to a boil.

Bon appetit!

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